YEREVAN, MARCH 23, NOYAN TAPAN. Not two but four annual prizes of RA
President sponsored by the "Robert Poghosian & Sons" fund (France)
will be given this year. Besides Culture and Science, Youth prizes,
for the first time this year prizes of RA President will be given to
persons who have made a considerable contribution to the sphere of
classical music and recognition of the Armenian Genocide. As Sergei
Sarajian, Chairman of the contest commission on the "Instrumental
Performance" nomination, Rector of Yerevan State Conservatory,
mentioned at the March 23 press conference, everything possible was
done in order to ensure the contest's being transparent. According to
him, 18-27-year-old young performers take part in the contest on
classical music. S.Sarajian informed that an open concert-audition of
contest participants who have passed to the contest's second tour will
be held on March 26 at the Chamber Music House. And an open display of
works of participants of the second tour of RA President's Youth prize
"Painting" and "Cinema" nominations' contest will take place on March
28 at the Center for Innovatory Experimental Art. It's envisaged to
give the prizes in late April. The prizes will be given on 13
YEREVAN, MARCH 23, NOYAN TAPAN. Not two but four annual prizes of RA
President sponsored by the "Robert Poghosian & Sons" fund (France)
will be given this year. Besides Culture and Science, Youth prizes,
for the first time this year prizes of RA President will be given to
persons who have made a considerable contribution to the sphere of
classical music and recognition of the Armenian Genocide. As Sergei
Sarajian, Chairman of the contest commission on the "Instrumental
Performance" nomination, Rector of Yerevan State Conservatory,
mentioned at the March 23 press conference, everything possible was
done in order to ensure the contest's being transparent. According to
him, 18-27-year-old young performers take part in the contest on
classical music. S.Sarajian informed that an open concert-audition of
contest participants who have passed to the contest's second tour will
be held on March 26 at the Chamber Music House. And an open display of
works of participants of the second tour of RA President's Youth prize
"Painting" and "Cinema" nominations' contest will take place on March
28 at the Center for Innovatory Experimental Art. It's envisaged to
give the prizes in late April. The prizes will be given on 13