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ANCA Calls On Secretary Rice To Explain Reports Of Amb. Evans' Recal

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  • ANCA Calls On Secretary Rice To Explain Reports Of Amb. Evans' Recal


    Noyan Tapan
    Armenians Today
    Mar 09 2006

    National Committee of America (ANCA) Chairman Ken Hachikian called
    upon Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to address reports that the
    U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John Marshall Evans, is being forced from
    office based upon truthful and forthright statements about the Armenian
    Genocide. In a March 8th letter, Hachikian asked Secretary Rice to
    comment on published accounts (California Courier, March 9,2006) that
    the Ambassador is being recalled, well before the normal end of his
    term of office, due to remarks during a series of presentations to
    Armenian American communities across the country. Speaking last year
    to an Armenian American gathering at the University of California
    at Berkeley, Amb. Evans said, "I will today call it the Armenian
    Genocide... I informed myself in depth about it. I think we, the
    U.S. government, owe you, our fellow citizens, a more frank and honest
    way of discussing this problem. Today, as someone who has studied
    it . . . there's no doubt in my mind [as to] what happened . . . I
    think it is unbecoming of us, as Americans, to play word games here. I
    believe in calling things by their name." Referring to the Armenian
    Genocide as "the first genocide of the 20th century," he said:
    "I pledge to you, we are going to do a better job at addressing
    this issue." Amb. Evans also disclosed that he had consulted with
    a legal advisor at the State Department who had confirmed that the
    events of 1915 were "genocide by definition." Within days after his
    remarks and the conclusion of a speaking tour of Armenian American
    communities, Ambassador Evans was apparently forced to issue a
    statement clarifying that his references to the Armenian Genocide were
    his personal views and did not represent a change in U.S. policy. He
    subsequently issued a correction to this statement, replacing a
    reference to the Genocide with the word "tragedy." Later last year,
    the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA), in recognition of
    his honesty and commitment to principle, decided to honor Ambassador
    Evans with the "Christian A. Herter Award," recognizing creative
    thinking and intellectual courage within the Foreign Service. Sadly,
    as Washington Post staff writer Glenn Kessler revealed on June 9th,
    AFSA withdrew its award following pressure from "very serious people
    from the State Department."

    In his letter, Hachikian wrote that, "the prospect that a U.S. envoy's
    posting - and possibly his career - has been cut short due to his
    honest and accurate description of a genocide is profoundly offensive
    to American values and U.S. standing abroad - particularly in light
    of President Bush's call for moral clarity in the conduct of our
    international affairs." He added that, "if, in fact, punitive measures
    are being taken against Ambassador Evans, this would represent a
    tragic retreat from our nation's core values. It would also represent
    a new low in our government's shameful complicity in the Turkish
    government's campaign of denial. Not only does the State Department
    continue to be publicly silent as Turkey criminally prosecutes its
    writers and citizens for speaking about the Armenian Genocide, it
    appears the State Department is following Turkey's lead by muzzling and
    punishing an American diplomat for his speech and his acknowledgement
    of a genocide that is extensively documented in the State Department's
    own archives." The ANCA letter also urged Secretary Rice to respond
    in a timely manner to the series of written questions on this matter
    submitted on February 16th by Congressman Adam Schiff during her
    testimony before the House International Relations Committee. Among
    these questions was a specific request that the Secretary assure the
    Committee that the Department of State has not taken - and will not
    take - any punitive action against Ambassador Evans for speaking out
    about the Armenian Genocide. On the other hand, Congresswoman Grace
    Napolitano (D-CA) submitted a series of questions to a senior State
    Department official during his testimony before the U.S.

    House International Relations Committee - including a pointed question
    about reports that the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia is being recalled
    due to his public acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide. As a follow
    up question, addressed to Assistant Secretary of State Dan Fried, the
    California Congresswoman asked for a clarification of any restrictions
    placed on State Department officials concerning the use of the word
    "genocide" when discussing the extermination of 1.5 million Armenians
    starting in 1915. She also inquired about U.S.

    policy on the Turkish blockade of Armenia and the proposed Caucasus
    railroad line circumventing Armenia. Secretary of State Condoleezza
    Rice has yet to respond to an earlier written inquiry regarding
    Ambassador Evans from Congressman Adam Schiff during her February
    16th testimony before the same panel.

    Responding to a reporter's question at today's State Department
    briefing, spokesperson Sean McCormack said, "I'm not aware that
    we have recalled anybody. . . I believe that he's still serving as
    ambassador in Armenia."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress