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On Holocaust: Anti-Semite or Anti-Human?

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  • On Holocaust: Anti-Semite or Anti-Human?, OH
    March 23 2006

    On Holocaust: Anti-Semite or Anti-Human?
    March 23, 2006

    Defining the Horrific : Readings on Genocide and Holocaust in the
    20th Century
    William Hewitt

    hol.o.caust n. 1. Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss
    of life, especially by fire. 2. [Middle English, burnt offering, from
    Old French holocauste, from Latin holocaustum, from Greek
    holokauston, from neuter of holokaustos, burnt whole : holo-, holo- +
    kaustos, burnt (from kaiein, to burn).]

    I just finished reading an involved, wonderfully mesmerizing review
    of Lajos Koltai's Fateless: Death and the Children by Alan Dale.

    Something I read there caught my eye and lingered in my mind long
    after I finished reading that review. He wrote: The Holocaust, a
    crime of historic proportions, is simply greater than any heroic
    ordeal out of conventional romance--it calls for a new approach to
    character and narrative.

    Forget entire human history: even our recent history is replete with
    what we call crimes against peace, humanity and genocide.

    Consider these:

    Roma (Gypsy) Holocaust Deaths: Determining the percentage or number
    of Roma (Gypsies) who died in the Holocaust (called the Porrajmos,
    "paw-RYE-mos" in Romani, a word which means "the Devouring") is not
    easy. The latest (1997) figure from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial
    Research Institute in Washington puts the number of Romani lives lost
    by 1945 at "between a half and one and a half million."
    Armenian Genocide: The official Ottoman statistics compiled for the
    period between 1915 to 1917-18 were of 800,000 (Armenians) killed,
    which suggests that possibly over a million perished. This figure
    originates from Djemal's bureau's compilation statistics. The results
    have been published in the official Ottoman gazette.

    A report provided that as soon as February 1916, 1.5 million
    Armenians were destroyed. A report in May 27, 1916, by Foreign Office
    Intelligence Director Erzberger provided the same figure, as did an
    October 4, 1916 report by the German Interim Ambassador to Turkey,
    Radowitz, again with 1.5 million as the estimate of Armenian's having
    perished. It seems that the generally cited 1.5 million figure had
    originated from those German sources. What might be considered by
    many one of the most balanced German account is those of the German
    major Endres, who served in the Turkish army, and who has estimated
    the number of Armenians having lost their lives during the war to be
    1.2 million.

    "We have never denied the Armenian crime of genocide inflicted upon
    2.5 million Muslim people between 1914 and 1920." Agop Zahoryan,
    'Voices of Agonies', p. 91.

    Massacre in Cambodia: Estimates of the number of people who perished
    under the Khmer Rouge vary tremendously, even within the present
    Cambodian government. A figure of three million deaths between 1975
    and 1979 was given by the Vietnamese-sponsored Phnom Penh regime, the
    People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK). Father Ponchaud suggested 2.3
    million; the Yale Cambodian Genocide Project estimated 1.7 million;
    Amnesty International estimated 1.4 million; and the United States
    Department of State, 1.2 million. Khieu Samphan and Pol Pot cited
    figures of 1 million and 800,000, respectively

    Tragedy in Chechnia: Today, 12 years later, is there anyone who
    mourns the more than 30% of the total Chechen population who perished
    in the last two wars? Who cares today about the hundreds of thousands
    of Chechen refugees who fled wherever they could from the Chechen
    killing-field, only to find themselves in unbearably miserable
    conditions, with no hope of being treated as decent human beings?

    The Rwandan Genocide: The slaughter of an estimated 800,000 Tutsis
    and moderate Hutus, mostly carried out by two extremist Hutu militia
    groups, the Interahamwe and the Impuzamugambi, during a period of 100
    days from April 6th through mid-July 1994.

    Slaughter in Yugoslavia: Each nation (Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats)
    reported many casualties in the three-sided conflict, in which the
    Bosniaks reported the highest number of deaths and casualties.
    However, the only case officially ruled by the U.N. Hague tribunal as
    genocide was the Srebrenica massacre of 1995. At the end of the war
    approximately 102,000 people had been killed according to the ICTY
    and more than 2 million people fled their homes (including over 1
    million to neighboring nations and the west)

    There is more

    Over twenty million Russian deaths in WWII.
    The thousands who died and millions who were displaced during the
    great divide in the sub continent - the partition of the subcontinent
    into India and Pakistan.
    Hundreds of thousands dead in the troubled region of Kashmir at the
    hand of terrorists and Government Forces of India and Pakistan.
    These are part and parcel of our heritage - correction our human
    heritage and conscience. But when the word holocaust is mentioned
    what image crosses your mind? Which of the holocausts mentioned above
    comes to your mind?

    Let me admit I am probably like the majority of folks here. This word
    reminds me of the Jewish holocaust more than the other horrible

    How did that happen? Was it all of those movies? Books? Constant
    references in the media? Who is triggering this guilt in me? By
    maintaining our silence on all the holocausts perpetrated by us on
    some of us are we not culpable?

    I am not an anti-Semite. But I certainly could be anti-Human if I
    remained silent any longer and not point out our fallacy.

    Also on Desicritcs

    love words and people who are in awe of them. words are the sole
    arbiter and the final survivor. what else is there to state? 57.php