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ANKARA: Bay Area ANC Hosts Publishers Hrant Dink And Ragip Zarakolu

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  • ANKARA: Bay Area ANC Hosts Publishers Hrant Dink And Ragip Zarakolu

    Haber Gazete, Turkey
    March 11 2006

    Bay Area ANC Hosts Publishers Hrant Dink And Ragip Zarakolu

    SAN FRANCISCO--The Bay Area Armenian National Committee (ANC) hosted
    its annual "Hye Tad Evening" at Treasure Island, with special guests
    including Turkey's Agos Armenian Weekly editor, Hrant Dink and Belge
    Publishing House owner, Ragip Zarakolu.

    Hrant Dink is the publisher and founding editor of the only bilingual
    Turkish-Armenian newspaper, the Agos Weekly, established in 1996.

    Dink thanked the Bay Area ANC for inviting him to the event. Speaking
    in Armenian, he said, "I am delighted to have the opportunity to meet
    the Armenian community here," adding that he was happy to have had
    the chance to meet and talk with ANC committees all over the world.

    Dink grew up in Malatia, attended Armenian school in Istanbul, and
    studied Philosophy and Zoology at Istanbul University. Through his
    writings, publications, and public statements, Dink has been an
    outspoken advocate for the democratization of Turkish society and for
    the need to break the silence about the Armenian genocide.

    Dink recently went on trial for "insulting the Turkish state,"
    because of his remarks about reciting the Turkish oath. Dink said
    about the oath, which says "I am Turkish, I am honest, I am
    hardworking," that although he was honest and hardworking, he was not
    a Turk, but an Armenian. Although he was finally acquitted in that
    case, he was later convicted of "insulting the Turkish identity" for
    writing an article about the impact of the Armenian genocide on the

    Although his suspended sentence requires that he not repeat the
    crime, Dink said, "I will not be silent. As long as I live here, I
    will go on telling the truth," and vowed that he would appeal to
    Turkey's supreme court and to the European Court of Human Rights if
    necessary. "If it is a day or six months or six years, it is all
    unacceptable to me," he said. "If I am unable to come up with a
    positive result, it will be honorable for me to leave this country."

    Dink now faces new charges for attempting "to influence the
    judiciary," because of his comments about his conviction.

    Despite government pressure on people who are speaking out, Dink
    said, "It was a dream 10 years ago to imagine seeing the publication
    of books and articles on the Armenian genocide. There is no doubt
    that there has been some positive change."

    "People are starting to defend their rights," said Dink, hoping for
    "great changes."

    "The activities of the diaspora, the Genocide resolutions passed by
    other countries every year, have contributed to the growing
    consciousness in Turkey," said Dink, who also attributed much of the
    growing recognition of the Armenian genocide in Turkey to the Kurdish
    struggle for national rights there.

    "The government used to say, 'We don't have Kurds or a Kurdish
    problem. Those people fighting up in the mountains are actually
    Armenians,'" said Dink. "And to prove their assertions, they would
    publish photographs in newspapers showing the uncircumcised corpses
    of the defeated fighters. The Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan was
    referred to as 'The Armenian Bastard.'" Dink said that one of the
    first things his paper did was to prove a certain priest who appeared
    in a government newspaper photo with a Kurdish leader, was not, in
    fact, an Armenian priest, as was claimed.

    "We said we're going to speak in their language," Dink said of the
    decision to publish Agos in Turkish as well as Armenian, against the
    protests of many in the Armenian community. "Since then we began to
    speak about our history and to counter their lies. We said, 'Now,
    it's our turn.'"

    Dink said that the process of democratization in Turkey can no longer
    be turned back. "There is a movement to talk about the past and a
    desire to know what happened to Armenians, " he said. One of the
    unexpected consequences of this movement was that many people in
    Turkey are now revealing that their ancestors were Armenian.

    "On the other hand, the Turkish government has responded with more
    propaganda," said Dink, citing the fact that four years ago, new
    textbooks were distributed to all the schools which claim that
    Armenians massacred the Turks.

