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Organization for Islamic Conference has supported Baku: Azeri press

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  • Organization for Islamic Conference has supported Baku: Azeri press

    Organization for Islamic Conference has supported Baku: Azeri press digest

    Regnum, Russia
    June 23 2006

    The 33rd meeting of the FM Council of the Organization of the Islamic
    Conference (OIC) set off in Baku on June 19. The meeting was opened
    by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. He noted that Azerbaijan is
    actively involved in global and regional processes: "We are concerned
    for the processes taking place in the world. Azerbaijan cannot but
    worry to see some western media and political circles compare Islam
    with terror. We can't allow this. Islam is a religion of prosperity
    and peace. One can't call it a religion of terror. Azerbaijan is
    itself a victim of terror. Armenians alone have committed over 30
    terrorist acts in Azerbaijan, with over 2,000 Azeris killed as a
    result." Aliyev expressed regret that although the UN has passed
    resolutions on Nagorny Karabakh, there is still no mechanism of their
    implementation. He said that Azerbaijan has never agreed to the
    violation of its territorial integrity as "Nagorny Karabakh is
    historical territory of Azerbaijan." (Azeri Press)

    Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev met with Azerbajani
    President Ilham Aliyev in Almaty on June 16. Trend news agency
    reports the presidents to discuss developing bilateral cooperation in
    the oil and gas sector and to sign an agreement "On Supporting the
    Oil Transportation from the Republic of Kazakhstan via the Caspian
    Sea and the Territory of the Azerbaijani Republic to International
    Markets By Means of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan System." The presidents
    noted that this agreement is very important. "It gives us a third
    alternative route for transporting our oil. Until 2030 we will build
    all necessary terminals and will increase the capacities of the
    pipeline for transferring our oil," Nazarbayev said during a

    Zerkalo notes: "We can understand the prudence of the Kazakh
    authorities who 'sort of jumped into the departing train at the last
    moment.' They clearly said they want to join BTC as early as 1999,
    but they later preferred not to tease 'the Russian bear' until the
    BTC project was finished and the Kashagan project launched. Now that
    BTC is launched the Russian authorities may have problems with
    filling the Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline. The advantage of BTC is that
    there is no need for ships to cross Bosporus and Dardanelles from the
    Black to the Mediterranean seas. The point is that for fear of
    ecological disaster in its territorial waters, especially in
    Bosporus, Turkey is constantly toughening navigation restrictions in
    the straits. By the way, Kazakhstan's official participation in BTC
    will stimulate the development of the regional transport
    infrastructure. In any case, the July official festivities in Turkey
    (to be attended by the presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey,
    Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, and Bulgaria) will make everything clear.

    Russia will be a stranger 'at this feast of life...'

    Round Iran
    'Azerbaijan is facing the danger of civil war caused by religious
    contradictions,' Zerkalo daily says in its report from Lerik region,
    near Iran:

    "Our correspondent has personally witnessed "Iran's successful
    propaganda war" in the southern regions of our country, and it seems
    Tehran is taking the lead again. Some Lerik residents openly say that
    they regard Iran as their Homeland and, of course, they know who
    Iran's enemies are - whoever is against it, "Zionists and servants of
    Shaitan." Some people in Lerik tried to prove to us that Allah wants
    Muslims to war against infidels and that over 100 ayats of the Koran
    order them to fight for Allah."

    "Let's note from the very beginning that the point here is not that
    faithful Muslims in Lerik are beginning to adhere to the principles
    of Islam. Obviously, the point is that, covered with religion,
    certain circles are beginning some political game."

    "We are not afraid of the US. We are waiting for the Americans to
    attack the holy land of Iran, and then we will rise against the
    infidels. We can't wait to see our spiritual leader Seyed Ali
    Khamenei or some other Mujtahid declare the start of Jihad. The
    moment this happens, we, as true Muslims, will stand up to protect
    our religion from Zionists," the father of two children has told our

    "In one word, they in Lerik tried to convince us that the protection
    of Muslims is not politics. However, the selfsame people who say they
    are ready to die for Iran's territorial integrity said no single word
    about Karabakh: none of them said that Karabakh is our occupied land
    and it is our duty before Allah and our Fatherland to liberate it.

    That is, for them the possible occupation of Iran by the US is more
    important than the liberation of Karabakh. 'Islam is the only thing
    we really care for. We will be happy to die or our religion, all the
    rest does not matter much,' some Lerik residents said."

