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Georgian Orthodox Church Founded Diocese in Armenia, Armenia Puzzled

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  • Georgian Orthodox Church Founded Diocese in Armenia, Armenia Puzzled


    Georgian Orthodox Church Founded Diocese in Armenia,
    Armenian Apostolic Church Puzzled

    11.03.2006 20:53 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Supreme Council of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church (AAC) has expressed its confusion
    over a decision of the Synod of the Georgian Orthodox
    Church (GOC) to establish a diocese in the territory
    of Armenia without notifying the AAC. By its decision
    of February 6 the Synod of the Georgian Orthodox
    Church has established a new - Tashir-Agarak -
    Diocese, subordinating it to religious authority of
    Dmanisi Diocese bishop and without notifying the
    Armenian Apostolic Church. A statement of the AAC says
    that the new Georgian diocese `is established in the
    northern region of Armenia,' in localities `where the
    GOC has no parish.' Meanwhile, `the fair right of
    hundreds of thousand of Armenians for return of
    churches to the Armenian Diocese is ignored' in
    Georgia, the Council members noted. According to
    Armenian bishops, no appeals to Georgian authorities
    on providing public status to the Armenian Diocese and
    on return of 6 historical Armenian temples are
    satisfied yet. The Council urged `to continue efforts
    to flourish the AAC Diocese in Georgia and strengthen
    the centuries-old fraternal relations between the
    Armenian and Georgian peoples and Churches,' reports Itar-Tass.