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ICRC: Tuberculosis in prisons: a forgotten killer

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  • ICRC: Tuberculosis in prisons: a forgotten killer

    ICRC (press release), Switzerland
    International Committee of the Red Cross
    March 24 2006

    Tuberculosis in prisons: a forgotten killer

    Prisoners, especially in poor countries, are particularly vulnerable
    to infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and TB. In the following
    interview, Dr Eric Burnier, who runs the ICRC's communicable-disease
    control programmes, stresses the need to give prisoners access to the
    same medical care as the general population.

    Eric Burnier, the ICRC doctor responsible communicable-disease
    control programmes
    Worldwide tuberculosis kills close to 5,000 people every day.
    2 billion people carry tuberculosis bacillus
    425,000 new cases of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis develop every

    How serious is the problem of TB in prisons?

    Twenty years ago it was thought that medical advances would make it
    possible to eradicate TB, but the disease has persisted and remains a
    very serious problem throughout the world, especially in the prisons
    of many countries - the main reasons being overcrowding and the
    highly contagious nature of TB. The prevalence of TB in prisons is
    much higher than among the general population - in some countries as
    much as 100% higher - and in many of these countries TB is one of the
    main causes of death in prison.

    Of particular concern is the fact that TB is becoming increasingly
    resistant to classical drugs, mainly because of inconsistent
    treatment or the use of poor-quality drugs.

    What is the connection between TB and HIV/AIDS?

    The two diseases are very closely linked, and the development of the
    HIV/AIDS pandemic is one of the reasons for the upsurge in TB,
    especially in Africa. When a person is infected with the HIV/AIDS
    virus, his immunity gradually decreases, which makes it easier for
    him to become infected with TB or for a dormant infection to become
    active again. As with TB, the percentage of HIV/AIDS patients is
    particularly high in prison, especially in countries where the
    disease is associated with the use of intravenous drugs, as is the
    case in the countries of the former USSR.

    How did the ICRC become involved in combating TB in the prisons of
    the southern Caucasus?

    The ICRC is not a medical organization per se and its mission is not
    to fight pandemics like HIV/AIDS or TB. Nonetheless, when 10 years
    ago, following the Nagorny Karabakh conflict, ICRC delegates
    discovered prisoners of war who were suffering and dying from TB in
    Azerbaijan, they couldn't simply denounce the situation and leave it
    at that. The disease was spreading and nothing was being done to
    contain it. Since the government didn't have the means to deal with
    the problem by itself, the ICRC launched a programme to fight,
    prevent and treat TB in the country's prisons. The programme was
    designed together with the ministry of justice and its medical staff.
    Over the following years similar programmes were set up in Georgia
    and Armenia.

    Was it difficult to launch these programmes?

    It wasn't easy, partly because the countries involved were still
    heavily reliant on detection and treatment techniques inherited from
    the Soviet era, which were giving increasingly poor results. To make
    the fight against TB more effective, we had to convince them to adopt
    the approach recommended by WHO: DOTS (directly observed treatment,
    short course).

    Another difficulty stemmed from the fact that in the southern
    Caucasus as elsewhere in the world, health problems in prisons do not
    fall within the remit of health ministries. In the case of pandemic
    diseases like TB, it is essential that a country's ministries of
    justice and health work together. The ICRC has long sought to promote
    discussions and negotiations between these two ministries, reminding
    them that prisoners are citizens and that as such they must have
    access to the same medical care as other members of society.

    What role has the ICRC played in designing TB programmes?

    The ICRC works closely together with WHO and applies the DOTS
    strategy recommended by this organization. As part of this strategy,
    TB cases are detected and recorded according to strictly defined
    rules, drug stocks are regularly replenished to cope with demand and
    drugs are taken under close supervision during the entire course of
    treatment. Finally, cases are systematically recorded so that the
    situation can be constantly evaluated.

    In the three countries of the southern Caucasus, the first thing the
    ICRC did was to persuade the authorities to adopt this strategy.
    Since they would have been unable to address the problem in all its
    complexity or meet the costs involved, the ICRC launched a programme
    aimed largely at substituting for them. The programme included
    training activities, the provision of drugs and laboratory equipment,
    detection services, treatment and follow-up care for prisoners with
    TB and the rehabilitation of prison medical facilities.

    What were the results?

    How DOTS has worked
    - In Azerbaijan:
    around 7,000 prisoners with tuberculosis have been treated
    the tuberculosis mortality rate has fallen from 14% in 1995 to 3% in
    - in Georgia
    more than 3,000 prisoners with tuberculosis have been treated
    the percentage of detainees suffering from tubercolisis has fallen
    from 6.5% in 1998 to 0.6% in 2005
    How DOTS has worked
    - In Azerbaijan:
    around 7,000 prisoners with tuberculosis have been treated
    the tuberculosis mortality rate has fallen from 14% in 1995 to 3% in
    - in Georgia
    more than 3,000 prisoners with tuberculosis have been treated
    the percentage of detainees suffering from tubercolisis has fallen
    from 6.5% in 1998 to 0.6% in 2005

    Probably the most remarkable result was to have fully convinced the
    medical staff of the justice ministries of the three countries
    involved that the DOTS strategy was the right one to use, and that it
    was effective not only in developing countries but in other countries
    as well. What finally brought them round was the good results
    obtained by these programmes (see box).

    Another very positive result is that prisoners are now screened for
    TB upon their admission to prison. Each prisoner is examined and if
    he presents TB symptoms and the TB bacillus is detected in his
    sputum, he is given a treatment course and placed in isolation.

    At present, the ICRC is gradually pulling out of these programmes and
    handing them over to the authorities. The existence of the Global
    Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria makes it easier to do
    this now than it would have been 10 years ago.

    How do you deal with treatment resistance?

    Treatment resistance is a very serious problem since it means that we
    must resort to drugs that are very costly, have secondary effects
    that make them more complicated to use and must be taken for a much
    longer period of time. With the classical DOTS treatment, we can cure
    any TB patient not resistant to DOTS drugs in six to eight months.
    But when a patient is resistant, he must take second-line drugs for
    up to two years, which is very costly and entails considerable
    difficulties. In the countries of the southern Caucasus we worked
    together with other organizations - in particular Germany's overseas
    cooperation service - to find adequate solutions to the problem of
    treatment resistance.

    How has the ICRC's role changed in recent years?

    The ICRC has been playing an increasingly supportive role in the
    southern Caucasus, backing up the authorities in their efforts to
    combat TB in prisons on their own. It is also helping the governments
    involved to obtain the necessary funding.

    In other parts of the world - Africa, in particular, where increasing
    use has been made of the DOTS strategy over the past 20 years - the
    ICRC adopted this supportive role from the very start, while at the
    same time reminding the authorities that prisoners, as citizens, are
    entitled to the same drugs, follow-up care and attention as the
    general population. Whatever a prisoner may have done to deserve his
    sentence, his punishment is to be in prison and not to become
    infected with a potentially fatal disease like TB.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress