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The Palestinian Genocide

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  • The Palestinian Genocide

    Andy Martin

    Political Gateway, FL
    June 28 2006

    (WASHINGTON, DC) (June 28, 2006) Israelis invaded Gaza today,
    ostensibly seeking to "rescue" Corporal Gilad Shalit but in reality
    seeking to unleash their blood lust for vengeance against the
    Palestinian people. The Israeli fuhrers are outraged at the way
    a hapless band of Islamic extremists have demonstrated Israel's
    impotence to the world.

    Nothing is more central to Israelis than their constant preening
    about their self-proclaimed "superpower" status, their "secret"
    nuclear arsenal, and the idea that President Bush has promised to
    shed American blood to protect Israel's conquests in the Middle East.

    So when a small band of Palestinians exposes Israeli impotence,
    punishment must be imposed on the entire Palestinian People.

    Unfortunately for peace-loving Israelis, their leaders' wrath
    is self-destructive and self-destroying. The Israeli government
    manufactures anti-Semitism and anti-Israel activism at a breakneck
    pace. Today's events crystallize the counterintuitive nature of
    Israel's slow death and suicidal impulses.

    We begin with the basic, the obvious, the unavoidable: being a soldier
    puts you at risk. By the very act of putting on a uniform and being
    stationed in a military encampment a solider is at risk and in harm's
    way. When Palestinians set up rockets, they get attacked. The Israelis
    bomb them. Palestinians likewise attack Israelis for occupying to
    their nation. There is tragic but ineluctable symmetry in all of
    this killing.

    Americans in Iraq are attacked and killed, merely because of their
    uniformed status. Every general knew invading Iraq would cost lives.

    Only Vice president Dick Cheney thought otherwise. But, no one forces
    anyone anywhere to wear a uniform, not here, not there, not anywhere.

    Indeed, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's own son is a refusenik,
    someone who refuses to perform military service in the Israeli
    wehrmacht (he's no fool).

    Another obvious truth is that captured soldiers must be rescued.

    There is nothing wrong with that. It is part of the ethos of military
    loyalty and unit solidarity. But Israelis and their fellow travelers in
    the Bush Administration have been watching old tapes of the rescue at
    Entebbe (Uganda), long past the sell-by date of that ancient mission.

    Entebbe involved the rescue of helpless civilians hijacked and held
    in Uganda. Israelis launched a dangerous mission and succeeded. The
    result was heroic status for the rescuers, and the enduring myth that
    rescuing people is Hollywood-style easy.

    Rescues are not. Just ask former president Jimmy Carter about his
    rescue mission in Iran. Or the Americans who led the unsuccessful
    rescue at the Hanoi Hilton.

    On the other hand, when North Koreans took an entire ship hostage,
    the U. S. S. Pueblo, the United States did not invade North Korea
    and launch a war, and the men were eventually released. The U. S.

    Military leadership realized that even in the face of an obvious
    act of war, the nation's greater interests must prevail. And so the
    Pueblo's crew waited.

    President Bush faced the same choice when the Chinese recently took an
    American surveillance plane captive. He waited; and the crew came home.

    Gaza and Corporal Shalit should have been no different. In Gaza and
    occupied Palestine there are no TV dramas or Hollywood potential to
    fuel the rescue of captured personnel. Fighting in Gaza is deadly,
    and ultimately self-defeating. Shalit knew that. He was a solider.

    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice properly counseled patience
    in the wake of Corporal Shalit's capture. Israel rejected her wise
    advice. Arrogance and emotion triumphed over reason and the Israeli
    national interest.

    Here we should consider the lessons of history. When the Turks
    slaughtered Armenians in World War I, there was no "genocide"
    because the word genocide had yet to be invented. When Nazis began
    slaughtering Europe's Jews, it was not genocide. The term still had
    not been invented.

    The term "genocide" was created by Raphael Lemkin in 1943. Genocide
    became an international term of law with the United Nations' adoption
    of the Convention on Genocide in 1948. Retrospectively, we now realize
    that the concept of genocide could be applied to the Armenian slaughter
    or the massacre of European Jews by the Nazis.

