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Crossroads E-Newsletter - 03/09/2006

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - 03/09/2006

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Contact: Iris Papazian

    MARCH 9, 2006

    His Holiness Aram I and the Brotherhood of the Cilician See announce
    with sadness the passing of Archbishop Ghevont Chebeyan, who died today,
    March 9, in Lebanon. He was 95 years old.
    Extreme Unction and Funeral Services will take place tomorrow, March 10,
    at the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator in Antelias, Lebanon, under
    the presidency of Catholicos Aram I. The late Archbishop will be buried in
    the Catholicosate's Zareh I Mausoleum in Antelias.
    Archbishop Ghevont served the Holy See of Cilicia with loyal dedication.
    He was one of the first students to enter the Seminary when it was
    established in Antelias, after the forced exile of the Catholicosate from
    its ancient home in Sis. The late Archbishop served the Armenian Church in
    various areas including Cyprus, Syria and Iran. He continued his service to
    the Holy See after his retirement as a respected teacher and role model for
    the younger generation of seminarians.
    May the Lord accept His faithful servant into His Heavenly Kingdom.

    The Eastern Prelacy mourns the passing of Diramayr Rose Rustigian
    Baljian, mother of Archpriest Fr. Antranig Baljian, pastor of St. Stephen
    Church in Watertown, Massachusetts.
    The service of Homecoming (Dangark) will take place 7 pm Monday March
    13, at Holy Trinity Church, Worcester, Massachusetts. Visiting hours are
    from 4 pm to 8 pm. Funeral services will take place at 11 am, on Tuesday
    March 14, at the Church.
    We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Der Antranig and the entire extended
    Baljian and Rustigian families.

    This week His Holiness Aram issued the fourth in a series of dialogues
    with the youth. Having recently returned from the 9th Assembly of the World
    Council of Churches (WCC) in Porto Alegre, Brazil, His Holiness's focus is
    on youth participation. The Catholicos writes, "With this fourth dialogue
    with the youth of the Armenian Church, I want to share some information and
    my perspectives pertaining to the presence of youth delegates and their
    participation in the Assembly and discuss with you my expectations from our
    youth." His Holiness describes how in his report to the Assembly he
    "challenged the youth to make the Assembly a "Youth Assembly," not only by
    their strong presence but also by seeking the most efficient ways of making
    an impact." He praised the young delegates representing the Armenian Church
    for their serious involvement "in all spheres of the life and work of the
    Assembly. The intervention particularly of our two young women delegates
    from Los Angeles and Boston in the plenary sessions made me proud. They
    reminded me of my first intervention as a young delegate at the 5th Assembly
    in Nairobi in 1975."

    The Prelacy's Lenten series, sponsored by the Armenian Religious
    Education Council (AREC), and the Prelacy Ladies Guild, continued last night
    with V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Garabedian presenting a thoughtful mediation on
    verses 6 to 9 of St. Nerses Shnorhali's prayer, "In Faith I Confess." The
    Lenten programs take place Wednesdays during Lent at St. Illuminator's
    Cathedral, 221 East 27th Street, New York City. Husgoom Service starts at
    7:30 pm, followed by a short meditation at 8:00 pm.
    Next week's meditation on Wednesday, March 15, will be based on verses
    10 to 15 presented by V. Rev. Fr. Shahe Panossian, chairman of the Religious
    Council and pastor of Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, NJ.

    "Sexual Ethics: An Armenian Orthodox Perspective," will be the topic of
    the upcoming National Conference for Christian Educators, March 17 to 19.
    The conference will take place at the Wonderland Conference Center in
    Sharon, Massachusetts.
    Noted theologian Professor Vigen Guroian will lead the Conference.
    Topics to be discussed include: Moral living, human sexuality, creation and
    gender theology, and the institution and sacrament of marriage.
    Sponsored by the Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC), the
    conference will equip Christian educators as well as young parents with the
    tools to teach these important issues.

    More than one hundred students will participate in an Armenian School
    Festival on Sunday, March 26. Sponsored by the Armenian National Education
    Committee (ANEC) under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan
    Choloyan, the Festival will take place at the Dwight-Englewood School in
    Englewood, New Jersey, beginning at 3 pm.

    Plans are underway for the 20th annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute
    Summer Christian Studies Program. Sponsored by the Armenian Religious
    Education Council (AREC), the weeklong program will take place at the St.
    Mary of Providence Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania.

    The February 2006 issue of Hadassah Magazine features a travel article
    on Armenia by Esther Hecht. The article includes many photographs including
    one of Ararat taken from Khor Virab, which we here at Crossroads can
    personally attest to being the most spectacular view of Ararat. Ms. Hecht
    writes of Ararat, "The mountain's twin peaks were once the heart of Armenia,
    but now the Turkish border cuts between that heart and Yerevan, so that
    Ararat remains ever visible but just out of reach, the object of endless
    yearning." She ends the article with this thought, "Long after you return
    home, the sweet and haunting sounds of the duduk will conjure up memories of
    Armenia's struggle for survival, its vast snow-capped mountain ranges, and
    its proud but welcoming people."
    The article is available on the web, but unfortunately the photographs
    are not included. To read the article click /archive/2006/06_feb/traveler.asp

    This Saturday, March 11, the Armenian Church remembers St. Cyril
    (315-386) of Jerusalem, Doctor of the Church.
    St. Cyril possessed a moderate and conciliatory disposition.
    Unfortunately he lived at a time when Bishops were embroiled in bitter
    controversies and were quick to condemn any attempts of compromise as
    treason. Sixteen years of his thirty-five years as a bishop were spent in
    exile. When a famine hit Jerusalem, he sold some of the goods of the church
    to raise money for the poor people who were starving to death. He was
    condemned for selling church property and was banished.
    His best-known work to survive, The Catechetical Lectures, is believed
    to be one of the earliest systematic accounts of Christian theology. The
    lectures consist of an introductory lecture, followed by eighteen lectures
    on the Christian Faith that were used during Lent for those to be baptized
    on Easter, and five lectures on the Sacraments to be used after Easter. The
    lectures have been translated into many languages including English and
    Armenian, and are noted for their presentation of the Christian faith in a
    positive light and maintaining a balance between correct belief and holy
    "Let us, then, my brethren, endure in hope. Let us devote ourselves,
    side by side with our hoping, so that the God of all the universe, as he
    beholds our intention, may cleanse us from our sins, fill us with high hopes
    from what we have in hand, and grant us the change of heart that saves. God
    has called you, and you have your calling."
    (from the Catechetical Lectures)

    This Sunday, March 12, is the third Sunday of Great Lent, known as the
    Sunday of the Prodigal Son. The Parable of the Prodigal Son is intended to
    show God's fatherly love and eagerness to forgive those who repent. The
    well-known story describes an errant son whose absence causes pain to his
    father. When the son returns the father welcomes him with open arms and
    jubilation much to the distress of an older son who had remained faithful.
    But the father says, "It is fitting to make merry and be glad, for your
    brother was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found." The entire
    story of the prodigal son can be read in Luke, chapter 15, verses 11 to 32.

    One hundred thirty years ago, on March 10, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell
    transmitted the first successful phone conversation when he said to his
    assistant, "Mr. Watson, come here."
    By 1878, Bell had set up the first telephone exchange in New Haven,
    Connecticut, and in 1884 long distance connections were made between Boston
    and New York. The technology that resulted from this invention that Bell
    called "electrical speech machine" is nothing short of an amazing revolution
    in telecommunications.


    March 12-Membership meeting of St. Illuminator's Cathedral, New York City.

    March 12-Membership meeting of St. Stephen's Church, New Britain,

    March 17-19-National Conference for Sunday School Teachers, at the
    Wonderland Conference and Retreat Center in Sharon, Massachusetts, sponsored
    by the Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC).

    March 19-Mid-Lenten Luncheon (Michink), St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New

    March 26-School Festival presented by the Armenian National Education
    Committee (ANEC), at Dwight Englewood School, Englewood, New Jersey. Watch
    for details.

    April 2-Lecture, "The Book of Revelation and Badarak: What's the
    Connection?" presented by Dn. Shant Kazanjian, Director of the Armenian
    Religious Education Council (AREC), at St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New
    York. For information 718-224-2275.

    April 2-Annual Ladies Guild Lenten Luncheon, Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church,
    Whitinsville, Massachusetts. Immediately following church services.

    April 8-Ladies Guild Annual Bake Sale, 10 a.m., Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church,
    Whitinsville, Massachusetts.

    April 17-"The Armenian Genocide," a new documentary will be shown on most
    PBS stations. Please check your local listings.

    April 23-Commemoration of the 91st Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at
    Times Square-the crossroads of the world. Watch for details.

    April 29-Presentation by comedian Vahe Berberian at St. Sarkis Church,
    Douglaston, New York. For details 718-224-2275.

    May 5-Reunion of all students beginning from the 1930s who attended St.
    Illuminator Armenian School in New York. Dinner Dance at Terrace on the
    Park, Corona, NY. For reservations or information contact the St.
    Illuminator's Day School, 718-478-4073.

    May 7-Mothers' Day celebration at St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York.

    May 8-Mothers' Day Luncheon by Prelacy Ladies Guild, St. Regis, New York

    May 12-Exhibition of the works of artist Emma Gregoryan at the Prelacy, 138
    E. 39th Street, New York City.

    May 13-Dinner-Dance organized by the St. Sarkis Church Ping-Pong Club. For
    details 718-224-2275.

    May 17-19-National Representative Assembly (NRA), hosted by Sts. Vartanantz
    Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey.

    May 16 and 17-Conference of Yeretzgeens in conjunction with the National
    Representative Assembly, hosted by Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New

    May 20-Saturday School year end Hantes, St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New

    May 21-Sunday School year end Hantes, St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New

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