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Talvitie: Balance between Two Basic Principles Should Be Found in NK

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  • Talvitie: Balance between Two Basic Principles Should Be Found in NK


    Talvitie: Balance between Two Basic Principles Should
    Be Found in Karabakh Issue

    11.03.2006 19:04 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ «Some perspective appeared today
    within «the Prague Process», however there are still
    unsettled matters and it is had to say whether parties
    are close to settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict,» former OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair, former EU
    Special Representative to the South Caucasus Heikki
    Talvitie stated in an interview with the Golos
    Armenii. In his words, «Key West was in 2001 and many
    people believed that the solution is close,» while
    Talvitie himself had a different opinion, «I did not
    believe Heydar Aliyev will accept the Key West
    proposal.» When answering the question, «Which is the
    basic principle of the talks?» he said, «It is
    preservation of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
    and the right of Nagorno Karabakh to
    self-determination. In my opinion it is necessary to
    find a balance between these two basic principles.»