Prime News Agency, Georgia
March 8 2006
Tbilisi, March 08 (Prime-News) - Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign
Minister, and Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, have
discussed frozen conflicts including Nagorno Karabakh and Abkhazia
during their meeting on March 07, Russian mass media informs.
Speaking about the USA's and Russia's position towards different local
conflicts, Russian Foreign Minister stated that their points of view
on methods that should be used are not congruous but the final aim
in cooperation on the international cases is identical.
Prime News Agency, Georgia
March 8 2006
Tbilisi, March 08 (Prime-News) - Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign
Minister, and Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, have
discussed frozen conflicts including Nagorno Karabakh and Abkhazia
during their meeting on March 07, Russian mass media informs.
Speaking about the USA's and Russia's position towards different local
conflicts, Russian Foreign Minister stated that their points of view
on methods that should be used are not congruous but the final aim
in cooperation on the international cases is identical.