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United Javakhk Censures New Tide of Violence against Armenians

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  • United Javakhk Censures New Tide of Violence against Armenians


    United Javakhk Censures New Tide of Violence against
    Armenian Population in Georgia

    12.03.2006 00:59 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ United Javakhk is outraged and
    censures the new tide of violence on national ground
    in Gugark region (Kvemo-Kartli) of Georgia, says a
    statement of United Javakhk Alliance. The document
    also notes, `March 9 evening 15 Georgian extremists
    attacked residents of Ghushchii village, brutally
    killing Gevorg Gevorgyan, 23, while two other
    residents of the village were severely wounded and
    thus hospitalized. Those attacking fled due to
    idleness and permissiveness of law-enforcement bodies.
    Instead of urgent measures to arrest those guilty
    regional leadership ordered special destination forces
    to block all roads, connecting the town with
    neighboring Armenian villages. By force actions the
    regional authorities tried to suppress the will of the
    Armenian population.

    United Javakhk Alliance condolences with the widow and
    relatives of deceased G. Gevorgyan and draws the
    attention of all political and public forces to the
    circumstance that unceasing acts of violence and
    murder on national ground are a direct consequence of
    Georgian leaders' course for artificial change of the
    historically formed ethnic composition of the region.
    Large-scale settlement of Georgians in territories
    populated by Armenians upsets the ethnic balance in
    the region and provokes artificial growth of ethnic
    tension, thus forming a center for ethnopolitical
    destabilization in the region.

    United Javakhk Alliance urges Armenian population in
    the region to reserve and composure, as well as
    demands that law-enforcement and judicial bodies of
    Georgia be guided by the law, irrespective of the
    national identity of those, who attacked, and the
    victims. It also calls to hold an impartial
    investigation of all circumstances of the crime and
    make a fair verdict.'