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U.S.-Based Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund Initiates Programs

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  • U.S.-Based Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund Initiates Programs

    Emediawire (press release), WA
    March 8 2006

    U.S.-Based Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund - Known as the AAEF -
    Initiates Full Slate of Programs for Improving Children's Education
    at Public Schools in Armenia

    Founder of Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund - the AAEF,
    Anoushavan Abrahamian, embarks on four-week Armenian tour to mark the
    transition of the AAEF to active projects including school
    renovations, teacher training, and distribution of books and learning
    materials. The AAEF is a unique fund dedicated specifically to
    children's educational needs in Armenia.

    Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) March 8, 2006 -- Founder of
    children's education fund for Armenia, Anoushavan Abrahamian, embarks
    on four-week Armenian tour to mark the transition of the Anoushavan
    Abrahamian Education Fund - the AAEF - to active projects including
    school renovations, teacher training, and distribution of books and
    learning materials.

    "I am very pleased to be bringing the Anoushavan Abrahamian Education
    Fund - the AAEF - to this active and operational moment,' said
    Anoushavan Abrahamian, founder of the AAEF. "We have been focused
    since our inception in 2004, with needs assessment, program scoping,
    and of course, fundraising. Now it is time for the actual work to

    Abrahamian's remarks came as he made plans to embark on a four-week
    tour of Armenian educational facilities and meetings with local
    school and governmental officials. His trip begins in Yerevan,
    Armenia on March 10, and is intended to initiate the funding of
    several renovation, training, and educational material distribution

    The work of the Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund has been
    recognized by the Western Diocese of The Armenian Church of North
    America. In a written statement, Archbishop Hovnan Derderian noted,
    "It is a source of inspiration for us to witness the beneficial work
    of the AAEF, the Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund. By adopting
    neglected schools in Armenia and giving the necessary funds,
    equipment and resources to better serve the children of Armenia, the
    AAEF ensures the prosperity of the Motherland."

    The Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund - the AAEF - is dedicated
    expressly to children's and adolescent's trade school education in
    Armenia. Alll necessary funding to organize AAEF and provide for its
    initial projects was provided at that time by American entrepreneur
    Anoushavan Abrahamian.

    "I am confident that the AAEF will make a significant and long
    lasting impact on the youth of Armenia," said Levon Thorse, a
    newly-installed AAEF Board Member and Chairman of the Ardaz Lodge of
    the Knights of Vartan, "I look forward to providing support and
    guidance to the AAEF as it pursues its mission in Armenia." The
    Knights of Vartan is a worldwide brotherhood of Armenians dedicated
    to sustaining Armenian culture and improving economic and living
    conditions in Armenia. Mr. Abrahamian was recently invited to become
    a member of the Knights of Vartan.

    The mission of the Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund includes a
    commitment to repair and upgrade Armenian schools in accordance with
    local standards and to assist with the continuing education and
    improvement of Armenian schoolteachers. The AAEF also plans a Social
    Fund to provide textbooks and other learning materials for needy
    children and families, as well as after-school programs for arts,
    culture, and sports. A Scholarship Fund is also envisioned to support
    gifted students in their higher education and advanced studies. The
    Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund is an independent, non-profit
    non-governmental 501(c)3 organization.

    With the AAEF now moving to active funding and program operation in
    Armenia, a lifelong aspiration of Anoushavan Abrahamian has been
    fulfilled. Abrahamian began working to help his family at a very
    young age, and resolved even then that he would help Armenian youth
    to have an opportunity for education that he had not experienced.

    Anoushavan Abrahamian serves as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
    of A&O Properties Management, Inc., a real estate development and
    asset management firm which he founded, and is managing partner of a
    number of real estate investment entities active in U.S. real estate
    properties. A native Armenian, Mr. Abrahamian moved to Germany in
    1963, later relocating to the United States where he resides today.
    In Germany and in the U.S., he successfully created and operated
    numerous businesses that contributed to his present financial

    Abrahamian is active in numerous charitable and community
    organizations. He resides in Los Angeles, California, with his wife
    of 28 years - Ofik Abrahamian and their three children, with an
    extended family in the area that includes his brother, his three
    sisters, and numerous uncles and cousins.

    For more information about the Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund -
    the AAEF - please visit or call 818.866.4471
    (U.S.). For general information and media queries, please contact Amy
    Giggins at Adventure Studios Communications at 818.973.3141.

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