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Azeri Press: `Russia gives Azerbaijan, Armenia 'to the mercy' of US

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  • Azeri Press: `Russia gives Azerbaijan, Armenia 'to the mercy' of US

    Regnum, Russia
    March 24 2006

    `Russia gives Azerbaijan and Armenia `to the mercy' of the US': Azeri
    press digest


    `Armenia's withdrawal from the occupied Azeri lands will improve our
    relations with that country,' Azeri President Ilham Aliyev says Mar
    15. `We want nothing extraordinary. We just want the Armenians to
    leave our lands. After that we will be able to live like neighbors,'
    Aliyev says in a Mar 15 meeting with the Turkish delegates to the 2nd
    World Azeris Congress. (New Time)

    `Armenia will not be able to rival with Azerbaijan,' Aliyev says at
    the 2nd World Azeris Congress in Baku Mar 16. He says that Azerbaijan
    is augmenting its military capacity annually and has a $600 mln
    military budget this year. `My task is to shortly make our military
    budget as big as the whole national budget of Armenia.' `Armenia will
    never be able to rival with us. The sooner they realize that the
    better for them.' Aliyev says that Azerbaijan will have to revise its
    participation in the Karabakh peace process if it sees that Armenia
    is wrecking the process by non-constructive attitude. `The peace
    talks have been ongoing for 12 years already, but with no result. And
    nobody knows for how much longer they will go on. We are for peace
    talks, but when we see how con-constructive and insincere Armenia is,
    we are losing patience. If we see that the peace process is just a
    fake, we will come out of it,' says Aliyev. `Azerbaijan will not
    allow the seizure of Nagorno Karabakh in either 10 or 100 years.'
    `Unless we agree on the return of displaced persons to their homes,
    we will reach no peace agreement at all,' says Aliyev. (Zerkalo)

    Zerkalo daily reports: `Reliable diplomatic sources say that an
    unprecedented pressure was put on the Azeri leadership during the
    last visit of the US assistant secretary of state for Europe and
    Eurasia to Baku. The Washington emissaries tried every means to get
    Ilham Aliyev to agree to the OSCE MG-proposed peace. They also urged
    Aliyev to agree to take part, if need be, in the US anti-Iranian
    coalition, otherwise, the US will use various levers of pressure: the
    human rights and democracy situation in Azerbaijan, especially after
    the last parliamentary elections, the problem of corruption in the

    'It was hardly coincidence that right after the failure in
    Rambouillet, the US `found' proofs that the well-known Czech
    businessman Viktor Kozeny continued bribing top Azeri officials after
    1998. It seems that Washington has made `the Kozeny case' `a
    long-playing record' for playing it every time Baku tries to `defy'
    its plans in the region. Moreover, the same reliable diplomatic
    sources say that Baku will hardly get `support' from Russia, who
    wants to `freeze' the conflict most of all. This time, Russia has
    decided to give its `reliable ally,' its `outpost' in the South
    Caucasus Armenia and its `strategic partner' Azerbaijan `to the
    mercy' of the US. Just one look is enough to see that Russia is
    actually doing that.

    `...The situation is not easy. Unfortunately, Azerbaijan has little
    inner capacity to resist the outer pressure in the Armenian-Azeri
    peace process. In his time Haydar Aliyev (Azeri president in
    1993-2003 - REGNUM) left room for system opposition and could
    actively use them if offered unfavorable peace scenarios. The
    `Azeri-way' parliamentary elections can become a `Pyrrhic victory'
    for the Azeri elite. The point is that having crushed the opposition
    before, during and after the elections, the elite can hardly convince
    the international community now that it will not be able to cope with
    them if it agrees to the MG-proposed peace agreement. One can guess
    that this time the US may use the opposition to its own ends, but one
    can hardly imagine how. But one can't but notice that during his Baku
    visit Daniel Fried met with only one Azeri opposition leader - the
    baskan (leader - REGNUM) of Musavat party Isa Gambar...'

