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The Visit Of The Official Delegation Of The NKR To The USA

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  • The Visit Of The Official Delegation Of The NKR To The USA


    [04:35 pm] 27 June, 2006

    On June 22, within the framework of the working visit of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic's delegation to the United States of America,
    NKR National Assembly Chairman Ashot Ghoulian and the Republic's
    Foreign Minister Georgy Petrossian arrived in Boston.

    On June 23, the NKR Parliament Speaker and Foreign Minister visited the
    House of Representatives of the state of Massachusetts where they met
    with Deputy of the Parliament Rachel Kapriyelian and advisor to Speaker
    on Healthcare Issues Chris Hager. In the course of the meetings issues
    concerning mutual cooperation in the sphere of education, culture,
    and healthcare, as well as parliamentary activity were discussed.

    Then the NKR delegation met with the members of the Council of editors
    of the "Boston Glob" newspaper.

    During the conversation the current state of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict settlement peace process and social-economic situation
    in Artsakh were touched upon. The NKR representatives replied to
    different questions of journalists.

    In Boston the official representatives of Nagorno Karabakh also
    had meetings with representatives of the leadership of the Armenian
    Assembly of America (AAA) Caroline Mîughar and Anthony Parsamian. The
    issues connected with the relations' expansion between AAA and the
    NKR authorities were discussed.

    In the evening NKR National Assembly Chairman Ashot Ghoulian and
    NKR Minister for Foreign Affairs Georgy Petrossian visited Armenian
    Cultural and Educational Centre where they met with the leadership
    of the Armenian organizations of the state of Massachusetts.

    After the meeting a public event took place. During the meeting an
    important contribution of the USA Armenian community to the development
    of Artsakh was noted. They also spoke about the necessity of the
    participation of the Diaspora Armenians in the confrontation to the
    challenges facing Nagorno Karabakh. The official representatives of
    Artsakh answered the questions of the participants of the meeting,
    which mainly related to economic, social and cultural spheres.

    On June 24, a meeting was held at Sam and Aida Bedjakians place where
    a number of American philanthropists of Armenian origin were present.

    During the meeting the NKR representatives on behalf of the people
    of Nagorno Karabakh expressed their gratitude to their compatriots
    from the USA for the consistent assistance which was being rendered to
    Artsakh. In their turn, the Armenian businessmen of America confirmed
    once more their readiness to support the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

    The working visit of the NKR delegation to the USA is in progress.

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