Georgia Not Interested in Departure of Armenian
Population from Javakhetia
11.03.2006 00:37 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia is mistaken to think that
Georgia is interested in the departure of Armenians,
Georgian Ambassador to Armenia Revaz Gachechiladze
stated in Yerevan. He underscored that
Samtskhe-Javakhetia is an Armenian-populated region of
Georgia and it's inadmissible to view it another way.
`We share the anxiety of the Armenian party and
consider that it's legal. Georgia should pay attention
to the regions including Javakhetia,' Gachechiladze
The Ambassador said the Georgian parliament like the
population of Javakhetia is interested in creation of
work places. `We should create the essential
conditions for the attraction of investments and
encourage private business in the region,' he noted,
reported Apsny.Ge.
Georgia Not Interested in Departure of Armenian
Population from Javakhetia
11.03.2006 00:37 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia is mistaken to think that
Georgia is interested in the departure of Armenians,
Georgian Ambassador to Armenia Revaz Gachechiladze
stated in Yerevan. He underscored that
Samtskhe-Javakhetia is an Armenian-populated region of
Georgia and it's inadmissible to view it another way.
`We share the anxiety of the Armenian party and
consider that it's legal. Georgia should pay attention
to the regions including Javakhetia,' Gachechiladze
The Ambassador said the Georgian parliament like the
population of Javakhetia is interested in creation of
work places. `We should create the essential
conditions for the attraction of investments and
encourage private business in the region,' he noted,
reported Apsny.Ge.