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BAKU: "Echo": Fire Reached Strasbourg

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  • BAKU: "Echo": Fire Reached Strasbourg


    Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
    Democratic Azerbaijan
    June 29 2006

    Our MPs told Members of PACE about deliberate cases of burning of
    the occupied territories of Azerbaijan by Armenia Yesterday the
    plenary summer session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe continued in Strasbourg. In first day of session the report
    on Azerbaijan prepared by the rapporteurs of the PACE Monitoring
    Committee, Andreas Gross and Anders Herkel was presented to the
    members of PACE. After discussion, the majority MPs adopted regular
    Resolution on Azerbaijan, considering a number of recommendations
    aimed at improvement of democratic situation in our country. As
    in yesterday's interview member of Azerbaijani delegation to PACE,
    Gultekin Hajiyeva told, a great part of recommendations submitted
    to the PACE January session (Resolution 1480) remained into force
    and included to June Resolution 1505. G. Hajiyeva notes that the
    Resolution recommends to review the Election Code, the changes of the
    composition of the election commissions, provision of the citizens'
    rights to the freedom of assembly, etc. Furthermore, the Resolution
    calls Azerbaijan's authorities to find and bring to account the
    murders of the editor-in-chief of Monitor independent magazine,
    Elmar Huseynov, who was killed in spring 2005.

    "Council of Europe plans to cooperate with Azerbaijan in all
    these points," stressed G. Hajiyeva. During discussion the head of
    Azerbaijani delegation to PACE, Samed Seyidov and member of delegation
    Aydin Mirzazadeh spoke at a meeting.

    As G. Hajiyeva notes, yesterday the rapporteurs of the PACE Monitoring
    Committee for Azerbaijan proposed not to review the mandate of
    Azerbaijani delegation to PACE. "This is already favorable version,"
    emphasizes member of MM.

    As G. Hajiyeva informs, already next year CE will address the matter
    concerning commitments of our country before the CE and "we have to
    do much to this moment".

    Yesterday pending discussion of the Resolution on Azerbaijan G.
    Hajiyeva also told the PACE Members the burning of the occupied
    territories of our country. The subject of occupied lands and ongoing
    fires in these territories to date is the main focus of meetings and
    negotiations conducted by Azerbaijani MPs in Strasbourg.

    According to G. Hajiyeva, Monday morning the sessions of the political
    groups also focused on this point. Today the meeting of the political
    group of Conservative Party Members will focus on this point. The day
    before the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
    Europe, Rene van der Linden received Azerbaijani delegation.

    According to G. Hajiyeva, the PACE President was informed about the
    facts of deliberate burning of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan
    by the Armenian aggressors. "We are expecting a concrete reaction of
    the PACE authorities to this point further," notes G. Hajiyeva.

    According to her, today they will meet with the authorities of the
    PACE Committee for Environment & Natural Resources for discussing this
    issue. Furthermore, currently the press-release devoted to burning
    of our lands is being prepared. According to MP, the main purpose of
    Azerbaijani delegation is to stop fires. "To date this issue remains
    unsolved and fires are ongoing," regrets MP.

    G. Hajiyeva hopes that finally, PACE will exert some pressure upon
    the official Yerevan, which allows the Ministry for Emergency to
    enter the regions of inflammation in order to extinguish a fire
    in occupied lands. "Azerbaijan made an appeal to appoint a special
    rapporteur of the PACE for this point who could explore the cases
    of deliberate burning of our lands by Armenians at places. CE should
    soundly approach to this issue and assist to prevent a fire."

    MP notes that it is very important for us to bring this matter to
    awareness of the European community, as Azerbaijan as well as Armenia
    took commitments to solve the conflict by peaceful meanings, but the
    fact of burning of occupied lands by Armenia says unwillingness of
    the official Yerevan to use peaceful way.

    PACE Sub-Committee for Nagorno-Garabagh conflict scheduled for this
    Friday is expected to focus on the fires in occupied lands.

    On Wednesday PACE Political Committee is expected to discuss the Pact
    on Stability in the South Caucasus countries.

    According to G. Hajiyeva, today Leo Platvoet, the rapporteur of the
    PACE for missing people in the South Caucasus countries, a MP from
    Netherlands will speak at the Committee for Migration, Refugees and
    Population. He will tell about the results of his recent visit to
    the region.
