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Open Letter From

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  • Open Letter From

    12:27 17/03/06


    The circumstance of non-responding to the applications
    in advance addressed to you gave grounds to suppose
    that they didnīt reach the addressee, consequently
    choosing the way of turning publicly to you by the
    open letter, we hoped to express our anxiety
    concerning illegal actions, had committed towards the
    company "Royal Armenia" and its heads. As a result of
    machination of a group of managing officials at the
    customs state committee of the Republic of Armenia
    /hereinafter CSC/ on 10.03.2005 criminal legal
    proceedings were instituted towards the company "Royal
    Armenia"; and during the seventh month of the criminal
    case investigation, joint owner of the company
    Hakobyan Gagik and vice director Ghazaryan Aram were
    arrested on 11.10.2005 and had been under arrest for
    about 5 months. Analyses of one-year criminal case and
    five months arrest of the latter revealed that not an
    objective investigation complying with criminal
    proceedings law of RA was held but a criminal terror,
    which was carried out by the investigator Marukyan
    Mnatsakan in favor of carelessness towards all the
    arguments and written evidences of the company and
    arrested officials, declaring them false without
    analyzing to the extent of attempts to qualify the
    whole economic activity of LLC "criminal" within the
    period of the last six months. While all the
    incriminating proclamations, made by Bedrossian Vache,
    USA citizen, declared as "victim", by the
    investigatorīs own free will had been accepted as a
    gospel truth and he had kept the people arrested on
    the grounds of it. The investigator who was the first
    responsible for ungrounded arrest, made all the
    efforts for justifying his illegal actions and
    fabricated accusations concerning the arrested. We
    understand that some customers stand under his back,
    however we find that law must operate in Armenia,
    consequently availability of the customers doesnīt
    release the investigator from an obligation to act
    objectively, lack of which is unspeakably tremendous.

    Actually the company "Royal Armenia" as well as
    Hakobyan Gagik and Ghazaryan Aram were punished for
    non-implementation of illegal requirement made by
    corrupted managing officials at CSC, however the funny
    side of a situation is that the latter were accused
    because formerly Hakobyan Gagik, refusing the
    high-ranking customs officials, denied to execute.
    According to the hypothesis of preliminary
    investigation, Hakobyan Gagik had been accused in
    fraud as well, which became apparent in debts to
    Bedrossian Vache, USA citizen, and refusal from
    returning the debts, however in reality Bedrossian
    Vache, USA citizen owed money to Hakobyan Gagik and at
    these circumstances the label fraudster suited
    Bedrossian Vache, USA citizen. The applications sent
    to you, containing details of the above-mentioned and
    written evidences were handed over the Presidentīs
    Staff of RA in time, consequently we ask to become
    familiar with them in order to make sure in the
    pointed out.

    Taking an opportunity we want to recall to the address
    of CSC, during the meeting at the beginning of year
    you expressed your negative treatment: for clearance
    of various customs values of imported identical goods
    with similar provisions, as during the last 2.5 years
    the company "Royal Armenia" had been considered as one
    of the victims of such illegal actions made by the
    customs officials. For the first time the company
    "Royal Armenia" stated about it at press conference,
    held on 26.07.2004, revealing corruption disclosure
    available at the base of customs values "games",
    established for imported coffee by CSC. As a result
    the corrupted high-ranking customs officials has been
    unpunished up to day and continue to hold profitable
    offices, and the fathers of corruption together
    instituted criminal legal proceedings towards an
    innocent person, revealed "imprudence" while
    expressing his loudly addressed opinion concerning the
    corruption. We also remember that the instruction
    given by you to the head of CSC during the meeting at
    the beginning of year, to punish all the officials,
    which bear responsibility for establishing wrong
    customs values in 2005. Let us point out that over two
    months passed after meeting, but nothing was said
    about execution of your instruction by the head of

    Proceeding from the above-mentioned we ask your
    cooperation for termination of illegal actions,
    carried out towards the company "Royal Armenia" and
    its heads as well as for releasing innocent people in
    criminal-legal sense.

    Thanks beforehand
    "Royal Armenia" JV LLC
    Director /signature/ Toni El Labaki
    Lawyer /signature/ Minasyan Gevorg
    March 14, 2006

    /Seal of "Royal Armenia" JV LLC/
