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ANKARA: Armenians Became A Tool For Killing Millions Of InnocentMusl

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  • ANKARA: Armenians Became A Tool For Killing Millions Of InnocentMusl


    Anatolian Times, Turkey
    March 19 2006

    ISTANBUL - American historian Justin McCarthy has indicated that
    unfortunately, Armenians became a tool for killing millions of innocent
    Muslims who had lived in the lands of Ottoman Empire.

    Different aspects of Armenian issue during and after the First World
    War were discussed at an international conference on "New Approaches
    to Turkish-Armenian Relations" at the Istanbul University.

    McCarthy said that Armenian people caused a threat for Ottoman people
    because they were spies of Russia during the Russian occupation.

    Noting that Armenian people aided Russia during this period, he
    said that they contributed significantly to the losses of Ottomans
    and became a tool for killing millions of innocent Muslims. McCarthy
    added that Ottomans were right in their efforts to take under control
    the insurrection of Armenians.

    Taking the floor at the conference, the main opposition Republican
    People's Party (CHP) Istanbul deputy Sukru Elekdag has indicated that
    all facts showed that "Blue Book" was a good example of forgery and
    falsification. Recalling that in the meeting held on April 13th, 2005,
    Turkish parliament decided that Turkey and Armenia should establish
    a joint commission, make public their archives and results of their
    studies. Elekdag noted that it was a peaceful initiative, stating
    that Armenians should accept this initiative.

    Elekdag stated that the parliament sent letters regarding the book to
    British House of Commons and House of Lords, asking them to apologize
    to Turkey for mistakes in the book. "The book written by James Bryce
    and Arnold Toynbee includes 150 documents and reports. Eyewitnesses
    were mentioned in the book with their code names and they are not
    real persons," Elekdag stressed.

    Noting that documents in "Blue Book" were groundless and false,
    he said that now Armenians only have this false book.

    On the other hand, Ara Sarafian, the editor of Gomidas Institute,
    claimed that documents in the book could not be ignored.

    Turkish History Institution Chairman Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halacoglu offered
    Sarafian that a joint project could be conducted. "Let's conduct a
    project. What happened to Armenians in Anatolia? If there are any
    mass graves, we can excavate them. If such a project is conducted,
    many demagogical matters will be removed. We should search losses of
    Turks as well."

    Sarafian said that he accepted the offer.