    "Undoubtedly, Iran has quite strong positions in the southern regions
    of Azerbaijan. This is not the most awful thing though. Somebody is
    implanting in the minds of our citizens hatred for their Sunni
    brothers. For some reason, the Lerik 'Islamists' believe that it is
    Sunnis and especially Wahhabis who are to blame for all our troubles
    as they are 'the black stain' on the history of Islam. They forget
    that those acting against their brothers in religion and thereby
    causing detriment to the unity of Islam are regarded as atheists.

    However, it is not we but our respected Sheik ul-Islam Allahshukur
    Pashazade who should solve this problem, of course, if he doesn't
    have some more important problems to solve."

    We could well neglect the views of some Lerik residents, but what our
    correspondent saw in that region is obviously the beginning of some
    big plan." (Zerkalo)

    Zerkalo also writes about anti-Shi'a religious fundamentalism in the
    northern regions of Azerbaijan: "It seems the special services of our
    northern neighbor (Russia - REGNUM) don't mind escalating tensions in
    the regions bordering on Azerbaijan. For example, radical anti-Shi'a
    organizations are being formed in Gusar, Gubin, Khachmaz, Siyazan and
    Balaken. The Wahhabi and other extremist religious organizations
    being formed there seem to be the key driving force of Russia's
    'black' plots against our country."

    In short, Russia from the north and Iran from the south are slowly
    but steadily tightening the ring around Azerbaijan. Wahhabis are
    strengthening their positions in the north, while Iranists in the
    south. Both trends are quite deeply rooted in northern and central
    regions and Baku. This is not a surprise for anybody especially given
    the lack of democracy, normal legal guarantees of freedom of
    conscience and religion. Those concerned are trying to shape the
    public opinion in such as way as to convince people that Azerbaijan
    is allegedly facing the danger of instability by various radical
    religious groups. Their goal is obviously to distract people from
    democratic and economic processes. Some sources say that political
    cataclysms in our country may urge radical religious organizations in
    the north to take arms.

    Certainly, the Iranian special services will use this chance to gain
    control over the mostly Shi'a regions. We have already said that the
    southern regions are being turned into a training ground for Iranian
    special services. Similar processes are taking place in Absheron,
    Naxcivan and other regions. In other words, under the mask of
    religious difference, they are paving the way for artificial
    confrontation between Azeri regions.

    Besides, some media say that if Baku joins the anti-Iranian
    coalition, at some other "convenient moment" some groups may start
    terrorist acts in the capital. This may lead to "a war of regions" -
    war of the north and the south - and, consequently, to the country's
    split." (Zerkalo)

    In an interview to Azeri Press the chairman of the State Committee
    for the Work with Religious Structures Rafik Aliyev says: "What is
    going on is not about religion or Iranian-Azerbaijani relations. This
    is just the regional policy of the US, Russia and Iran. There has
    always been the problem of united Azerbaijan. This problem has
    seriously affected Iranian-Azerbaijani relations and is now getting
    even more serious. America wants to set off a national liberation
    movement in Iran, which can be done only with the help of the local
    Azeris. The Azerbaijani authorities can't stay aloof. The statements
    by various Azerbaijani officials on the events in Iran have proved
    that those people are dancing to America's tune. As an Azeri, I know
    that united Azerbaijan is better than halved Azerbaijan, but if we
    approach this problem realistically, we will see that this dream is
    impracticable for the time being..."

    Baku is ready to provide Nagorno Karabakh with the highest status of
    autonomy applied in the world - an autonomy equivalent to the status
    of Tatarstan within the Russian Federation, says Azerbaijani Foreign
    Minister Elmar Mamedyarov. "For example, the Constitution of
    Tatarstan allows the republic to have its representations abroad,"
    says Mamedyarov. Day.Az reports him as calling groundless any other
    alternative solutions to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict especially as
    there already is a positive experience of such problem solving.

    Mamedyarov says that sooner or later the status of Nagorno Karabakh
    has to be determined. Baku suggests solving this problem as quickly
    as possible, but this will require creating necessary conditions for
    the return of Azeris who lived there but where expelled during the
    "occupation." Mamedyarov says that Azerbaijan will grow increasingly
    strong and the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians should realize that they
    will get much more benefits if they remain Azerbaijani citizens.

    "Each speaker at the Organization for the Islamic Conference meeting
    expressed support for Azerbaijan's position in the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. I personally stressed the necessity of giving a fair
    solution to the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict and liberating
    Azerbaijan's occupied territories," Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah
    Gul said in Baku, where he was attending the OIC FM Council meeting.

