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War veterans in Karabakh demand Armenian minister's resignation

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  • War veterans in Karabakh demand Armenian minister's resignation

    War veterans in Karabakh demand Armenian minister's resignation

    23 Mar 06

    Yerevan, 23 March: A group of Karabakh officers, home guards and
    veterans of the Karabakh war adopted a statement today demanding the
    resignation of the Armenian defence minister and an end to talks on
    the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

    The statement said that the reason for the political demand was
    Armenian Defence Minister Serzh Sarkisyan's remarks at an operational
    meeting of the army command: "We did not liberate any land during the
    war, all we have done is destroy weapon emplacements. What liberated
    territories are we talking about?

    Armenians had not lived there for the last 100 years. Which of you can
    prove that Agdam was an Armenian town. The deployment of peacekeeping
    troops is favourable to us".

    The statement said that at the time of the anti-Armenian hysteria in
    Azerbaijan, statements such as the one made by the Armenian defence
    minister, could undermine the army's combativeness and sow a defeatist
    attitude and panic among servicemen. They explained Sarkisyan's
    position by his presidential ambitions and said that "people who have
    usurped the power have no right to represent the Armenian people or
    Armenia and their further stay in power is fraught with fatal

    "We will not allow anyone to sacrifice for their own political
    ambitions our motherland for the liberation of which the best sons of
    Armenia had shed their blood in the war imposed by Azerbaijan," the
    Karabakh war veterans said.