    Comparing the small number of books on the Genocide now being
    published, with the millions of government textbooks denying the
    Genocide, Dink said, "My hope is that those 3,000 books will vanquish
    the governments' millions." He said that the process of recognizing
    the Armenian genocide is going to take place from within the country,
    starting from the general population. He said that outside pressures
    for change must find a partner from within the country, or there is a
    danger for extreme nationalism. Dink described a new ideological
    movement within Turkey which brings together the Turkish and the
    Islamic identities to form one unifying identity. He also pointed out
    that the nationalist groups and Islamist groups are competing with
    one another and as a result attacks against Armenians have increased.

    Nevertheless, Dink expressed optimism about Armenian genocide
    recognition. "One day they will recognize that the Armenian genocide
    has to be addressed. But they will try to delay it and water it down
    as much as possible."

    Regarding Turkey's entry into the European Union, Dink said, "Turkey
    is like a young man in love with a young European woman. But by the
    time a union can actually take place, the man will be old and the
    woman will be ugly... But love is the important thing. It keeps men
    young, because they try to look better, act younger, take care of
    themselves. Joining the European Union is not the important thing,
    but being in love is important." Dink also expressed his hope that
    one day Armenia would join the European Union.

    Ragip Zarakolu is the owner of Belge Publishing House. Through the
    publication of books deemed subversive by the Turkish authorities,
    Zarakolu has given voice to countless victims of injustice whose
    stories have been silenced, denied, and banned by successive Turkish
    regimes. The first book on the Armenian genocide which he published
    in Turkish was Yves Ternon's, Le Genocide des Armeniens, under the
    title, Armenian Taboo, in 1994. Later came Vahakn Dadrian's Genocide
    as a Problem of National and International Law. When Zarakolu was
    acquitted of charges against him for that publication, the
    possibility of more free discussion about the Armenian genocide in
    Turkey increased.

    Among Zarakolu's other translated publications about Armenian and
    non-Armenian human rights issues is Mgrditch Armen's Heghnar's
    Fountain, Franz Werfel's Forty Days in Musa Dagh, Avetis Aharonian's,
    The Fedayees, Tessa Hoffman's Talaat Pasha Trials in Berlin, Peter
    Balakian's Black Dog of the Fate, and most recently, Turkish
    translations of Ambassador Morgenthau's Story.

    Because of his work, Zarakolu spent three years in prison in the
    1970's. His wife also spent several years in prison.

    Zarakolu spoke about his first exposure to the Armenian genocide,
    when his mother, a witness to the deportations, told him about being
    kept in the house, while hearing Armenians being taken away outside.

    "My mother said, 'The Armenians were crying outside, and we were
    crying inside,'" said Zarakolu. Referring to Turkey's involvement in
    WWI as a "stupid, adventurous war of the Ittihadists," Zarakolu said
    his mother lost both her parents. She was also able to save two
    Armenian girls from deportation, but the government later removed
    those girls from their home.

    Zarakolu also spoke admiringly of Sarkis Cherkezian, an Armenian
    genocide survivor born in a Syrian refugee camp who just passed away
    at 90 years of age.

    "We learned many things about the realities of what happened to the
    Armenians," he said of his close relationship to Cherkezian. He said
    it was because of people like Cherkezian that he is able to write.

    Zarakolu discussed the initial years of the Belge publishing house,
    during which his work was not only banned but received little
    attention. "We had a press conference for our collection of writings
    of the first reports on the Armenian genocide, but there was no
    coverage in the press," said Zarakolu.

    Since then he has withstood a constant barrage of criminal charges,
    further imprisonment, confiscation and destruction of books, the
    bombing of his publishing house, and heavy government fines and
    taxes. His publishing house has endured more than 40 criminal
    indictments. Zarakolu is currently being tried for publishing George
    Jerjian's History Will Set Us Free, and Dora Sakayan's An Armenian
    Doctor in Turkey: Garabed Hatcherian: My Smyrna Ordeal in 1922.

    Economic means permitting, Zarakolu hopes to publish the Turkish
    editions of the Blue Book from the United Kingdom, Armin Wegner's
    testimonies, Captanian's testimonies, and a selection of Zabel
    Yeseyan's works, as well as a photographic documentation of the
    Armenian deportation to the Syrian Desert.