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BAKU: Hundreds To Join World Azeris Congress

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  • BAKU: Hundreds To Join World Azeris Congress


    AzerNews Weekly, Azerbaijan
    March 16 2006

    Over a thousand representatives from different countries will gather
    in the Azeri capital Baku to attend the second congress of World
    Azerbaijanis on Thursday.

    The event is to draw 1,300 visitors, including more than 600 from
    49 countries, the chairman of the State Committee on Work with
    Azerbaijanis Living Abroad, Nazim Ibrahimov, said. Most of the
    attendees, 170, will arrive from neighboring Russia, while 60 from the
    former Soviet republic of Ukraine, 40 Georgia, 39 Turkey, 33 Germany,
    25 Kazakhstan. Visitors from France, Sweden, Netherlands, Hungary,
    Czech Republic, Poland and Bulgaria are expected as well.

    Azeri representatives from Egypt, Iceland, Japan, Thailand, Australia
    and New Zealand will be in attendance for the first time. About 300
    political figures, MPs from dozens of countries, officials, renowned
    scientists and intellectuals, who have contributed to the development
    of Azerbaijani communities abroad, will be among the attendees,
    along with representatives of the Jewish and Turkic communities,
    Ibrahimov said. Speaking at the event will be Turkish state minister
    on Turkic states Mehmet Aydin, ex-state secretary of the former
    German Federal Republic Otto Hauser, state secretary of Kyrgyzstan
    Dastan Sarigulov, former French ambassador to Azerbaijan Jean Perren,
    Michael Nobel, the grandson of Alfred Nobel, and others. "The congress
    will discuss a number of issues pertaining to the current standing of
    the Azerbaijani Diaspora and ways of informing the world community
    about Azerbaijan's realities, acts of terror and genocide committed
    against Azeris and strengthening relations with other communities,"
    Ibrahimov said. The participants are expected to adopt appeals to world
    Azeris and the international community concerning the Upper (Nagorno)
    Garabagh conflict, as well as Armenia's aggression against Azerbaijan
    and the destruction of historical and cultural sites in the occupied
    territories. Ibrahimov noted that intense discussions are currently
    under way on establishing a special fund for the Azeri Diaspora.

    "Some believe that the entity should be an independent public
    organization, while others say it should be a government agency."

    There are currently about 50 million Azerbaijanis throughout the
    world, including 30m in neighboring Iran, two million in the country's
    northern neighbor Russia, 1.5 million in the United States, 500,000
    in Ukraine, and 350,000 in France, according to the State Committee.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress