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The Biggest Bluff

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  • The Biggest Bluff



    05:32 pm 10 March, 2006


    `It is fact that the Defense Minister cannot to take a
    step without the President's permission', Babken
    Ararktsyan, the representative of `Armat'
    non-governmental centre, ex-speaker of NA reported at
    the National Press Club. According to him everything
    was expected in the negotiations for the peaceful
    settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict,
    sensational announcements are expected.

    «The ousting of Nagorno Karabakh from the negotiations
    was not by chance. There is no pressure in the
    settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict from the
    international society, just like in 1997. It is not
    the problem of international community. The can solve
    their problems in the region without the settlement of
    the Nagorno Karabakh problem».

    Mr. Ararktsyan considers, in fact no Minsk group
    exists and the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict doesn't depend on them. `There are co-chairs
    of three powerful countries. The settlement of the
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict depends on the will of the
    negotiating parties and it is impossible without
    Nagorno Karabakh itself'.

    The ex-chairman of the RA NA continues to claim that
    time is playing into the hands of Azerbaijan in the
    settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh problem. «They
    adopt resolutions favorable for them in the
    international structures, and carry out agitation. In
    Nagorno Karabakh problem our privilege is the military
    success which becomes old in case not used».

    Asked the question why in 1994 the Armenian
    Pan-national Movement didn't use our military success
    Babken Ararktsyan answered, `Minsk group really worked
    actively after the cease-fire'. One of their
    suggestions was denied by Azerbaijan, the second one
    by Karabakh. When in 1997 we agreed to accept the
    document by the Minsk group which was very favorable
    for the Armenian side, the famous hubbub arose».

    Mr. Ararktsyan mentioned that they didn't change their
    point of view in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and the
    journalists were given the November 2004 announcement
    of `Armat' non-governmental centre. `The existence of
    Armenian statehood and Nagorno Karabakh is in danger.
    The Armenian nation is facing the danger of a new war
    and unjustified loses. The only way out of the
    situation created is the elimination of the present
    administration from the political field and the
    formation of legal authorities which will enjoy the
    trust of the people», the announcement says.

    As for the return of the refugees to Karabakh and
    holding another referendum in Karabakh, as the
    international structures suggest, Ararktsyan said `The
    return of the Refugees is practically impossible, and
    the organization of a Referendum is the biggest

    Mr. Ararktsyan also referred to Arkadi Ghoukasyan's
    announcement that Armenia should withdraw from the
    negotiations. `I don't want to be so wicked to think
    that the NKR President's announcements are agreed with
    the RA authorities'. NKR authorities are more
    legitimate and have the right to raise their own