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HAAF Fundraiser Causes Azerbaijan Concern

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  • HAAF Fundraiser Causes Azerbaijan Concern

    "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund
    Governmental Building 3, Yerevan, RA
    Contact: Anush Babayan
    Tel: 3741 52 09 40
    Fax: 3741 52 37 95
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Recently the Toronto Affiliate of `Hayastan' All-Armenian Fund
    organized a fundraising dinner in Canada. Apparently, the presence of
    Conservative MP Jason Kenney at the event caused concern of the
    Azerbaijani Embassy and the Azerbaijani community.

    Canadian Press put an article on the newswire in this regard. It was
    picked up by several Canadian newspapers. Unfortunately, the reporter,
    Jennifer Ditchburn, used solely Azeri sources while covering the event.
    Moreover, the reporter tried to put a frivolous spin on the fact that
    Canadian Armenians extended a helping hand to their kin in
    Nagorno-Karabakh raising $300 thousand USD for construction of schools
    in the area. The reporter purposefully mentioned that the current
    Executive Director of `Hayastan' All-Armenian Fund used to hold the
    position of the Foreign Minister of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. In
    this regard we would like to stress that the Executive Director is not
    appointed, but rather is voted into the office by the Board of Trustees
    of `Hayastan' All-Armenian Fund, members of which are influential,
    well-respected and well-known representatives of the Armenian worldwide

    `Hayastan' Fund brings to the attention of all interested parties
    that during its 15-year history the organization has spend more than
    $130 million on projects in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, the nature of
    which is purely humanitarian. This philanthropic organization has always
    been transparent in its operations. Since 1992 `Hayastan' Fund has
    been undergoing annual independent audits conducted by Grant Thornton.
    Never have our auditors revealed any improper spending of funds. Through
    its affiliate offices in 19 countries, `Hayastan' Fund often
    received co-financing from European (France, the Netherlands, Greece and
    others) and U.S. governments for its projects. Never has the
    organization had any problems with any government in this regard.

    `Hayastan' Fund considers unacceptable drawn parallels between the
    Fund and a unrelated questionable political organization. We want to
    remind that `Hayastan' Fund is a organization that is well-respected
    in the world and is proud of its mission benefiting people of Armenia
    and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    We consider this disrespectful and unsubstantiated attack a result and
    embodiment of Azerbaijan's shortsighted policy. We believe that this
    attack questions the reputation of the organizers of this smear campaign
    against `Hayastan' Fund and only strengthens the resolve of
    Armenians around the world to help Nagorno-Karabakh stand on its feet.

    In this regard we would like to cite MP Jason Kenney from the mentioned
    article: `...I can't imagine anybody objecting to Canada supporting
    clinics, schools, hospitals and the like'. I think these words make
    any further commentary unnecessary. `Hayastan' fund is strongly
    convinced that the worldwide Armenian Diaspora will continue supporting
    their ancestral homeland.

    In her official letter to Mr. Russo, the Bureau Chief of `The Canadian
    Press', Mrs. Naira Melkoumian, the Executive Director of
    `Hayastan' All-Armenian Fund, mentions: `It was irrelevant to
    refer to the status of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, as the international
    status of Nagorno-Karabakh is subject to the outcome of the peace talks
    that have been mediated by the Organization of Security and Cooperation
    in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group, co-chaired by France, Russia and the
    United States. Meanwhile, `Hayastan' All-Armenian Fund does not
    believe that mere fact that the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is not
    officially recognized by the international community should stand in the
    way of children's education or people's healthcare. The US Agency
    for International Development (USAID), International Committee of the
    Red Cross (ICRC), American Red Cross, Medecins Sans Frontier, Save the
    Children, Halo Trust and other international humanitarian relief
    organizations do not believe that either, since they have extensive
    projects in Nagorno-Karabakh. For a number of years the US Congress has
    been allocating nearly $5 million annually to the victims of the NK
    conflict who reside in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. We think, these facts
    make any other commentary unnecessary.'

    Public Relations Department of `Hayastan' All-Armenian Fund