    The US will keep an intent eye on the May 2006 repeated parliamentary
    elections in Azerbaijan, US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe
    and Eurasia Daniel Fried says in Baku. He says that they in the US
    are disappointed that the Nov 2005 parliamentary elections were not
    as free and fair as they expected. They urged the Azeri government to
    repeat voting in the districts with biggest violations. Democracy
    development in Azerbaijan is and will be a key goal of the US policy,
    says Fried and notes that a strong government should have a strong
    opposition. (Zerkalo)

    `To fight religious-extremist groups is one of the primary tasks of
    the Azeri special services,' Azeri National Security Minister Eldar
    Mahmudov says in an interview to Interfax-Azerbaijan. `Now those
    groups are mostly engaged in terrorist activities to overthrow the
    present secular democratic regime and to force Azerbaijan to refuse
    from involvement in international anti-terror operations,' says
    Mahmudov. `Their methods are to commit terrorist acts against vital
    strategic facilities, embassies, wherever foreign citizens work and
    live.' `And to solve this problem we need not only administrative,
    legal or urgent measures, but also social work and instruction. The
    practice shows that the core of any extremist groups is basically
    religious young people from poor families, students majoring in
    theology or jobless youths. To prevent religious extremism we must
    timely keep Azeri youths from getting into its nets. This is a very
    hard job: despite our big experience and active work, we were really
    shocked to find out that Al-Qaeda was planning to recruit Azeri young
    girls as suicide bombers (shahids),' notes Mahmudov.

    The opposition Musavat party is planning mass actions for Apr, says
    the party's vice chairman Arif Gajily. They are planning rallies in
    the districts of repeated elections and also a republican rally in
    Baku. (Yeni Musavat)

    `The state financing of the Azeri political parties is impossible
    this year,' says the executive secretary of the ruling Yeni
    Azerbaycan party, MP Ali Ahmetov. The key reason is that the state
    budget has no relevant allocations. State financing is a good but
    also a hard thing. The public should first decide the criteria and
    mechanisms of such financing. `If everybody decides that the state
    should finance the parties, we will discuss this problem at a higher
    level. I hope that the Azeri authorities will soon decide that such
    financing is necessary and will take measures to this end,' says
    Ahmedov. (Trend)

    `It is for the states themselves rather that for international
    organizations to ensure the transport security of the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline on their territories,' Azeri Deputy
    Prime Minister Abid Sharifov said at a news conference. He reminded
    the journalists of the repeated breaks of the Baku-Supsa oil pipeline
    and noted that BTC may face the same danger. `Now that the pipe is
    not yet full with oil, we are not expecting such dangers, but they
    are still possible - not in Azerbaijan, but in the other BTC states,'
    Sharifov said. (New Time)

    `A junior sergeant of the Azeri army has confessed his cooperation in
    captivity with the Armenian secret services,' reports AzerTag.

    "Counter-intelligence into the case of junior sergeant of N military
    unit of the Azeri Defense Ministry Bekirov Ruslan Hagani Oglu, 1985,
    called up by the Shamkir military commissariat and held in captivity
    by the Armenians Feb 15-May 7 2005, has proved that he was in secret
    cooperation with the Armenian secret services.

    Misled by the Armenians, the commander of the N unit Ruslan Bekirov,
    together with his men Abdulayev Hayal Idris Oglu, 1986, and Tagiyev
    Hikmet Adem Oglu, 1983, deserted to the enemy Feb 15 2005, thereby
    betraying his Fatherland and causing detriment to the national
    security, sovereignty, territorial integrity and defense of the
    Azerbaijani Republic.

    Upon being brought back from captivity by ICRC, Bekirov admitted his
    cooperation with the Armenians. But counter-intelligence showed that
    Bekirov's first testimony was part of the Armenians' secret plan. As
    a result, Bekirov confessed that the Armenians persuaded him,
    Abdullayev and Tagiyev into secret cooperation.

    They met with Bekirov 7 times and, finally, got him to pledge secret
    cooperation on paper and video. They nicked him `Ramin' and told him
    how to keep contact. They promised him $3,000-4,000 for each mission.
    An Armenian secret agent, calling himself Rudik, told Bekirov to
    organize blasts on the route of the Azeri president, at BTC and in
    the territory of Haydar Aliyev Airport as well as to photograph
    various military-strategic facilities and to send the pictures to

    All the above facts were proved. The Military Council of the AR Court
    on Grave Crimes ruled Oct 7 to imprison Bekirov and Abdullayev for 12
    years - for high treason (article 274), desertion at war time or on
    duty (334.3), abuse of duty (338.1) and abuse of powers (341.3),
    while Tagiyev for 11 years - for high treason (274), desertion at war
    time or on duty (334.3) and abuse of duty (338.1).

    Mar 16 several members of the Organization for Karabakh Liberation
    (OKL) tried to prevent the participation of Armenian delegates in the
    OSCE Economic Forum preparatory conference in Baku, but were stopped
    by the police. 10 OKL members were arrested. In its following
    statement, the OKL says that by its actions the OSCE is trying to
    justify the `occupant' policy of Armenia, to force Azerbaijan to make
    it up with the enemy and to put up with the loss of its lands. The
    OKL qualifies the OSCE's actions as disrespect for the international
    law. The OIL also blames the Azeri government for allowing the
    Armenian delegates to come to Baku. The arrested OKL members are
    still in custody. (525th Daily)

    Iran. Diplomatic scandal

    In a Mar 14 Baku press-conference US Assistant Secretary of State for
    Europe and Eurasia Daniel Fried said that he had discussed the
    problem of Iran's nuclear program with the Azeri leaders and noted
    that the US would discuss with Azerbaijan all its possible actions
    Iran. Fried said that the US did not want this to happen and hoped
    that the world community would convince Iran to stop its nuclear
    program. (525th Daily)

    `Whatever the further developments, we better be on the safe side of
    it and consider the possible outcomes of the US war against Iran. If
    one sunny morning we are suddenly waked up by a thunder of blowing up
    bombs in neighboring Iran, like it or not, but we will have to think:
    what to do?' says Zerkalo. `Not to get in is certainly the best way
    for us. But the question is if a small country like us will be able
    to stay `weightless' so close from Iran. We are by far not Turkey yet
    to be able to keep relations with Iran and to oppose its strategic
    partner US in the matter. On the other hand, even if we manage to
    stay calm and aloof, we will have to manage the inevitable surge of
    Iranian refugees in our country...'

    Mar 17 the Iranian Embassy in Baku sent the Azeri FM a note of
    protest against some anti-Iranian statements made during the Mar 16
    2nd World Azeris Congress. The note says: `We deeply regret to see
    some anti-Iranian elements taking part in the congress and strongly
    protest against their groundless and unfriendly statements about
    Iran's internal affairs. We also condemn the actions openly
    interfering in our domestic affairs and running counter to the
    internationally recognized norms and to the principles of friendly
    relations between two neighboring and brotherly states. This is also
    contrary to Azerbaijan's commitments under the agreement on
    friendship and cooperation signed by our former presidents in Tehran
    in May 2002. We are surprised to hear anti-Iranian statements during
    an event organized by the Azeri government as well as statements
    referring to the Turkmanchay Treaty and presenting Azerbaijan as a
    divided state.' The note points out that now that Azerbaijan is
    facing a territorial problem itself, such statements damage its own
    interests and bilateral relations with Iran. `The Embassy of the
    Islamic Republic of Iran in Baku strongly demands that the Azeri
    government stop such actions by anti-Iranian elements, calls for
    signing an agreement on friendship and asks to respect the principles
    of good neighborhood.' (525th Daily)

    Azerbaijan-Armenia. Karabakh problem

    One cannot solve the Karabakh problem by such statements, US
    Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Daniel Fried said
    in Baku, while commenting on the statement of Armenian President
    Robert Kocharyan that Armenia will recognize Nagorno Karabakh's
    independence if the peace talks fail. (525th Daily)

    `Armenia has deployed vast loads of arms and military hardware,'
    Azeri Defense Minister Safar Abiyev said in a meeting with his
    Romanian counterpart Teodor Atanasiu. He said that Armenia has moved
    its vast arsenal to the `occupied' Azeri territories. (Trend)

    `They in Azerbaijan are displeased with the western scheme of the
    Karabakh conflict settlement,' says Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta. `The
    West is actively taking over Russia's initiative in settling the
    frozen CIS conflicts. The German-US Marshall Fund has joined the EU
    and the US in this process.'

    Recently The Washington Post published an article by Ana Palacio, the
    former foreign minister of Spain, and Daniel Twining, an Oxford-based
    consultant to the German Marshall Fund of the United States. The
    authors urge Europe and the US to jointly battle the `shadow empire'
    of Russia, who is trying to `retain political and military suzerainty
    over their weaker neighbors.' As a counteraction the West should
    `require closure of the Russian bases on Armenian and Georgian
    territory, support Georgian calls to internationalize the
    Russian-dominated `peacekeeping' force in South Ossetia and Abkhazia
    and offer a mini-Marshall Plan for the entire South Caucasus.' The
    details of the plan are given in the paragraph about the Karabakh
    conflict. The authors say that `this barely frozen conflict threatens
    a hot war that would devastate the region.'

    But `it is also the place where a breakthrough is perhaps most
    likely. Western governments could support a settlement there in which
    Armenia returned to Azerbaijan the occupied provinces surrounding the
    disputed territory and allowed Azerbaijani refugees to resettle
    there. Nagorno- Karabakh could enjoy full autonomy until its ultimate
    status was decided by democratic referendum at some future date.'

    The Azeri authorities have not yet reacted to these recommendations.
    But the local media and most political experts strongly object to the
    idea of a Karabakh status referendum. Considering The Washington
    Post's close relations with the White House, they take the above
    article as the outlines of the US' Armenia-Azerbaijan reconciliation

    `A plan Baku must not accept,' says well-known Azeri political expert
    Rasim Musabekov. He says that `the Azeri leaders must in no way
    accept the idea of Karabakh status referendum.' `The very acceptance
    of this norm will mean our renouncement of the principle of
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and de facto recognition of the
    right of the Armenian community of Nagorno Karabakh to
    self-determination,' Musabekov says to NG.

    Azeri experts say that the `new Marshall plan' is not a fantasy by
    retired western politicians but a joint concept by the West and the
    US to ensure control over the South Caucasus. It is for OSCE MG US
    Co-Chair Steven Mann to make this concept true. His abilities are not
    just hearsay in Azerbaijan: it was due to his efforts mostly that BTC
    is a reality. They in Baku assume that Mann may have already got the
    agreement of the Georgian and Armenian leaders by promising them
    hundreds of millions of US dollars in free Millennium Challenge
    assistance in exchange for their support of the new `Marshall plan.'
    Baku experts say that this is hardly a bait for the self-sufficient
    Azerbaijan. At stake is Azerbaijan's territorial integrity - if Ilham
    Aliyev accepts the new `Marshall plan' he will lose Nagorno Karabakh.
    To get him to accept the plan and to agree with Robert Kocharyan one
    will probably need stronger arguments, says NG.

    In its `Armenia' section the official site of RAO UES calls Shusha -
    Shushi, Lachin - Kashadag, Nagorno Karabakh - Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic; with no Naxchivan mentioned as part of Azerbaijan in
    `Azerbaijan' section. In this connection, Azeri NGOs and media are
    going to launch a campaign against RAO UES, reports Real Azerbaijan.

    No Azeri soldiers will take part in any military exercises in the
    territory of Armenia, says the deputy spokesman of the Azeri Defense
    Ministry Ilgar Verdiyev. Earlier Armenian Deputy Defense Minister
    Artur Agabekyan said that in June 2006 Armenia will host NATO PfP
    Rescuer 2006 exercises. He said that attending the exercises will be
    representatives from 20 countries and probably from Turkey and
    Azerbaijan. The Azeri DM reacted by saying that this is impossible.
    `Armenia takes just a formal part in the NATO PfP program. They hold
    just one formal PfP event in a whole year,' says Verdiyev and notes
    that even if the Azeri DM gets an official invitation to take part in
    any military event in Armenia, it will not accept it. (Trend)