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ANCA-WR Participates in CRP Convention

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  • ANCA-WR Participates in CRP Convention

    Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region
    104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
    Glendale, California 91206
    Phone: 818.500.1918 Fax: 818.246.7353
    [email protected]
    Thursday, March 9, 2006

    Contact: Lerna Kayserian
    Tel: (818) 500-1918


    -- Meets with Governor and Other Republican Leaders in San Jose

    SAN JOSE, CA - Representatives of the Armenian National Committee of
    America - Western Region (ANCA-WR) traveled to San Jose to participate
    in the California Republican Party (CRP) Convention held from February
    24th through 26th. During the three-day convention, ANCA-WR Director
    Armen Carapetian and ANCA activist Jack Hadjinian met with California
    Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as well as other Republican leaders to
    discuss issues of concern to Armenian Americans.

    Carapetian and Hadjinian joined the CRP Volunteer Organization
    Committee meeting with the California Congress of Republicans,
    California State Republican National Hispanic Assembly, and California
    Federation of Republican Women, among others, where participants
    discussed opportunities to collaborate on initiatives. Many candidates
    for statewide offices were on-hand during the meeting to provide
    updates on their campaigns. Governor Schwarzenegger greeted the
    volunteer organizations and thanked them for their
    support. `Volunteers have always been extremely important in
    campaigns,' said the Governor in his remarks.

    Following the meeting, Jack Hadjinian spoke with the Governor and
    thanked him for his principled stance on the Armenian
    Genocide. Hadjinian, a Montebello resident, extended a special
    invitation to the Governor for this year's commemoration of the
    Armenian Genocide at the Armenian Martyrs Memorial Monument at
    Bicknell Park. Paying homage to the victims of the Armenian Genocide
    at the monument is an annual tradition for Los Angeles area Armenian
    Americans. This commemoration regularly draws over 10,000 visitors,
    including many elected officials. Most notably, in 1969, then Governor
    Ronald Reagan joined His Holiness Khoren I in commemorating the
    Armenian Genocide at the monument. This year's remembrance event will
    take place on Sunday, April 23rd.

    The convention provided the ANCA-WR the opportunity to reach out to
    California Republican elected officials and candidates for elected
    office. Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48), who was the only
    Congressional member at the convention, reiterated his support for the
    Armenian Genocide legislation pending in the House of
    Representatives. State Senator Chuck Poochigian (Fresno) invited the
    ANCA representatives to a special reception and briefed them on his
    campaign for Attorney General. Carapetian and Hadjinian also met many
    Republican Party activists over the weekend, including Armenian
    Americans involved in the CRP and various campaigns.

    `It's important for us to be here, and it's good to see that Armenian
    Americans are involved at this crucial level of the political
    process,' said Carapetian. `We have received nothing but appreciation
    for coming to this convention, and we will continue to build on the
    relationships we established this weekend.'

    The ANCA-WR sponsored an exhibitor table at the convention to
    familiarize those in attendance with the organization, its programs
    and initiatives. Carapetian and Hadjinian also took part in workshops
    hosted by the CRP aimed to train activists in all areas of
    campaigning. The next CRP Convention will be held in the fall.

    The ANCA is the largest and most influential Armenian American
    grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a
    network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the United
    States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA
    actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a
    broad range of issues.