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Reporters Will Come To Armenia

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  • Reporters Will Come To Armenia

    Karine Asatryan

    [12:25 am] 29 June, 2006

    The membership of the PACE Committee on Nagorno Karabakh issue was
    confirmed today. Member of the RA delegation Tigran Torosyan had
    made an offer to revise it in January. The Committee will have 10
    members. Leo Platvoyet who is preparing a report on missing persons
    in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan is also included in the Committee.

    "I think this structure of the Committee is far more balances and
    efficient as the previous one where there were people who have never
    engaged in the Karabakh conflict and are far from understanding it",
    Mr. Torosyan said.

    The visit of the PACE Committee is scheduled for fall but there
    are problems: the PACE Monitoring Committee is to visit Armenia in
    October, and the Committee on political issues is to visit Azerbaijan
    in November; and the majority of the members of this Committee are
    also members of the above mentioned two.

    "Today's discussion with Lord Russell Johnston and the head of the
    Azeri delegation brought us to the conclusion that the delegation must
    visit Yerevan, Baku and Stepanakert in late October", Mr. Torosyan
    said. Nevertheless, he mentioned that the visit may as well take
    place in November.

    By the way, Mr. Torosyan also met the CoE Secretary General. During
    the meeting they spoke about the fuss made by the Azeri side about the
    alleged arson of the forests in the area near Karabakh. The Azeris
    are distributing the PACE delegates photos which have probably been
    taken in Azerbaijan as there are notes in Azerbaijani on them.

    Terry Davis asked the RA NA President if it is not strange that
    the NKR authorities found the right way and turned to the personal
    representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office asking for a monitoring
    while the Azeris kept fussing. According to Tigran Torosyan, "this
    is the continuation of the disgraceful behavior of the Azeris who
    kept telling lies about Armenia and NKR". According to Mr. Torosyan,
    Mr. Davis accepted that there are serious problems and promised
    "to find solutions".