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Kiro Manoian: We Will Counteract Anti-Armenian Rallies in Europe

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  • Kiro Manoian: We Will Counteract Anti-Armenian Rallies in Europe



    Kiro Manoian:

    We Will Counteract Anti-Armenian Rallies in Europe by
    All Means

    The Turkish community held an anti-Armenian rally in
    Lyon March 18. The prefect of Rhone province
    authorized the action though it propagandized hatred
    and genocide denial and was secretly supported by the
    Turkish Embassy in Paris and Consulate in Lyon. The
    local authorities were also aware that Grey Wolves
    Fascist organization was also participating in the
    organization of the marches. The Lyon demonstration
    had clear characteristics of Genocide denial,
    something unacceptable in France, the country that
    passed a law recognizing this crime. By
    PanARMENIAN.Net's request, ARF Bureau's Hay Dat and
    Political Office Director Kiro Manoian comments on the

    23.03.2006 GMT+04:00

    Do you think the Lyon events will receive development?

    It's hard to stop anti-Armenian rallies and speeches
    in France. The Hay Dat European Office will counteract
    them by all means from propaganda up to purposeful
    policy. The Armenian community of France counting
    350-400 thousand people is very solid. Armenians wield
    influence on the French authorities while Turks
    numbering 850 thousand are badly organized and have no
    political weight.

    The Turkish community is mostly province-born and has
    no precise notion of the country they live in. `The
    Turkish community is relatively new and doesn't enjoy
    respect in France. The fact that Armenians were
    supported by the French and Arabs is important. Turks
    should understand that not only Armenians but also
    natives of France, Germany and other states speak out
    against them in Europe.

    Are the anti-Turkish spirits in France connected with
    the Armenian Genocide issue?

    Anti-Turkish spirits grew in France in 2005. This is
    conditioned by the start of EU-Turkey negotiations.
    The Armenian Genocide recognition is one of France's
    lines towards Turkey. Armenians should take the
    opportunity and urge the European states to recognize
    the Armenian Genocide.

    The Hay Dat European Office carried out a great deal
    of work thanks to which French students are aware of
    the Genocide. Genocide denying slogans and posters are
    prohibited by the French law. Knowing this French
    students joined Armenians, the representatives of the
    ARF Dashnaktsutyun youth branch.

    Armenian historians frequently receive invitations to
    take part in Armenian Genocide conferences in Turkey.
    Which is the aim of these conferences?

    Conferences summoned by Turkish historians have one
    single objective - to engage Armenians in a dispute
    over the Armenian Genocide to find out whether it
    really took place. Armenian historians are absolutely
    right to reject invitations to forums of the kind.
    They have nothing to talk about with the people
    representing the viewpoint of the Turkish state.
    Another matter when they communicate with the
    representatives of Turkish scientific circles
    recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Our historians meet
    with Taner Ancam, Murad Belge and some others. I
    should say that these people receive invitations even
    later than Armenians do and sometimes they do not
    manage to arrive in time at a conference organized at
    a state level.

    «PanARMENIAN.Net», 23.03.2006