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Crisis "Specialists" Appeal To EU To Compete More Actively With Russ

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  • Crisis "Specialists" Appeal To EU To Compete More Actively With Russ


    Regnum, Russia
    March 21 2006

    "Defending its own security, the European Union should be
    closer involved in conflict settlement in South Caucasus, to
    prevent the conflicts from breaking out as scaled wars immediately
    neighboring Europe," is said in report of International Crisis Group
    non-governmental organization. In its "Settlement of Conflicts in
    South Caucasus. EU Role" report, the ICG tries to analyze current
    efforts of EU "in strained situations, arisen around Nagorno Karabakh,
    Abkhazia, and South Ossetia", and also denotes additional expectations
    from EU to settle these conflicts. "Just recently, Brussels started
    reacting to the challenges more profound," stated, in particular,
    Director of ISC Caucasus program Sabine Freizer.

    According to her, "several very promising steps were made, but a long
    way is still ahead to be gone through."

    As it is mentioned further, the UN is occupied with settlement in
    Abkhazia, and the OSCE - in Nagorno Karabakh and South Ossetia.

    However, decades later, talks are not crowned with peaceful
    agreements. "Having authority of 'honest mediator', various soft and
    hard instruments of influence, as well as ability to offer closer
    European integration, EU can play more significant role, and add to
    UN and OSCE efforts," believe ICG authors.

    "In order to avoid destabilization of its own borders, the EU
    wishes to establish around itself a circle of states with effective
    governing. It is interested in South Caucasus because of one more
    reason; it wishes to guarantee access to oil and gas of Caspian
    region, to develop communication corridors between Europe and Asia,
    as well as to restrict such threats as trafficking, smuggling, and
    environmental pollution. It is hard to imagine, that the EU will let
    have its membership to Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan within the next
    few years, and that is why it should find new approaches to ground its
    assistance and use it as instrument of influence. Action program of
    New European Neighborhood policy is now at stage of generalization. It
    provides a good opportunity to strengthen EU role, especially if
    peaceful conflict settlement will be fixed as a necessary one. New
    special EU representative is to become observer at talks on settlement
    of Abkhazian, South Ossetian, and Karabakh conflicts. The European
    Union has considerably contributed to reconstruction of Abkhazia and
    South Ossetia. It must evaluate, what it may do in Nagorno Karabakh
    and neighboring areas," pointes out the ICG.

    "The EU tries to define its role in new neighborhood, where there
    is neither peace nor war," says Director of ICG European program
    Nicolas Wait. "If the EU is not able to implement strategy of safe
    neighborhood, then, trust in it will suffer comparing with Russia
    and the USA. Most of all, the fact worries, that if the conflicts
    in South Caucasus continue to escalate, then, the EU can turn out to
    be not ready for looking for answers in wars between its neighbors,"
    believes Wait.
    From: Baghdasarian