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North South Highway in NAgorno-Karabakh: A Landmark Project

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  • North South Highway in NAgorno-Karabakh: A Landmark Project

    Armenia Fund USA, Inc.
    152 Madison Ave, S-803
    New York, NY 10016, U.S.A.
    E-mail: [email protected]

    North-South Highway in Nagorno-Karabakh: A Landmark Project
    That Stands for Economic Development

    ~A five-year major infrastructure project that links 150 cities and towns in
    the region ~

    NEW YORK, New York - It is almost impossible to talk about economic
    development, moreover, about sustainability, if there is no reliable
    infrastructure to support that development. This was the logic behind
    the thinking of the initiators of All-Armenian Fund's five-year
    multimillion-dollar infrastructure project - North South Highway-
    a $25 million road that extends about 100 miles connecting over 150
    towns and villages throughout Nagorno-Karabakh. Today the road is
    vital to improving not only general accessibility to the region,
    but also making economic revitalization possible.

    Over the last several years Armenia Fund USA has challenged its donors
    and supporters to contribute to the $25 million needed to complete the
    construction of the North-South Highway. Several Telethons - major
    fundraising events traditionally aired by Western region affiliate
    of the Fund and through the participation of all Armenian Diaspora,
    have been devoted to the construction of this highway.

    >>From Drmbon to Mardakert, from Hadrout to Tsakouri, from Kichan to
    Stepanakert - the highway winds its way through the towns and villages
    of an economically vulnerable and challenged region. Since the last
    update on the construction works of the highway in 2005, only 16 miles
    (out of the 84 miles already built/under construction) remained to be
    constructed. The process involves place-to-place explosions to build
    the road, cleaning- and earthworks, asphalting, as well as installing
    traffic signs in accordance to international standards.

    The construction of 8,7-kilometer Stepanakert-Karmir Shuka section
    of the road started in January of 2005 and is due to be completed
    in October of 2006. This was the heaviest part of the remaining
    construction works.

    Another section of the road under construction is Drmbon-Stepanakert,
    a 11,6- kilometer highway that links surrounding villages and towns
    to the capital of Stepanakert. A completed section of the highway
    includes the 5,2-kilometer Kichan-Drmbon road.

    Approximately 6,5 kilometers of road remains to be constructed before
    the North-South Highway is complete.

    Today anyone traveling to Karabakh from Armenia or elsewhere can not
    help but value the new level of activity and easiness of movement
    of people and goods in the region. Previously war-damaged narrow
    roads that were not accessible by vehicles are now replaced
    by a state-of-the-art highway that meets the international
    standards. Building on its worthwhile pledge of providing long-term
    sustainability and development through all of the projects sponsored
    for the last fifteen years, Armenia Fund USA with its international
    affiliates is currently focusing on the regional development
    of Nagorno-Karabakh, with the Fund particularly focusing on the
    development of the agricultural sector of Karabakh's economy. Some
    new initiatives of providing access roads as part of the rural
    development plan will also contribute to the 6,5 kilometers remained
    for North-South Highway to complete. Among many other efforts to
    support the region, the provision of proper road infrastructure is what
    Karabakh's economy is likely to rely on for years to come. North-South
    Highway is a landmark project that embodies the united efforts of
    all Armenians around the globe.

    ABOUT ARMENIA FUND USA: ARMENIA FUND USA, founded in 1992, was one of
    the first of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund's 18 international affiliates
    and serves constituents in all states east of the Mississippi. As
    a non-profit, non-governmental, nonsectarian organization, the Fund
    represents all Armenian constituents.

    Armenia Fund USA is the largest contributor among the 18 international
    affiliates - supporting strategic infrastructure projects in Armenia
    and Karabakh, and having helped build 138 miles of roads, 100 miles
    of waterways, 36 schools, 3 electric transmission networks, 210
    residential buildings and 15 healthcare institutions.

    Armenia Fund USA's Mission is the development of strategic
    socio-economic infrastructure in Armenia and Karabakh, focusing
    on major projects such as major highways, schools, drinking water
    to communities and humanitarian programs in education, training and
    medical facilities. The Fund has adopted a policy to go "Beyond Bricks
    and Mortar" to provide sustainability for projects it sponsors.