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Karabakh Issue - Global Security Problem

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  • Karabakh Issue - Global Security Problem


    15.03.2006 19:00 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan", "Nagorno
    Karabakh Autonomous Region", "liberated territories"... Theses are the
    ungrounded notions imposed upon the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, former
    NKR Deputy Defense Minister, lieutenant general Vitaliy Balasanyan
    stated in an interview with Karabakh-online. In his words, the issue
    is being purposefully politicized though it should be considered within
    the legal field. "What does the expression security belt mean? I don't
    know such notion in the world practice when the territories belonging
    by right are kept but even trees are not planted there. This notion
    should be removed from the lexicon, recognize the NKR integrity within
    its present borders and not follow the tastes of those who politicize
    the issue artificially," he underscored.

    When touching upon the relations with the neighbor states, first of all
    with Iran, Vitaliy Balasanyan noted that NKR is an independent state
    bordering with Armenia and Iran. "During the pre-soviet period Iran
    was Armenia's age-old neighbor. Moreover Armenians made significant
    contribution to the formation of the Persian State. We had common
    interests including culture. We could jointly reconstruct and preserve
    the monuments of Persian culture - mosques in Shushi and Aghdam. I
    think we should use the border with Iran," Balasanyan said.

    He also reminded that the Karabakh problem is of pan-Armenian and
    even global importance. "Some third states really attempt to cause
    contradictions between the Armenian and Karabakh authorities. "I do
    not notice any tension. Anyway the Nagorno Karabakh issue should be
    over any personal ambitions," the lieutenant general stated.