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Strange Things Happening In Karabakh Parliament

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  • Strange Things Happening In Karabakh Parliament


    22 March 06

    On March 22 the NKR National Assembly discussed the amendments to the
    law on the National Assembly and the bylaws of the parliament. It was
    proposed to dissolve the presidency of the National Assembly and set
    up an advisory body from the leaders of the groups and factions. There
    are two factions in the parliament of Karabakh with 33 seats, the
    Democratic Party and the Azat Hayrenik Party, and the parliamentary
    group of the alliance ARF-Movement 88.

    Twenty-two members of parliament are elected from constituencies and
    eleven are elected under the majority system.

    The authors of the bill think that the replacement of the presidency
    with the advisory body would transform the NKR parliament into a
    political body.

    Member of Parliament Vahram Atanesyan thinks the amendments
    are necessary but it is better to wait until the adoption of the
    Constitution. Gagik Petrosyan, the author of the bill, reminded that
    there is not a fixed date of adoption of the constitution, which has
    been worked out for a long time now. Speaker Ashot Ghulyan stated that
    the ideas are acceptable but the mechanisms have not been worked out
    clearly. "Changes in this manner will hardly improve the efficiency
    of the National Assembly," said Ashot Ghulyan. The debates on the
    bill have brought about strange things. The leader of the Hayrenik
    faction Arthur Tovmasyan proposed to withdraw the question from
    the agenda. In answer to this Gagik Petrosyan, a member of the same
    faction, demanded to ask the opinion of the authors first. Arthur
    Tovmasyan left the hall.

    Gagik Petrosyan proposed to recall the bill for further
    elaboration. This step did not answer several questions,
    however. Particularly, in the past ten days President Ghukasyan met
    with the leadership of the parliament and, according to the scarce
    information, discussed questions connected with the parliament. The
    president also summoned up a meeting of the Constitutional Commission.

    It is obvious that a process of strengthening power has started,
    which was reflected in the March 22 meeting of the parliament.