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"A Strange Slap In The Face Of Armenia"

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  • "A Strange Slap In The Face Of Armenia"

    Anna Israelian
    28 June 06

    The former Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia about the NK
    conflict settlement.

    After the unprecedented step of the OSCE Minsk group American
    cochairman Mathew Brayza, which declassified some details of the
    negotiations, we turned to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of
    Armenia Vahan Papazian for interpretation. We got the same answer,
    which we had already heard as the answer to our request for interview
    after Robert Kocharian and Ilham Aliev meeting in Bucharest. That
    is, he won't say anything new besides what he has already said
    in his interview given to our newspaper in 2000 and he insists on
    his remarks. Vahan Papazian said in 2000 that it was impossible in
    principle to get better results than we could conceivably have in
    1997. Â"I'm not sure that nowadays political leadership is sincerely
    anxious for the settlement of this conflict. Certainly, they can
    declare that they do their best, look, we negotiate, discuss versions
    and when we come to a conclusion, we'll produce it to the political
    powers and public and will hold a referendum necessarily etc. But
    there isn't any certain agreement, and they can negotiate for many
    years." A comparison was published in Â"AravotÂ" 6 years ago, which
    showed how Robert Kocharian's and Levon Ter-Petrosian's approaches
    round the NK conflict settlement had become too close.

    Vahan Papazian also noticed that similarity; Â" And it is natural. In
    general, I mark the end of 1997 and beginning of 1998 as a greatest
    nonsense in the political life of our country. For not being understood
    wrong, I must stress that it was irreversible nonsense. We missed the
    opportunity of settling the NK conflict by dignified peace. Even the
    common diplomat knows that we must go for concessions from the strong
    position. Our positions were stronger in 1997. It seems to me that if
    there is a political settlement, Armenia, in particularly Karabakh,
    won't have decisive vote any more. The word Â"IfÂ" in this affirmation
    is very essentialÂ".

    Another Former Minister of Armenia Alexander Arzumanian spoke about
    Mathew Brayza's interview in the Â"PastarkÂ" club mentioning that
    he saw Â"nothing strange" in declassification of proposals. In
    his opinion, the meaning of Brayza's interview is; Â"that we have
    already proposed and the presidents of the countries must be brave
    to explain this to their people. And they try to involve the public
    into dispute, which is indeed a natural process. If you remember,
    Levon Ter-Petrosian's proposal of dispute led to the changeover of
    political powers in time. Now a proposal of dispute is made againÂ".

    To the Â"AzatutiunÂ" b/s question whether Robert Kocharian would be
    invited to Washington Mathew Brayza answered; Â"There is no reason
    for Robert Kocharian not to visit Washington. I hope that we can see
    in Armenia the same positive steps of democratic reforms as we see
    in AzerbaijanÂ". Alexander Arzumanian mentioned on this occasion;
    Â"It is strange when the official of middle section allows himself
    to tell Armenia; go and reach to the level of Azerbaijan then we'll
    invite your president. It is a strange slap. I have spoken for many
    times, that there isn't democracy in Armenia, but saying democracy,
    I have never mean to be compared with Azerbaijan or Belarus".

    Speaking on Brayza's detections to the RA MFA replies, the former
    Foreign Minister has said that it simply showed the weakness of
    our Foreign Ministry. The MFA wanted by that declaration to remove
    doubts but it deepened them, showing that they negotiate today about
    territories of the NK security zone, about withdrawal of military
    forces from all territories. "What does Karabakh get? To hold a
    referendum? That people have already made their decision. This
    authority has come to power just for that reason, to settle the
    problems of the NK conflict and re-annexation with Armenia. Please,
    settle it", - Alexander Arzumanian recorded the failure of "triumphal"
    and "no piece of land" policy.
