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New Images of Unknown Object on Mt. Ararat Fuel Archeologists

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  • New Images of Unknown Object on Mt. Ararat Fuel Archeologists


    New Images of Unknown Object on Mt. Ararat Added Fuel to Archeologists'

    24.03.2006 22:25 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Recently released satellite images
    of an unknown formation or object on Mt. Ararat in
    Turkey have added fuel to archeologists' ongoing quest
    to find Noah's ark. The `new and significant
    development,' an image from a QuickBird satellite, is
    relevant because the high-resolution view shows
    clearer detail of a `ship-like object ... 1,015 feet in
    length,' Porcher Taylor, a professor of national
    security law, told Taylor has spent 13
    years investigating the mysterious item. Taken over
    the northwest corner of Mt. Ararat, the picture shows
    a long, dark object - or rock formation, some
    say-resting sideways in glacial ice at an elevation of
    15,300 feet. While Taylor says he has no agenda for
    his investigation, he aims to expose the irregularity
    in the mountain's geography for whatever it is. And
    then he wants to make it visibly accessible for
    public, scientific and scholarly critique. Despite
    some enthusiasts' conviction about the object's
    history, others hesitate to declare it the biblical
    ark - or any kind of manmade object. `My gut instinct is
    that it's natural phenomena,' said Bill Crouse,
    president of Christian Information Ministries, who
    twice has led archeological expeditions to the
    mountains of southern Turkey. `What I find when I
    analyze these photos is that this is naturally
    occurring,' he said, but then added, `of course, you
    never say never.'