    Gul said that the FMs gave a special attention to the fact of
    "occupation" of part of the Azerbijani territory by Armenia. He noted
    that OIC experts have prepared a relevant report. The FMs also
    discussed the problem of Cyprus: "We have prepared a draft solution
    to this problem, and I think that the FMs will approve it." (Azeri

    Echo writes: "They in Washington consider undesirable their
    participation in the financing of the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku
    railroad project. Many Azerbaijani experts say that, when saying that
    the project is inexpedient, Armenia forgets that it occupies Azeri
    territories. In such conditions Azerbaijan will not carry out joint
    projects with Armenia. That's why Azerbaijan will carry out the
    project even without the participation of American companies. Lawyer
    Ramiz Zeynalov says that despite the US Congress' ban on the
    involvement of US companies in the project, the Azerbajani Government
    will find the necessary money, especially as the sum is not very

    Our country can apply for the money to such international financial
    institutions as World Bank, EBRD, German KfW. They will readily
    finance such a promising project - a project that will connect Europe
    with Asia, will result in a big cargo turnover and big incomes
    therefrom. "When Heydar Aliyev (Azerbaijani President in 1993-2003 -
    REGNUM) first suggested to build Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline,
    there were also many attempts to prevent the project.

    Despite the Armenian lobby and government who tried to torpedo the
    BTC project, Azerbaijan managed to create a necessary investment
    climate and to attract necessary money. And now even one of the
    opponents of the project, Iran, has expressed wish to join it. Israel
    has suggested prolonging the pipeline from Ceyhan to its territory.

    Kazakhstan, who was also against the project because of Russia's
    pressure, is already a participant in it. All of Azerbaijan's
    projects are attractive and promising and will bring the sides big
    revenues," says Zeynalov.

    In his turn, the head of the transport policy and economy department
    of the Azerbaijani Transport Ministry Sadreddin Mamedov says to Echo
    that the proposal by 13 US senators to prohibit American businessmen
    to invest money in the project has remained on paper. "It was a
    failed attempt of psychological pressure by the US Armenian lobby.

    This is a very interesting project and the participant states are
    firmly resolved to carry it out. If American companies refuse to
    finance it, we will find other sources - Japanese banks or the Asian
    Development Bank - especially as there have been no financing
    discussions with the American side yet. Besides, Azerbaijan is its
    own funds and, if need be, can finance the Georgian share. In such a
    case, Azerbaijan and Georgia will have to decide if the Azeris will
    give the Georgians a loan or will manage their section," says

    "90 percent of the Azeris killed in Russia were killed by our
    compatriots," Day.Az reports the executive secretary of the Congress
    of Azeris of Russia Eldar Guliyev as saying. He says that the
    investigation into these crimes is impossible in terms of inter-state
    relations: "If the Russian prosecutor office probes into them, very
    many Azeris will get in Russian jails." Guliyev notes that they in
    Russia do not generally treat Azeris badly and in most cases Azeris
    have problems with police through their own fault because they break
    local laws: "And those wanting to aggravate Russian-Azerbaijani
    relations use this fact for their purposes."

    In an interview to Azeri Press, the chairman of the State Committee
    for the Work with Religious Structures Rafik Aliyev says: "There are
    355 religious structures in Azerbaijan, of which 29 are non-Islamic
    organizations. None of the officially registered religious
    organizations is engaged in anti-state activities, unlike some
    unregistered ones. One such example is radical Wahhabism. There are
    no officially registered Wahhabi organizations in Azerbaijan, but
    Ayatollah Sistanbi from Najaf says that they allocate $300,000 a year
    for religion development in Azerbaijan. Just look how many such
    ayatollahs with similar financial capacities live in the neighboring
    countries. Nobody in Azerbaijan controls the inflow of this money.

    One can't trace it through banks as this money is brought in by
    various individuals. There is a whole network of companies and
    sponsors who spend part of their profits on the development of
    religion and the escalation of the religious situation in Azerbaijan.

    We have information on these companies and our special services are
    taking relevant measures."

    "22 unregistered medreses have been liquidated in Azerbaijan. The
    committee has also prevented attempts to send Azeri students for
    training to Iran, Syria, Egypt, Malaysia, Pakistan and Turkey. In
    those countries Azeri students got not only religious and ideological
    but also military training. They are used as weapons by various
    countries against Azerbaijan. Among them are Azeris from Stavropol,
    Northern Caucasus. In the neighboring countries there are groups who
    turn Azeri citizens into terrorists and kamikazes." (Azeri Press)