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Kenya: I Am In Kenya To Stay, Says Armenian

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  • Kenya: I Am In Kenya To Stay, Says Armenian


    Daily Nation, Kenya
    March 16 2006

    Armenian Artur Margaryan yesterday remained defiant despite a one-week
    ultimatum by two Nairobi MPs who said he should leave the country.

    The MPs had earlier said they would lead a demonstration to the
    Armenians' rented house in Runda estate, Nairobi, if he did not leave
    the country.

    But yesterday, the Armenian enigma said he was in Kenya to stay. He
    also said he had neither been to State House nor met the President.

    Neither had he transacted any business with the Government.

    Asked whether he had ever conducted business with Ms Winnie Wangui,
    the daughter of a Narc politician, Mr Margaryan said it was his
    brother's responsibility to establish business contacts and partners.

    He was just running the business.

    Mr Margaryan said he was not afraid of the two MPs who had threatened
    to raid his house. Instead, he invited Mr Fred Gumo and Mr Reuben
    Ndolo for talks so that he could explain himself to them.

    But he claimed that there were people who were calling his family in
    Dubai to intimidate them.

    The confident-looking man, dressed in black and sporting gold chains,
    bracelets and rings, emerged from his Runda House at 10.15am to tell
    a group of journalists that the Westlands (Gumo) and Makadara (Ndolo)
    MPs had no authority to raid his house.

    "I don't know why they had to come here because they are neither
    policemen nor immigration officials. They are not judges either but
    I was not at home and I do not know what they want. They should be
    told that they do not need seven days, they can come even now and
    let's meet and talk as men. I believe there is justice in Kenya,"
    Mr Margaryan said.

    He emerged from his home after a 15-minute stake-out by journalists,
    some of whom were perched on tree tops to get a vantage point to film
    the goings-on in the compound.

    When he came out, he first asked: "What is it today? I have no
    quarrel with the media and you don't have to climb on tree tops to
    take pictures. What if you break your leg?"

    Journalists engaged him in a half hour interview during which he
    said that he was willing to record a statement with the police on
    the allegations he has made against Orange Democratic Movement MPs
    Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka. He added: "And I am even ready to
    testify in court."

    Mr Margaryan and his brother, Mr Artur Sargsyan, had earlier claimed
    that they had been asked for a loan by ODM leaders.

    The man also denied that he had ever used a vehicle with GK
    registration numbers. He said he was covering his vehicle's number
    plates for security reasons.

    He also declined to divulge details about his businesses, saying that
    that would lead to "commercial spying" where such details would be
    picked up by business rivals to his disadvantage.

    "I'm in property development and I import electronics and cars from
    Dubai. I cannot disclose more," he said.

    He said he was Armenian and had never worked for the Czech Republic
    in any capacity. He was responding to a journalist's question whether
    he had any connection with the Czech Republic.

    Unlike Czech citizens who have "yellowish hair and lighter skin,
    we Armenians have black hair and are dark skinned. Anyone who speaks
    Armenian can confirm this."

    He also denied claims that he and his brother were involved in money
    laundering or drug trafficking.

    "My money is legal and anyone who is thinking otherwise should prove
    it," he said.

    His business life, he said, started after the collapse of the Union
    of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) which, he said, had been "one
    big jail. One big concentration camp. "After the collapse, my six
    brothers and I began to move to Turkey and Pakistan and Egypt and
    other countries and to take goods home and make a profit. We worked
    in many countries and finally loved Dubai from where we have operated
    for a while," he said.