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ANKARA: Czech President Klaus: Who Will Benefit From TurkishRecognit

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  • ANKARA: Czech President Klaus: Who Will Benefit From TurkishRecognit


    Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
    March 15 2006

    Czech President Vaclav Klaus stressed on Sunday that stirring up and
    bring the past events back to the agenda of the international community
    is useless, saying, "Who will benefit from Turkish recognition of
    the Armenian 'genocide'?"

    Speaking to German daily Der Spiegel, Klaus questioned the necessity of
    facing the past, saying, "The past is the past. Nowadays the European
    Parliament is urging Turkey to recognize the Armenian genocide
    claims. Who will benefit from this recognition? Russian President
    Vladimir Putin apologized for the suppression of the Prague spring
    reform process by harsh methods in 1968, saying that his country takes
    moral responsibility for the events of 1968. This was a gesture for the
    Czech Republic but I don't think that we have to discuss with Putin
    the things a former Soviet leader did to us. In other words Putin is
    not the inheritor of Leonid Brezhnev and I am not the inheritor of
    the communist regime that took power in 1948 in my country."

    JTW asked the Turkish historians and IR experts the issue. Turkish
    experts agree Klaus in some degree.

    Dr. Sedat LACINER (ISRO Director): "First there are grave differences
    between the Soviet-Prague case and the Turkish-Armenian case. In
    Turkish-Armenian case both sides were victims. More than 520.000
    Turkish people were massacred by the Armenian armed groups and
    Armenians suffered a lot too. Turkish people accepted their mistakes
    in the past and Turkish Government openly declared its wish to debate
    the Armenian allegations. Turkish PM Erdogan offered to establish
    a commission to discuss the difrences. However Armenian side has
    strongly rejected all calls and offers from Turkey. The problem is
    that there are some who benefit from the problems. Some in Armenia
    and Armenian dispora enjoys the benefits resulted in problems. The
    'genocide industry' employs millions."

    Dr. Nilgun Gulcan (Turkish Expert on Caucasus): "Armenia is obsessed
    with the past and it is really difficult to change it. The Armenian
    allegation prevent to use potentials in Turkey-Armenia relations. But
    that's all for Turkey. Turkey does not need Armenia too much. Armenia
    is a small country with a population less than Ankara's population.

    Armenia needs Turkey and they reject a reconciliation in the
    relations. So there is no problem. Armenians like to be in problem."

    Davut Sahiner: "Kocharian and the radical Armenian groups benefit from
    the problems. The diaspora's radical anti-Turkish groups also benefit
    from the problems. If the problems between Turkey and Arsmenia solved,
    I am sure that they will create new ones."