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ANCA: Over 2,000 Protesters Reject Turkey's Denial of the Genocide

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  • ANCA: Over 2,000 Protesters Reject Turkey's Denial of the Genocide

    Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region
    104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
    Glendale, California 91206
    Phone: 818.500.1918 Fax: 818.246.7353
    [email protected]
    Friday, March 24, 2006

    Contact: Armen Carapetian
    Tel: (818) 500-1918


    -- Armenian Youth Federation Rallies Community Against Genocide Denial

    BEVERLY HILLS, CA - The Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) led a
    demonstration of over 2,000 Armenian Americans today outside the
    Beverly Hills Hotel during a speech given by Turkish Defense Minister
    Vecdi Gönül, a key figure in the Turkish state's campaign to
    deny the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee
    of America - Western Region (ANCA-WR).

    The crowd of protesters marched peacefully and chanted in front of the
    Beverly Hills Hotel, where the Defense Minister spoke at a luncheon
    hosted by the Los Angeles World Affairs Council about `The Evolving
    Security Environment and Turkey's Strategic Role in Eurasia.' Among
    the thousands of participants in today's protest were Congressman Brad
    Sherman (CA-27) and Burbank Board of Education President Paul

    Before inviting Congressman Sherman to speak, ANCA-WR Board of
    Directors member Raffi Hamparian underscored the failure of the US
    State Department to live up to American values. `At the same time that
    the US government is condemning Belarus for suppressing freedom of
    expression, the US State Department is preparing to fire our
    Ambassador to Armenia for simply telling the truth about the Armenian
    Genocide,' said Hamparian. `Congressman Brad Sherman is not only a
    friend of the Armenian American community, he is an ally and a
    champion of justice and human rights,' said Hamparian in welcoming
    Congressman Sherman.

    `It is not only those with Armenian heritage who demand that the truth
    be recognized. Friends of Turkey should demonstrate that Turkey accept
    the Armenian Genocide,' said Congressman Sherman in his remarks to the
    crowd. `Where will Turkey be among the family of nations if it does
    not recognize the truth? I will work in Congress every day until the
    historical truth of the Armenian Genocide is recognized,' he

    Congressman Sherman also commented on Turkey's failure to provide
    access to US military bases in Turkey and necessary passage over its
    land and air space during the invasion of Iraq three years ago. `The
    casualties stemming from today's conflict in Iraq are, to some extent,
    a direct result of Turkey's refusal to allow the US-led coalition to
    open a northern front,' said Congressman Sherman.

    In his remarks at the luncheon, the Defense Minister addressed the
    issue of Turkey's actions during the run-up to the Iraq War. He
    directly contradicted the position of his American counterpart,
    Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who has repeatedly said on
    national television that Turkey's refusal to allow US-led coalition
    forces to open a northern front has significantly contributed to the
    strength of the Iraqi insurgency. `Turkey has supported the US led war
    on Iraq from the beginning,' said the Defense Minister. He added that
    `Turkey promotes good neighborly relations.' This assertion also
    stands in sharp contrast to the actions of the Turkish government,
    which, on one hand, blockades and seeks to isolate Armenia, and on the
    other, denies the Armenian Genocide and continues to harvest the
    economic, demographic, and geopolitical fruits of the genocidal crime
    it committed against the Armenian nation nine decades ago.

    `Defense Minister Gönül's remarks are consistent with his
    government's campaign to portray a rosy image of itself - despite the
    facts on the ground. Increasingly, however, the American public is
    seeing through these transparent efforts, and looking instead to
    Turkey's actual conduct - such as its blockade of Armenia, abysmal
    human rights record, attempts to revise history, and, more broadly,
    its increasingly antagonistic relationship with the United States,'
    said Hamparian after listening to the Defense Minister's speech.

    Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül's visit to Southern California,
    home to the largest Armenian population in the US, came exactly one
    month prior to the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April
    24th. California, which is one of 38 states to have recognized the
    Armenian Genocide, last year adopted legislation permanently
    designating the week of April 24 as California's week of remembrance
    of the Armenian Genocide. The effort to enact legislation on the
    Armenian Genocide was led by state legislators such as Senators Chuck
    Poochigian (R-Fresno) and Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco), and signed
    into law by Governor Schwarzenegger in 2005. California has also
    adopted an education curriculum that includes teaching of the history
    of the Armenian Genocide, and the Los Angeles Unified School District
    is among many public school systems in the state that continue to
    train its teachers on implementing a curriculum that teaches about
    this crime against humanity.

    The Defense Minister's visit also came at an especially sensitive time
    in US-Turkey relations. In recent weeks, `Valley of the Wolves,' the
    most expensive film ever made in Turkey, prompted the US military to
    issue warnings to our troops stationed in Turkey due to the film's
    severely anti-American and anti-Semitic nature. The film continues to
    remain a box office hit in theatres across Turkey and has been
    publicly praised by many Turkish leaders, including Prime Minster
    Erdogan. The popularity of `Valley of the Wolves' is not the only
    recent demonstration of anti-Semitic and anti-American sentiment in
    Turkey. Last year, Adolf Hilter's `Mein Kampf' was a best-seller in
    the country.

    The Defense Minister's speech was repeatedly interrupted by chants
    coming from protesters demonstrating along Sunset Boulevard. Armenian
    Americans attending the luncheon, including Glendale Unified School
    District Board Member Greg Krikorian, called on the Defense Minister
    to acknowledge Turkey's past.

    However, Defense Minister Gönül said that `these are Armenian
    claims, and there is nothing to acknowledge.' AYF Chairman Tro
    Tchekidjian stated at the conclusion of the protest that `We will
    never forget what happened in 1915, and we will persist in calling for
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide until Turkey comes to terms with
    its past.'

    The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and
    most influential Armenian American grassroots political
    organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices,
    chapters, and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated
    organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the
    concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of