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Antelias: An Assembly of Youth and for Youth

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  • Antelias: An Assembly of Youth and for Youth

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information Department
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    Armenian version:

    An Assembly of Youth and for Youth
    (Dialogue with the youth- Number 4)

    I just returned from Porto Alegre, Brazil, where the World
    Council of Churches (WCC) had its 9th Assembly. The gathering of four
    thousand people (delegates, advisors, guests and journalists) was a landmark
    event in world Christendom. Through prayer, celebration, reporting,
    discussion and decisions, the Assembly set a new process in the life and
    witness of the WCC. I am sure that church historians, theologians,
    ecumenists and journalists will make a critical assessment of the Assembly.
    At a later stage, I would like to make my own evaluation of this event by
    identifying its challenges and vision for the future of the ecumenical
    With this fourth dialogue with the youth of the Armenian Church,
    I want to share some information and my perspectives pertaining to the
    presence of youth delegates and their participation in the Assembly and
    discuss with you my expectations from our youth.
    In my report to the Assembly, I challenged the youth to make the Assembly a
    "Youth Assembly", not only by their strong presence but also by seeking the
    most efficient ways of making an impact. Further, I emphasized the crucial
    importance of the role that youth are impelled to play in the ecumenical
    movement, and called them to become the pioneers of a new ecumenical order,
    as well as the avant-garde of a new ecumenical future.
    The response of the youth was positive. In fact, their
    commitment, participation and forward-looking vision permeated all aspects
    of the Assembly. In my dialogue with the youth, I reminded them that the
    dignity of service and not the arrogance of power must guide us, that we
    must look for substance and not for position, and we must be after quality
    and not after visibility.
    This is what I have learned in this world-wide ecumenical
    movement and in my ministry. This is what I expect from our youth.
    Now that the "Youth Assembly" is over, how can the youth make it
    an "Assembly for Youth" by translating its recommendations and vision into
    action-oriented process in the life of their churches and the ecumenical
    movement at large? This is the real challenge. I hope that the youth will
    take this challenge courageously and responsibly.
    I was very pleased to see the young delegates of our church actively and
    seriously involved in all spheres of the life and work of the Assembly. The
    intervention particularly of our two young women delegates from Los Angeles
    and Boston in the plenary sessions made me proud. They reminded me of my
    first intervention as a young delegate at the 5th Assembly, in Nairobi, in
    1975. The contribution, the zeal and the seriousness of our youth give me
    hope for the future of the ecumenical movement and the active ecumenical
    role of our church.
    With this strong conviction and forward-looking perspective, I want to
    underscore a few points.-
    1. Those who are taking part in the ecumenical movement are not
    necessarily clergy or theologians. They come from different walks of life
    and with different experiences. This diversity of age, gender and expertise
    constitutes one of the rich expressions of the ecumenical movement. Yet, for
    these people, basic information about Bible, church history, the
    confessional communions and church families, etc. is vitally important. This
    background information will significantly enhance the intellectual and
    spiritual dialogue between people, who come from different churches and from
    different parts of the world, seeking the unity of church and a common
    Christian witness.
    2. For our youth, who want to engage in the ecumenical activities, the
    knowledge of the Armenian Church is essential. I say this because I know the
    limited scope of the information that our youth have about their church, its
    history and theology, liturgy and spirituality. Representing a church means
    representing its doctrinal positions, theological teachings, moral
    principles and spiritual values. The ecumenical movement is a space where
    not only people but also values, traditions, experiences come together and
    engage in creative and mutually enriching dialogue.
    3. The ecumenical formation of our youth must become a continuous
    process. By ecumenical formation I do not mean only accumulation of
    information on ecumenical history, agenda, goals, priorities and structures,
    etc. By ecumenical formation I basically understand: a process whereby
    through the acquisition of knowledge a person is transformed and learns to
    look beyond the narrow boundaries of a particular church, to open up to the
    other churches, to different contexts and traditions, and to look at
    realities, issues and concerns in a broader context. Hence, ecumenical
    formation is a learning process.
    4. Knowledge and formation are not enough if they are not undergirded
    by firm commitment. Fully equipped with the necessary tools, our youth must
    become active participants in the ecumenical movement. Ecumenism deals with
    vision. It has clear goals. Being ecumenical means being engaged in a
    faith-sustained and vision-driven life. Being ecumenical means being
    involved in struggle for the visible unity of the church and for the
    promotion of Gospel values.
    5. Finally, ecumenism is a sort of school, where one always remains a
    student and never becomes a graduate, where one knows what and how to give
    and what and how to receive, when and how to talk and when and how to remain
    silent. Indeed, quality, commitment and vision count more in ecumenism than
    any other thing.
    I invite the Armenian youth to engage in ecumenical life with this spirit,
    openness and vision.

    Aram I
    Catholicos of Cilicia

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