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At The Expense Of Kurds: Building A New Era In U.S.-Turkey Relations

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  • At The Expense Of Kurds: Building A New Era In U.S.-Turkey Relations

    By Sosun Welat

    Kurdish Media, UK
    June 25 2006

    Every so often, we see an article here and there about the relationship
    between the US and Turkey. In most of these articles regardless where
    it comes from whether it is from liberals or conservatives they all
    point to the alarming deterioration of situation between the two
    countries. In addition, they all make the point that the course must
    be changed; Turkey must be courted and appeased. They further defend
    the point that Turkey is needed in the fight against terrorism as
    gateway to spread America's message to the rest of Islamic World.

    Furthermore having a democratic Islamic Turkey in the western bloc is
    a proof that an Islamic country able to adapt western democracy and
    its values. Moreover, they all emphasize that Turkey can join the EU
    only and only at the expense of all Kurds. These ideas are floating
    around from Rand Corporation to Brooking Institute and from editorial
    pages of NY Times to Washington Post and all other influential think
    tanks and media outlets.

    None of these analysts, specialists, writers and all others can see
    the dynamics of change set in motion in the entire world specifically
    in the Middle East right after the collapse of old Soviet Union. They
    cannot understand that the good old days are gone and "The New World
    Order" as paraphrased by the elder President Bush is taking place
    with more liberty and justice for the oppressed.

    They cannot win back Turkey by just clipping the wings of Southern
    Kurds and preventing Kirkuk to be in Kurds control, because Turks
    have more ambitions, such as uniting all Turks from Edirne to all
    other Turkic republics such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,
    Azerbaijan and recover all Arab and Greek lands, islands lost during
    the First World War I. Recent provocations of Turkish Air Forces and
    Greek Air Forces in the Aegean air space just a reminder to these
    facts. This is clearly against the America's and EU interests. They
    cannot understand that the status quo cannot go on as did during the
    cold war era by helping Turkey of denying Kurdish national rights for
    over 70 years. The biggest danger to Turkey is not PKK presence in
    Qandil Mountains. The biggest problem to Turkey's stability is its
    denial of other nations within and outside its borders.

    In addition, its policies of forceful Turkification of cultures,
    languages, nations; its denial of Kurdish rights; its denial of its
    own history by denying Armenian, Kurdish, and Assyrians massacres;
    its denial of eliminating Greeks from western Anatolia.

    Furthermore Turkey cannot see the point that the Turkish national
    aspirations and interests are in collision course with the national
    interests of United States, whilst the national interests of Kurds are
    in tandem with the interests of United States. No matter what they can
    do or suggest America cannot win back Turkey as trusted ally. On the
    other hand, the relationship between America and Turkey will worsen
    as stability and prosperity will take hold in Iraq particularly in
    Southern Kurdistan.

    Contrary to their suggestion, Turkey was never a democratic and never
    will be. Turkey was not established on the basis of law and justice;
    it was established on the basis of deceit and theft. Therefor it is
    an illegal state. It promised Kurds and other Anatolian peoples a
    motherland based on equality and Justice. Turkish National Assembly
    in early 1920, there were more than over 30 Kurdish and other ethnic
    Members of Parliament. After The Lausanne Treaty was signed all Kurdish
    MP were eliminated by assassinations, exiles and imprisonment. One
    of those MP requested in his will to be buried at one of crossroads
    anywhere in Kurdistan so that passers-by can spit on his grave because
    he realized that he betrayed his Kurdish nation by supporting Mustafa
    Kemal in his negotiations in Lausanne during the negotiations in
    early 1920. All Kurdish MP supported Kemal with understanding and
    promise from him that Anatolia was going to be homeland for Kurds
    and Turks. However, he retracted on his promises once the treaty was
    signed. He started the elimination of all patriotic MPs and suppression
    of Kurdish culture, language and severe persecution of Kurdish people.

    Turkey has an identity problem. First, it was established by bunch of
    losers of Ottoman Generals who run away from the Front Lines of war
    with Allied Forces of World War I. They forced on Anatolian people
    Turkish ideology, which was not in existence except among "Young Turks
    "or "Jon Turks".

    They are not democratic because they are not tolerant to other
    ethnic and religious minorities. Up to early 1980 before PKK was
    born, Alawi of Anatolia were severely persecuted. As I remember in
    my early childhood, our rituals were held with fear of being busted
    by the Gendarme of the state. When the Seid (Pir) was visiting our
    village and holding a Ciwat (Mass) on one of our holiest days (Xizir
    celebrations) some of the older kids had to be on watch out on the
    rooftops to watch if any Gendarme regiment were coming toward the
    village so that we could have early warning system. During my studies
    through middle school to college in various cities in Turkey, I had
    to hide my identity and face many slurs, curses, and insults thrown
    on many different occasions as part of normal conversation without
    any provocation. Only after PKK was born the Alawis were courted in
    order to win them back to prevent the Kurdish Alawis to join Kurdish
    national movement.

    Up to 1980 Kurdish Alawi are seen as threat to the state due to first
    Kurdish national uprising was in early 1920 in Kochgiri region of
    Northern Kurdistan and then the 1937 Dersim uprising.

    Even today, religious liberties do not exist in Turkey. The problems
    with Greek Orthodox Church are widely known. There is no way any
    Christian missionary can start a work in Turkey. Even previous
    Christian churches are either demolished or converted to mosques
    as the way the Ottomans Ayah Sofia Church to a mosque. Even today,
    a Christian and Jewish or any other non-Muslim citizen cannot become
    a judge, a general, a police officer or any other public servant.

    It is not a democratic country because it is banning a language of
    over 25 million of its own people, whilst even during the apartheid
    era of South Africa the black people could spoke their own language.

    It is not democratic country because it is denying all other Anatolian
    peoples their existence (The Hurriyet Newspaper's motto says it all
    "Turkey Belongs to Turks") and forcing them to be Turks.

    It is not democratic because it is trying to reshape entire Anatolia's
    cities, towns, villages and hamlets by force.

    In short, they are suggesting to get rid of PKK, will give Turkey what
    it wants and things will be as good as before. However, they fail to
    recognize that PKK's presence is more obstacles to Kurdish national
    movement than to Turkey. To true Kurdish patriots PKK is obsolete. Its
    demise will unleash the very natural desire of self-determination of
    Kurdistan among all Kurds.

    They fail to recognize that Turkey's problems do not stem from under
    development of East and South East but failing to recognize the
    national rights of Kurdish people. A democratic country would have
    done it long time ago. PKK is not Turkey's problem. It is the product
    of Turkey's policies. It cannot complain to America or EU about it,
    Turkey must put its house in order if wants better days ahead.

    They fail to recognize that it is not Turkish friendship that America
    needs anymore, it is The Kurds that America needs in the New World
    Order. Under new socio-economic and political map, Kurds hold the
    balancing power. They will rise to the situation as they did by
    saving Jerusalem from destruction under the leadership of The Saladin,
    the Great.

    However, this time for their own National rights not for being the
    soldier of Islam or any other religion.

    In such hostile region, specifically in Iraq, Kurds have proven to
    be reliable allies. Kurds of Southern Kurdistan are proving to Turks,
    Arabs, Persians and to the rest of world that can govern by embracing,
    pluralism, market economy and multi -culturalism, ethnicities and
    religions. By ignoring their basic natural rights and denying, those to
    their lands will lead to more catastrophic uncontrollable situations.

    Do not trust unreliable Turks on the expense of reliable Kurds.