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ANCA: Rep Pallone Extremely Disappointed Over Reports of Amb Evans

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  • ANCA: Rep Pallone Extremely Disappointed Over Reports of Amb Evans

    Armenian National Committee of America
    888 17th St., NW Suite 904
    Washington, DC 20006
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    E-mail: [email protected]

    March 11, 2006
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Co-Chairman of Congressional Armenian Caucus
    Demands Explanation from the Secretary of State

    WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Co-Chairman of
    the Armenian Issues Caucus, today expressed his extreme
    disappointment to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice over reports
    that the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John Marshall Evans, is being
    forced from office based upon truthful and forthright statements
    last year about the Armenian Genocide.

    In a March 10th letter, Rep. Pallone shared with the Secretary that
    he is "outraged that the State Department is recalling Ambassador
    Evans as retaliation for statements he made in recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide." He added that, "it is simply wrong for the
    State Department to punish Ambassador Evans for statements he made
    that are factually correct. Accordingly, I am asking you for an
    explanation as to why Ambassador Evans was removed from his post. .
    . This is the wrong message to send to the world. I look forward
    to a timely response from your office."

    Speaking last year to an Armenian American gathering at the
    University of California at Berkeley, Amb. Evans said, "I will
    today call it the Armenian Genocide... I informed myself in depth
    about it. I think we, the U.S. government, owe you, our fellow
    citizens, a more frank and honest way of discussing this problem.
    Today, as someone who has studied it... there's no doubt in my mind
    [as to] what happened . . . I think it is unbecoming of us, as
    Americans, to play word games here. I believe in calling things by
    their name." Referring to the Armenian Genocide as "the first
    genocide of the 20th century," he said: "I pledge to you, we are
    going to do a better job at addressing this issue." Amb. Evans also
    disclosed that he had consulted with a legal advisor at the State
    Department who had confirmed that the events of 1915 were "genocide
    by definition."

    Within days after his remarks and the conclusion of a speaking tour
    of Armenian American communities, Ambassador Evans was apparently
    forced to issue a statement clarifying that his references to the
    Armenian Genocide were his personal views and did not represent a
    change in U.S. policy. He subsequently issued a correction to this
    statement, replacing a reference to the Genocide with the word

    Later last year, the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA),
    in recognition of his honesty and commitment to principle, decided
    to honor Ambassador Evans with the "Christian A. Herter Award,"
    recognizing creative thinking and intellectual courage within the
    Foreign Service. Sadly, as Washington Post staff writer Glenn
    Kessler revealed on June 9th, AFSA withdrew its award following
    pressure from "very serious people from the State Department."

    ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian, in a letter sent to Secretary Rice
    earlier this week, wrote that, "the prospect that a U.S. envoy's
    posting - and possibly his career - has been cut short due to his
    honest and accurate description of a genocide is profoundly
    offensive to American values and U.S. standing abroad -
    particularly in light of President Bush's call for moral clarity in
    the conduct of our international affairs."

    The ANCA letter also urged Secretary Rice to respond in a timely
    manner to the series of written questions on this matter submitted
    on February 16th by Congressman Adam Schiff during her testimony
    before the House International Relations Committee. Among these
    questions was a specific request that the Secretary assure the
    Committee that the Department of State has not taken - and will not
    take - any punitive action against Ambassador Evans for speaking
    out about the Armenian Genocide.

    The full text of Rep. Pallone's letter is provided below.


    March 10, 2006

    The Honorable Condoleezza Rice
    Secretary of State
    Department of State
    2201 C Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20520

    Dear Secretary Rice:

    I am writing to express my extreme disappointment with the reports
    of the State Department's decision to withdraw Ambassador John
    Evans from Armenia. Based on news reports, I am outraged that the
    State Department is recalling Ambassador Evans as retaliation for
    statements he made in recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

    I am sure you are aware of courageous public statements Ambassador
    Evans made last year in response to a question about the tragic
    events that began in 1915, "I will today call it the Armenian

    Ambassador Evans is an expert on the subject. He has studied the
    history of Armenia, and based on his substantial studies of the
    issue, he was willing to go on the record and define the systematic
    extermination of 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children as

    To this day, the Republic of Turkey refuses to acknowledge the fact
    that this massive crime against humanity took place on soil under
    its control, and in the name of Turkish nationalism.
    Unfortunately, some 90 years later, the U.S. State Department
    continues to support Turkey's denials despite all evidence to the

    It is simply unacceptable for this administration to continue to
    penalize the ambassador for his comments. Ambassador Evans did a
    courageous thing; his statements did not contradict U.S. policy,
    but rather articulated the same message that this Administration
    has sent to the public. The only difference in this case is that
    Ambassador Evans assigned a word to define the actions taken
    against the Armenians.

    This was a refreshing break from a pattern on the part of the State
    Department of using evasive and euphemistic terminology to obscure
    the full reality of the Armenian Genocide. Ambassador Evans
    pointed out that, "No American official has ever denied it," and
    went on to say that, "I think we, the U.S. government, owe you, our
    fellow citizens a more frank and honest way of discussing this

    Ambassador Evans was merely recounting the historical record, which
    has been attested to by over 120 Holocaust and genocide scholars
    from around the world.

    I do not believe it is possible for any Ambassador to Armenia to
    function with any credibility if he does not recognize the
    genocide. Any representative of the United of States on the ground
    in Armenia is faced with countless occasions where the genocide is
    discussed or commemorated.

    It is simply wrong for the State Department to punish Ambassador
    Evans for statements he made that are factually correct.
    Accordingly, I am asking you for an explanation as to why
    Ambassador Evans was removed from his post.

    I am outraged that the U.S. State Department is now penalizing
    ambassadors for telling the truth. This is the wrong message to
    send to the world. I look forward to a timely response from your


    Member of Congress