    Today the civilized world's only practitioners of genocide are the
    Israelis. Golda Meir was known for her comment that Palestine was
    seized "by a People without a land," because it was "a land without a
    people." Actually, "people" had inhabited the land mass of Palestine
    since the dawn of civilization. The concept of a "land without a
    people" was a racist and genocidal concoction that Meir used to
    justify Israeli expansionism.

    The insanity continues. Instead of using its overwhelming military and
    economic strength to make peace with its neighbors, Israel continues
    to make war, hoping against hope that evil methods and evil minds
    can triumph over the logic of history and the solidarity of the world
    community. It can't happen.

    In his typically understated style Palestinian President Mahmoud
    Abbas today accused Israel of "crimes against humanity" for invading
    Gaza. While today's invasion is undoubtedly a crime against humanity,
    the attack on Gaza is more; it is part of an orchestrated Israeli
    campaign of genocide against the Palestinian people.

    And, unlike people in the time of the Armenian slaughter and Nazi
    massacres we cannot pretend that genocide has not yet been invented.

    We are all witnesses to the Palestinian Genocide.

    In today's attacks, hundreds of thousands have lost electricity;
    public health is endangered. Food was already perilously low.

    Infrastructure has been damaged beyond repair. All this for Corporal

    What did the Palestinian people do to deserve these attacks? Why aren't
    they justified in retaliating against Israel and Israelis, and engaging
    in mutual rounds of destruction until there is truly no people and
    no land in the territory of these two warring groups? Hollywood has
    a precedent for this: War of the Roses, a divorce drama of two people
    intent on self-hate and self-destruction.

    Who destroy each other.

    Whenever I write a column that compares Israelis to Nazis I get a
    spate of pro-Israel hate mail, castigating me for comparing the two.

    But I state unhesitatingly that making war against an innocent civilian
    population caught in the midst of a war is a Nazi-style atrocity and
    a crime against humanity. Genocide.

    Civilians did not take Corporal Shalit prisoner, and they can't
    release him. What does blowing up a Gazan bridge or power plant do
    to advance the corporal's freedom? Nothing.

    So there must be another explanation for the fury of the Israeli
    junta in Tel Aviv. There is: genocide.

    When Italy attacked Ethiopia, the League of Nations stood silent. The
    word remained mute at the growing evidence of the Nazi holocaust.

    Today we watch Israeli storm troopers savage a helpless civilian
    population under the pretence and pretext that they are conducting a
    "rescue" mission. Once again the world is shamed. And once again,
    Israelis continue along the path to their own inevitable demise.

    In war, there are prisoners, attacks, and death. Soldiers know that.

    They accept those risks. If Israel claims it is at war, it must act
    as though it is a nation at war, both respecting limits on civilian
    casualties and the endangerment of its troops. The fact that Israelis
    cannot be trusted to conduct war ultimately means that this "nation"
    cannot be trusted to be a nation. Israelis are in the process of
    conducting the eventual and inevitable genocide of their own people
    and their own nation.

    And as the United States sits silently by and aids and abets in this
    suicidal calumny against a civilian population, we are as guilty as
    the Israelis whose blood-soaked fingers are carrying out the rape of
    Gaza. And we wonder why they hate us. And we wonder why we will be
    targeted again. And we wonder why the world looks with scorn on our
    own Israeli-style campaign in Iraq. Yes, we really do wonder.

    In closing, I affirm that the life of every soldier is precious. A
    uniform should be worn with great pride. But the life of a nation is
    even more precious. Generals must sometimes send their troops into
    danger and death. But in elevating Corporal Shalit's life to extreme
    proportions Israel has debased and endangered the Israeli state and
    taken another steps towards its demise. Unfortunately, as Israeli
    Abba Eban once said, "The Israelis have never missed an opportunity
    to miss an opportunity." Oh, Eban said that about the Palestinians.

    War of the Roses.