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Iran, Denmark host religious dialogue conferences

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  • Iran, Denmark host religious dialogue conferences

    World War 4 Report, NY
    March 25 2006

    Iran, Denmark host religious dialogue conferences

    Submitted by Bill Weinberg on Sat, 03/25/2006 - 14:40.

    Things are more complicated than they look - in the world generally,
    and especially in Iran. As the intransigents in Iran and Denmark
    alike line up for a depressing and potentially apocalyptic "clash of
    civilizations," conferences on inter-religious dialogue are held in
    response to the crisis in both countries. True, the "dialogue" seems
    to have been rather harshly proscribed at the Iran conference, and
    the Danish one seems to have been very low-profile. Still, a glimmer
    of hope that they were held. We wonder: were they at all coordinated?
    >From Iran's official agency IRNA, March 19:

    ISFAHAN - The "Global Conference on Constructive Interaction among
    Divine Religions: A Framework for International Order" concluded work
    in this historical city in central Iran Sunday.

    The two-day event which hosted 160 scholars from 38 world countries
    aimed at safeguarding the sublime position of divine religions in
    today world and highlighting the need for protecting religious sacred
    sites from terrorist attacks and destruction.

    As the first in the kind to be held in world, the conference provided
    an apt opportunity for scholars belonging to different divine
    religions including Muslims, Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians to
    express their views on inter-faith dialogue and raise their voices to
    condemn any forms of sacrilegious acts against holy religions.

    Isfahan was designated as the Cultural Capital of the Islamic World
    on January 1, 2006.

    Was this just a propaganda-fest for the regime? We hope not, although
    this clip, also from IRNA March 19, is less than encouraging:

    ISFAHAN - A Spanish scholar here Sunday stressed that the conflict
    between Iran and the US was indeed a war between "good and evil."

    A researcher and writer on theological topics Raol Gonzales made the
    remark in an interview with IRNA on the sidelines of the two-day
    "Global Conference on Constructive Interaction among Divine
    Religions: A Framework for International Order," which opened here
    Saturday morning.

    Gonzales blamed the tyrannical nature of the US President George
    Bush, who believes that every single person who is not with him is
    surely against him, as the main cause of the most of the conflicts
    underway in different parts of the world today.

    Describing victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran as wonder which
    shocked the whole world, Gonzales said it was only a miracle that a
    country, which relied heavily on the US aid and followed its policies
    unquestioningly, managed to confront and fight it.

    Referring to the Iraqi imposed war on Iran, the scholar said the
    attack launched by Iraq against Iranian nation was not a mere war in
    its usual sense but rather an event which was supported by many
    hegemonic powers in the world to suppress the justice-seeking voice
    of Iranian Muslim nation.

    He further believed the recent attacks on the Holy Shiite shrines was
    a plot hatched by the US to sow discord among Muslims and followers
    of other religions.

    This one, again from IRNA, smells a bit better:

    ISFAHAN - The Archbishop of Armenian Christian Church Nerses
    Buzabolyan here on Sunday stressed that the identical origin of all
    monotheistic faiths is the element of convergence among all divine
    religions and said any insult to the sanctities of each of them would
    hurt the feelings of the followers of other faiths as well.

    The archbishop made the remark in an interview with IRNA here Sunday
    on the sidelines of the "Global Conference on Constructive
    Interaction among Divine Religions: A Framework for International
    order," which opened here Saturday with participation of 160 scholars
    from 40 countries.

    Buzabolyan commented that the spiritual tenets, shared by all the
    divine religions, provide them with a common background in that all
    the religions, believing in God as the central part of their faith,
    share the basic principle that the oneness of God means all human
    beings are equipped with wisdom to "feel and see" the presence of God
    in every moment of their lives. That, he added, would definitely
    prevent them from committing such silly acts as undertaking
    sacrilegious actions against any of the divine religions.

    He further hailed the ongoing inter-faith dialogue conference as the
    first preliminary step towards establishing dialogue among divine
    religions because, he said, it would certainly help promote unity and
    solidarity among followers of different faiths in a number of
    practical ways.

    He believed the interaction and exchange of views among scholars
    during the event would help them remove walls and barriers and wipe
    out many baseless and hollow prejudices.

    Archbishop Buzabolyan went on to express hope that the present
    gathering would encourage many other similar events in other
    countries resulting in establishment of a lasting dialogue among

    Of course inerfaith unity in opposition to free speech and secularism
    is also less then encouraging. IRNA, March 18:

    ISFAHAN - An Iranian priest stressed that insulting Holy Prophet of
    Islam (PBUH) would in fact be an offensive act towards all divine

    Talking to IRNA at the sideline of the 'Global Conference on
    Constructive Interaction among Divine Religions: A Framework for
    International Order' here on Saturday, Hacoop Arekelian said all
    prophets tried to convey a common message which was revealed to them
    by single God.

    He believed the conference was of great importance in that it aimed
    at consolidating unity among followers of all divine religions and
    institutionalizing respect to divine religions among people.

    At least Jews were invited. And at least they are acknowledging that
    the Holocaust happened. IRNA, March 19:

    ISFAHAN - A leading Austrian Jewish Rabbi said here that holocaust
    catastrophe in Europe, which victimized millions of Jews, is nowadays
    used as an instrument for suppressing the rightful demands of the
    world nations.

    Rabbi Moishe Fridmann, who leads the Association of Anti-Zionist Jews
    in Austria, made the remark late Saturday on the sidelines of the
    two-day "Global Conference on Constructive Interaction among Divine
    Religions: A Framework for International Order".

    Now, did the one in Denmark ever happen? This AP account is from Feb.

    COPENHAGEN - Denmark will host a conference next month to promote
    religious dialogue following the uproar over the Prophet Muhammad
    cartoons, the Foreign Ministry announced on Thursday.

    The government will also give "a significant financial contribution"
    to a U.N. programme aimed at overcoming prejudice between Islam and
    the West, and support an Islamic festival in Copenhagen, Foreign
    Minister Per Stig Moeller, said in a statement.

    The conference on religious and cultural dialogue will take place in
    the Danish capital on March 10, ministry officials said.

    "This conference will bring together the prominent Islamic preacher
    Amr Khaled, two Islamic scholars from the Arab world and three Danish
    experts," Moeller said.

    He said the government was planning a range of initiatives to promote
    "respectful dialogue," partly drawing on advice given by Muslim

    "In Denmark there is a genuine respect for the religious feelings of
    other people and we acknowledge that many Muslims felt gravely
    insulted by these controversial drawings," the foreign Minister said.

    Ministry officials said they would contact Arab and international
    media to spread the Minister's message, and posted a link of his
    videotaped statement on the ministry's Web page.