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Kenya: LSK challenges Govt on Armenians

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  • Kenya: LSK challenges Govt on Armenians

    LSK challenges Govt on Armenians

    Kenya Times, Kenya
    March 16 2006

    LAW Society of Kenya, Kericho branch, has challenged the Government to
    come out clean over the presence of the alleged Armenian mercenaries
    in the country.

    The branch secretary Gideon Mutai said the mercenaries saga was a
    security risk to the country and the sooner the Government comes out
    with a clear statement over the issue the better.

    Mutai lauded Langata Member of Parliament Raila Odinga for disclosing
    the presence of the mercenaries in the country, describing him as
    a leader who has the welfare of this country at heart on matters
    pertaining to security.

    Mutai asked other legislators to emulate Raila and come out strongly
    in his support by intensifying pressure on the Government to take
    necessary action against the aliens before any damage is done to
    the country.

    Said he: "By this time, the Government should already have arrested
    the two Armenians while investigations were being conducted with the
    assistance from those who claimed their lives are being endangered
    by the duo."

    "It is deplorable to note that the two are yet to record statements
    with the police and continue to enjoy State protection," he added.

    Speaking to the Press in his office, Mutai wondered why the Government
    was quick to order some Opposition MPs to record statements while
    the Armenians did not do so, especially after they admitted that they
    had been approached by Raila and Kalonzo Musyoka to scheme and fund
    on a plot to oust the Government.

    He said Kenyans are more enlightened now than ever before and can no
    longer be cheated by cheap propaganda.

    He said the characteristic of the Armenians left a lot to be desired
    whether they are business men or not saying right from the way they
    dressed and work.

    "Do business men have time to wear neckties, gold, bracelets, golden
    wrist watches the way the Armenians are? These are normally the type
    of people we usually see in movies and theatres," he said.

    He castigated lawyers who are associated with the Armenians saying
    there is no advocate-client relationship in an act of wrongdoing
    especially on matters touching the country's security.