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Iran's Western Behavior Deserves Criticism

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  • Iran's Western Behavior Deserves Criticism

    by Rostam Pourzal

    Monthly Review, VA
    June 25 2006

    If imitation is the highest form of flattery, Iran must really adore
    the American model of state conduct. Contrary to popular perceptions,
    the decision-makers in Tehran agree with their nemesis, Akbar Ganji,
    who recently told the Voice of America that the West was "the cradle
    of civilization." Two recent moves by Iran are especially noteworthy
    in this regard.

    First, the police in Tehran try to imitate the beating of women
    in Turkey on the International Women's Day of 2005. Turkey is the
    closest ally of the US and Israel in all of Middle East and North
    Africa, and its security apparatus is modeled after and integrated
    with Washington's war on terrorism. Now comes evidence that the
    Iranian leadership is inspired by America's disrespect for the United
    Nations, too.

    Following the precedent set by President Bush's appointment of the
    thuggish John Bolton as the US ambassador to the world body, Iran is
    sending its notorious former prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi, who locked
    up Ganji for six years, to the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva.

    The Bush Administration must be feeling pretty flattered.

    But appearances can be misleading. Photographic evidence indicates
    that Istanbul police savagely attacked and beat up the peaceful rally
    of women on March 8 of last year, rather than just try to disperse
    them. In these photos, the Turkish protesters are running from the
    police, with panic clearly visible on their faces. It is a sign of how
    far behind "civilization" Iran is that the widely condemned images
    of the police breakup of Tehran women's protest earlier this month
    show no such pandemonium.

    Iran also lags behind Turkey in its treatment of Armenians, a
    Christian minority native to the region. Thousands of Armenians march
    freely through Tehran every year to commemorate the genocide their
    co-religionists suffered in the Ottoman Empire ninety years ago. By
    contrast, Turkey severely punishes any public hint that well over
    one million Armenians were massacred by the Turks. Armenian citizens
    of Turkey are reluctant to speak out on the genocide even when they
    travel abroad for fear that they will be placed under surveillance for
    "national security risk" when they return.

    Iran has much catching up to do, especially as Turkey is not the only
    US ally that is ahead of it in teaching women the price of protest.

    Two months after the Istanbul beatings, a few hundred women were
    savaged by state troopers in Bhopal, India, as they gathered to
    protest the contamination of local ground water. You may recall
    that some 7,000 Indians died in Bhopal within days after a massive
    toxic leak from a local factory of the American chemical giant Union
    Carbide. Ever since that fateful night in 1984, India has not dared
    push the company hard to compensate the survivors, because it is
    afraid bad publicity will discourage American investment in India.

    The Bhopal women were attacked last May for demanding that the
    government at least provide safe drinking water, because their well
    water is still contaminated with the leaked Union Carbide toxins. By
    contrast, I noticed on Iran's sparsely populated Qeshm Island in
    2000 that the islanders no longer drink their salty ground water
    like generations before them, because boatloads of fresh water are
    regularly sent there by the Iranian government for free.

    Alas, at this rate, we will never catch up with America's proxy
    woman-beaters in India. According to Amnesty International, 15,000
    Bhopal inhabitants have died of injuries inflicted by the Union Carbide
    leak. That is five times the highest estimate of the Kurdish death
    toll from Saddam Hussein's bombardment of Halabja with chemicals that
    he procured from the NATO allies of the US. 100,000 more in Bhopal
    are still suffering from chronic, debilitating effects of the Union
    Carbide poisoning, according to AI.

    But we should not lose all hope; some "civilization," as Akbar Ganji
    calls it, will trickle down to Iran from the West. For example, Iran's
    controversial appointment of Saeed Mortazavi as a delegate to the UN
    Human Rights Commission is a sign that Tehran is fully committed to
    closing the gap. According to Human Rights Watch, Mr.

    Mortezavi "has been implicated in torture, illegal detention, and
    coercing false confessions by numerous former prisoners." It is too
    early to tell whether Mortazavi can compete with the US ambassador
    to the UN, John Bolton, for viciousness. Bolton's record, too, is
    far from ordinary.

    He received his early political inspiration in the 1964 campaign of
    Barry Goldwater, the Arizona Senator remembered for his promise to
    use nuclear weapons against North Vietnam if elected president.

    Jesse Helms, one of the most racist Neanderthals ever to chair the
    Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was another Bolton admirer. He
    said fondly that Bolton was "the kind of man with whom I would want
    to stand at the gates of Armageddon."

    Piety did not stop Helms or Bolton from defending the Chilean mass
    murderer Augusto Pinochet or the Contra mercenaries who terrorized
    Nicaragua. It was such outrageousness that drove Larry Birns, the
    director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, to say of Bolton's
    nomination as UN ambassador: "[T]here is no one in U.S. public life
    today more ill-suited for that position than Bolton. His nomination
    reflects nothing less than an affront to the American people, the
    diplomatic community and people of goodwill everywhere. . . ." 59
    former US ambassadors painted a similar picture of Bolton in opposition
    to his nomination.

    Bolton's fondness for Contra-style war crimes was quite evident
    when he led the push in 2001 as Undersecretary of State to withdraw
    Washington's signature on the Rome Treaty, thereby putting the Bush
    Administration at odds with the new International Criminal Court. He
    told the Wall Street Journal that ending the American endorsement
    of the ICC was "the happiest moment of my government service." Had
    the US not quit the ICC, American atrocities in Afghanistan, Iraq,
    and elsewhere could, of course, be brought before the court today as
    war crimes.

    We could also discuss how Iran imitates American interference in Iraq,
    executions by the dozen in Texas, torture at Guantanamo and Abu Ghreib
    prisons, Bush's opposition to women's right to abortion, and a host
    of other "civilized" behavior. You get the idea. Now someone tell
    Akbar Ganji and other heroes of the Iranian opposition movement.

    Based in Washington DC, Rostam Pourzal writes regularly on the
    politics of human rights. MRZine has also published Pourzal's
    "Market Fundamentalists Lose in Iran (For Now)" (3 August 2005);
    "Open Letter to Iran's Nobel Laureate" (27 February 2006); "Open
    Letter to Iran's Nobel Laureate: Part 2" (9 March 2006); "The Shah:
    America's Nuclear Poster Boy" (25 May 2006); "Iranian Cold Warriors
    in Sheep's Clothing" (20 May 2006); "MEK Tricks US Progressives,
    Gains Legitimacy" (12 June 2006); and "What Really Happened in Tehran
    on June 12? Did Human Rights Watch Get It Wrong?" (18 June 2006).