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Russia's Shadow Empire

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  • Russia's Shadow Empire

    Washington Post
    March 11 2006

    Russia's Shadow Empire

    By Ana Palacio and Daniel Twining
    Saturday, March 11, 2006; Page A19

    Since 2003, democratic revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia have dealt
    strategic blows to the ambition of Russia's leaders to reconstitute
    the former Soviet empire by retaining political and military
    suzerainty over their weaker neighbors. But Russia's imperial
    pretensions along its periphery linger.

    Calls from the elected presidents of Georgia and Ukraine for a united
    Europe stretching "from the Atlantic to the Caspian" should embolden
    Europe and the United States to help people aspiring to freedom in
    other post-Soviet states end Russia's continuing dominion over them
    by rolling back the corrupting influence of Russian power in regions
    beyond its borders. This task is especially urgent in countries where
    Russian troops and political support sustain secessionist conflicts
    that threaten aspiring new democracies and the security of the West.

    Since the Cold War ended, Russian leaders have built a shadow empire
    on the territories of Russia's sovereign neighbors, extending Russian
    power where it is unwarranted and unwelcome by sponsoring "frozen
    conflicts" in southeastern Europe and the South Caucasus. This
    behavior, designed to maintain political and economic influence
    beyond Russia's borders, impedes democratic development in states
    that aspire to join the West. It exports instability, criminality and
    insecurity into Europe. It threatens regional military conflict that
    could draw in the United States and other powers. It also bolsters
    anti-democratic forces within Russia who believe Russia's traditional
    approach of subverting its neighbors' independence is a surer path to
    security than the democratic peace enjoyed by the nations of Europe.

    The frozen conflicts in the Georgian provinces of South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia, and in the Moldovan territory of Transdniestria, share many
    characteristics. Russian troops fought on the side of local armies
    when these regions broke away from their mother countries as the Cold
    War ended. Russian officers continue to help train and command the
    breakaway territories' Russian-armed militias. The secessionist
    leaders are all Russian citizens, some sent directly from Moscow, who
    are maintained in power by the continuing presence of members of the
    Russian military and security services. Secessionist political
    leaders also enjoy the sponsorship of powerful criminal elites in
    Russia, which profit from the unregulated smuggling trade -- in
    consumer goods, drugs, weapons and women -- in the conflict zones.

    Moscow has granted the people of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and
    Transdniestria Russian citizenship, including Russian passports and
    the right to vote in Russian elections. This effective annexation of
    sovereign peoples is expressly designed to undermine the authority of
    pro-Western governments in Georgia and Moldova.

    Russian political and military influence also looms in the shadows of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
    Opposing armies that fought a bloody war over the disputed enclave in
    the 1990s now shoot at each other from trenches across a "no-man's
    land" more reminiscent of Flanders in 1916 than the European
    neighborhood in 2005. This barely frozen conflict threatens a hot war
    that would devastate the region.

    It is also the place where a breakthrough is perhaps most likely.
    Western governments could support a settlement there in which Armenia
    returned to Azerbaijan the occupied provinces surrounding the
    disputed territory and allowed Azerbaijani refugees to resettle
    there. Nagorno-Karabakh could enjoy full autonomy until its ultimate
    status was decided by democratic referendum at some future date. In
    return for Azerbaijan's cooperation in ending a conflict that
    threatens its growing prosperity, the West should welcome closer
    partnership with that country as it moves forward with reform, end
    residual sanctions against Azerbaijan dating from the 1991-94 war,
    require closure of the Russian bases on Armenian territory that
    threaten Azerbaijan, offer a mini-Marshall Plan for the entire South
    Caucasus and put these countries on a path to Europe.

    In South Ossetia, Europe and the United States should support
    Georgian calls to internationalize the Russian-dominated
    "peacekeeping" force, which now functions chiefly to obstruct changes
    to the secessionist status quo. The United States and the European
    Union should join Georgia, Russia and South Ossetia in a new
    negotiating framework designed to achieve a lasting political
    settlement consistent with international law.

    In Abkhazia, the Atlantic democracies should push to transform the
    U.N. observer mission into an armed peacekeeping force, hold Russia
    to its 1999 promise on troop withdrawal and pledge assistance to
    rehabilitate Abkhazia's war-torn economy as part of a federation
    agreement with Georgia. With the West, Ukraine can help bring change
    to neighboring Transdniestria by continuing its recent crackdown on
    cross-border smuggling, reinforcing Moldovan demands for a Russian
    military withdrawal and supporting a political settlement upholding
    Moldova's sovereignty and the democratic rights of all its people.

    Russia holds the key to any resolution of the frozen conflicts, and
    the Western democracies are surely not powerless to foster a change
    of Russian behavior in Europe's back yard. President Vladimir Putin
    must understand that his country cannot enjoy partnership with the
    West -- including membership in the G-8 club of Western democracies
    and the chance to host their summits -- as long as his policies in
    the European neighborhood, and at home, look less like those of a
    modern European statesman than of a czar.

    Ana Palacio is the former foreign minister of Spain. Daniel Twining
    is an Oxford-based consultant to the German Marshall Fund of the
    United States. These are their personal views.