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New Situation Before 2007

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  • New Situation Before 2007

    23 June 06

    Surprisingly, the opposition does not criticize the changes to the
    Electoral Code and even signed to it, said Member of Parliament
    Shavarsh Kocharyan on June 23, who met with news reporters at the
    Pastark Club. According to the member of parliament, this behavior of
    the opposition is caused by its paralyzed state which is the cause of
    their wrong approach towards the constitutional referendum. "I think it
    is determined by a stage, which has not been overcome yet. It is the
    paralyzed state that results from wrong behavior, wrong approaches,
    the constitutional referendum," says Shavarsh Kocharyan. According
    to him, the opposition was surprisingly against the constitutional
    reform, which was definitely in their interests, but agreed to the
    draft Electoral Code, which is against its interests. "In other words,
    they go to extremes," says Shavarsh Kocharyan. But he is hopeful
    that this state of the opposition will not last long, at least it
    will not last untill 2007. "A quite new situation has occurred in
    Armenia," thinks Shavarsh Kocharyan, believing that all the forces
    will sooner of later realize the new situation. Shavarsh Kocharyan
    thinks that the government realized the new situation the first, hence
    the political shake-up inside the government. And the opposition,
    according to Shavarsh Kocharyan, both is there and is not there. He
    evaluates the state of Ardarutiun Alliance similarly. By the way,
    it is interesting that Shavarsh Kocharyan is in the same alliance. It
    is true that inside the alliance Shavarsh Kocharyan is not considered
    opposition any longer, but Kocharyan thinks, nevertheless, that he
    and his party are opposition. The opposition is the political force
    which gives a more real evaluation of the situation, has a more clear
    vision of solutions, says Shavarsh Kocharyan, adding that he does not
    think they become opposition by declaring the time of the revolution.
    Nevertheless, the leader of the National Democratic Party is guided
    by the principle "every cloud has a silver lining." Shavarsh Kocharyan
    thinks that the present state of the opposition will help realize and
    fulfill the necessity of ideological alliances in the opposition. And
    since there is not such a perception yet, Shavarsh Kocharyan is likely
    to run in the election alone.