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The Azeris Are Being Misguided: It's Necessary To Show Them The Righ

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  • The Azeris Are Being Misguided: It's Necessary To Show Them The Righ


    March 17, 2006

    "I don't think Armenia is making militaristic statements. On the
    contrary, we are not responding properly to the militaristic rhetoric
    and atmosphere that prevails in Azerbaijan today. The Azeri population
    is being misguided purposefully.

    They are made to think that Armenia is so weak, and our spirit is so
    much broken that as soon as Azerbaijan starts military operations it
    will immediately succeed in returning the territories they have lost,"
    representative of ARF' s Supreme Body Armen Rustamian stated commenting
    on the recent statements made in Armenia after the Armenian president's
    statement. Continuing the rhetoric of Azerbaijan's militaristic
    statements Rustamian reminds our society that by these territories
    Azerbaijan means not only the territory around Karabagh and the areas
    that are currently under Armenia's de facto control.

    Azerbaijan turns out to have greater ambitions: it is planning
    to invade a larger area, including Zangezur and other Armenian

    "This is the atmosphere that prevails in Azerbaijan and we have
    to respond to it properly. The statements we make are a means of
    preventing war and not instigating it. We have to differentiate between
    the statements made by Azerbaijan, statements that are directly calling
    for a war. The message we want to send is that we are ready for a war,
    so let's us not be misguided and let's not start another war," head of
    the National Assembly permanent committee on foreign relations stated.

    At the same time he reminded that if today Azerbaijan is speaking
    about losing 20% of its territories, there can be no guarantees
    that it will not lose 40% of its territories if another war breaks
    out. Rustamian believes this should be made clear since this is the
    most important tool for countering Azerbaijan's ambitions. There are
    no other preventive measures that could be used against Azerbaijan.

    "There are no peacekeeping forces, and by the way, the ceasefire was
    signed without the assistance of the international community. The
    ceasefire was established only due to the fact that the war was a
    self defense of the Karabagh population, and the Azeri aggression
    was stopped," Rustamian said.

    Commenting on the progress of the peace talks, Rustamian said he
    believes that if the position Azerbaijan has adopted persists, the
    prospects for the settlement of the conflict will be very vague. What
    measures should be undertaken to ensure that we do not face a deadlock
    in the future?

    Rustamian believes in order to raise the efficiency of the negotiation
    process it is necessary to understand the two important issues around
    which mutual concessions must be made. These are the issues of security
    and political status.

    In addition to this, it is very important to understand that the peace
    talks cannot be considered efficient as long as Nagorno Karabagh does
    not participate in the negotiation process since there are issues
    that are the sole prerogatives of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic.

    Nagorno Karabagh Republic is a party of the conflict, and being
    such, it must also be a party of the negotiations. Who has more to
    do to improve this situation? "I think Azerbaijan has more to do in
    this respect. The Minsk Group Co-Chairs should assess the situation
    correctly and diagnose properly why the peace talks are not progressing
    in an efficient manner. Each of the parties of the conflict should
    be assigned with such tasks that would ensure the efficiency of the
    negotiation process," Rustamian stated.

    What prospects can there be if the negotiation process faces a
    deadlock? A deadlock would mean that the settlement is postponed with
    all the unfavorable consequences deriving from such a development. This
    will damage the prospects for regional cooperation.

    Rustamian believes Armenia has long faced this situation and has been
    trying to find a way out. Armenia manages to develop economically even
    under the circumstances of a blockade. In the future, Armenia has
    to strengthen its internal resources and strengthen the country to
    make it clear for Azerbaijan that there can be no military solution
    to the conflict. "Azerbaijan must understand that if the conflict
    settlement is postponed the international community will recognize
    Nagorno Karabagh's de facto status.

    Time will not favor any of the parties. At some period such a delay
    could benefit one party, at another period the other party. And
    the shifts in this balance will depend on the measures each of the
    countries involved will undertake," Rustamian said.