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Paradoxical Armeno-Turkish Relations

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  • Paradoxical Armeno-Turkish Relations


    Londra Toplum Postası, UK
    British Turkish website
    March 16 2006

    Ekleniş Tarihi: 16 Mart 2006
    Yazar: Alkan Chaglar
    Yazarın tum yazılarını goruntule

    Armenians have lived in Cyprus for centuries, but the present
    community on the island is mainly the result of immigration during
    and after the Armenian deportations of 1915-23 in Turkey. Currently,
    some 6000 Armenians live in Cyprus, mainly in Nicosia, Larnaca and
    Limassol. Many of the Armenians who fled to Cyprus were Turkahayer,
    or Turkish Armenians, despite the fact that some Gibrahayer (Cypriot
    Armenians) had lived in Cyprus for centuries.

    Fleeing from war, they huddled together in open boats, unfurled their
    sails and left Silifke to Cyprus. Armenians arrived bedraggled,
    dispirited and sick from war, but with heavy hearts and with an
    entrepreneurial spirit they made the island their new home. Cyprus
    for them was a sanctuary from the misery of war and domestic strife
    in Anatolia.

    However, hardened by many fatigues and inured to rough living,
    they were unable to forget their homes and the Turkish neighbours
    and friends they left behind, so they clung onto their traditions
    and memories of Anatolia life in their new home. Poor and destitute,
    many sought cheap rented lodgings in the Turkish quarter of Nicosia.

    Originally, Armenian refugees from Anatolia spoke Turkish, with a
    small number able to converse in Armenian, which they often mixed with
    Turkish. It was also common to meet Armenians who could not speak their
    own language. Some Armenians in an effort to retain some kind of an
    Armenian identity even attempted to write Turkish using the Armenian
    script rather than go to the trouble of learning the old language.

    This had already happened to the Armenian community of the Crimea
    who lost their language adopted Kipchak Turkic which they wrote
    using the Armenian script. Today the children of Cypriot Armenians
    are multi-lingual.

    The most paradoxical relations that the Armenians had in Cyprus
    were with the Turkish Cypriots, while at school and church they
    were routinely indoctrinated about past struggles with Turks,
    Cypriot Armenians and Cypriot Turks lived side by side in the same
    neighbourhood of Nicosia. The significance of this is that they left
    one Turk to settle with another.

    Although the Armeno-Turkish conflict in Anatolia left many bitter
    memories, Cypriot Armenians enjoyed closer ties with the Turkish
    Cypriots than with other Cypriots. Whatever transpired in Anatolia
    had no bearing on their relations with Turkish Cypriots. Both were
    Turkish speaking; Armenians had arrived in Cyprus from Southern and
    Eastern Anatolia and their culture and traditions were Turkish. From
    their names one can clearly see the centuries long experience of
    living with Turks, Bichakjian (Bicakcioglu), Ouzunian (Uzunoglu),
    and even Shishmanian (Sismanoglu) -ian denotes 'son of' in Armenian.

    Often these names have a geographical origin, so a family from Antep
    would be Antepian, or it would suggest noble ancestry or a profession
    or physical trait, such as Karagozian (blackeyed) or Boyatzian
    (painter). They may also have Muslim and Turkic names, Azizian,
    Turfanian and even Osmanian.

    In Cyprus, they not only established their businesses among the Turkish
    Cypriots but built friendships with them and exchanged visits to each
    other's homes. Even though the Greeks formed the majority of Cyprus'
    population, the Armenians had more contact with Turkish Cypriots, as
    few of them spoke Greek. They already knew Turkish as a mother tongue
    and most of them continued to converse in Turkish on the island,
    in order to communicate among themselves and with their Turkish
    Cypriot neighbours. Often it was necessary to tell certain stories,
    anecdotes or jokes within the family in Turkish, as they sounded
    better in that language.

    Like Turkish Cypriots, Armenians have a similar passion for Bastirma (a
    traditional dried spicy sausage) and Soujouk, which the newly arrived
    Armenians would sell. Unaware of prejudice they made good business
    from transporting their Anatolian delights to Cypriot kitchens. While
    the elders worked, their children would happily play games in the
    streets, and by evening they would sleep in each other's arms. Even
    the odd Armenian -Turkish Cypriot love story was not uncommon.

    While in other parts of the region domestic strife and bickering
    soured coexistence, in Cyprus there was still mutual tolerance,
    so that Armenians and later Jews from World War Two saw it as a
    sanctuary of peace.

    Many Turkish Cypriots like my grandparents have fond memories of
    coexistence with Armenians, but also with Greeks and Maronites. At
    their annual village Panayia, in Ayios Theodoros, similar to the Feria,
    a village festival in Southern France, many of the confectioners who
    made the tastiest sweet and sticky treats, and many of the regular
    tradesmen and shopkeepers in the old city with whom the Turkish
    Cypriots dealt with on a day to day basis were Armenians.

    By the 1950s the Armenians founds themselves caught in the middle of
    inter-communal conflict in Cyprus. Sue Pattie, recounts a story in
    her book " Faith in history", when during the peak of Greco-Turkish
    conflict, an Armenian risked their lives to help their Turkish
    neighbours by sheltering them in their home after a rumour of an
    imminent attack by militiamen. "One Turkish family that lived just
    on the river's edge came to us and asked if we would protect them
    for the night. We were Armenians and we wouldn't be attacked (by
    the Greeks). They were very good neighbours. The mother had stayed
    with me when my father was dying. The boys used to play together,
    how could we say no?"

    Many Armenians reacted to the troubles by emigrating abroad. Many
    went to Australia and Britain.

    Engaged in the invidious task of discussing Armeno-Turkish relations,
    an issue seldom brought to people's attention, it seems the two
    peoples have enjoyed a special relationship on the island. This could
    be used to Cyprus' advantage if we are to seek a lasting peace. Even
    if one considers the historical; dimensions of the Armenian Question,
    it would incongruent with the truth to suggest that Armeno-Turkish
    relations in Cyprus were poor, amid the political problems this would
    be an easy assumption to make. But memories like this remind us that
    they were often amicable and at times even brotherly. ournalist&aid=926

    --Boundary_(ID_Ng7Ruu65CjSV aFuiWcRmUQ)--