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AAA: Major Armenian Organizations To Participate In Assembly'sConfer

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  • AAA: Major Armenian Organizations To Participate In Assembly'sConfer

    Armenian Assembly of America
    1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
    Washington, DC 20036
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]

    March 15, 2006  
    CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Washington, DC - In less than two weeks, the Armenian Assembly will
    host a major pan-Armenian conference in the nation's capital to
    convey to Washington decision makers that non-partisan leaders and
    organizations in our community are united in purpose and priority.

    The Assembly's National Conference and Banquet, March 26-28, will be
    co-hosted with the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and the
    Eastern and Western Dioceses of the Armenian Church and in partnership
    with leading Armenian-American organizations. They include:

    * Apostolic Exarchate for Armenian Catholics
    * Armenia 2020
    * Armenia Tree Project
    * Armenian American Chamber of Commerce
    * Armenian American Cultural Association, Inc.
    * Armenian Church Youth Organization - Eastern Diocese
    * Armenian Church Youth Organization - Western Diocese
    * Armenian High Tech Council of America (Armentech)
    * Armenian International Policy Research Group
    * Armenian International Women's Association
    * Armenian Missionary Association of America, Inc.
    * Armenian Network of America, Inc.
    * Armenian Students' Association of America, Inc.
    * Birthright Armenia
    * Knights of Vartan

    "The Armenian community's leading advocates will be in full force at
    this Conference, thanks in part to the active participation of these
    grassroots organizations," said Assembly Board of Directors Chairman
    Anthony Barsamian. "It is critical that we present our common voice
    to those in the executive and legislative branches that make the
    policy decisions that directly impact Armenia and Karabakh."

    The National Conference and Banquet will open on March 26 with a
    welcoming reception at the U.S. Botanic Garden featuring special
    guest, NKR Deputy Foreign Minister Masis Mayilian. Assembly leaders
    will convene earlier that day for their annual Trustees Meeting.
    The following day, participants will take part in a day-long series
    of briefings and training culminating with the National Banquet that
    evening at the Mayflower Hotel.

    The National Conference will feature Armenia's Foreign Minister
    Vartan Oskanian, Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia,
    Ambassador Daniel Fried and House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD),
    as well as a panel with the American Red Cross, the Peace Corps and
    Habitat for Humanity. The Banquet that evening will feature a special
    tribute to Armenian-American veterans and will include remarks by
    Senator George Allen (R-VA) and U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans.

    The Assembly will also be awarding Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) for
    his outstanding public service and his commitment and dedication to
    Armenian issues.

    This unique event will also include special reunion events for
    Armenia Mission participants and Assembly Intern Alumni on March 26
    and 27 respectively.

    In an effort to encourage Armenian youth to attend the Conference,
    the Assembly is offering a special student package which includes
    registration, two nights' hotel accommodations and admission to the
    Banquet for only $100. For more information on the Conference, or to
    register, please contact Assembly Development Deputy Director Rita
    Mullane at (202) 393-3434 ext. 234 or [email protected].

    The Armenian Assembly is the largest Washington-based nationwide
    organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian
    issue. The Armenian General Benevolent Union is the world's largest
    philanthropic organization devoted to education, cultural and
    humanitarian efforts. Both are 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership

    The Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) is the
    spiritual and administrative head of the Armenian Apostolic Church in
    the Eastern United States. The Eastern Diocese and its counterpart,
    the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, exist under
    the authority of the ancient Mother See of the Armenian Church in
    Holy Etchmiadzin.



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