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Out-Of-Turn Speech Against Azerbaijan

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  • Out-Of-Turn Speech Against Azerbaijan

    14:27 28/03/06

    During the session of the Economic Committee of Parliamentary Congress
    of Black Sea Economic Cooperation the Azeri delegation put forward its
    allegations to return the territory as well as to give the refugees
    an opportunity to return to the former dwellings.

    All this were the reason why the head of the Armenian delegation
    Gagik Minasyan made an out-of-turn speech.

    Today at the conference the latter read an extract from that speech:
    "There is no basis to call Nagorno Karabakh a dim territory. NK people
    build their state system according to all the international law and
    democratic principles... The economic blockade of a whole state is
    the highest level of economic cooperation realized by Azerbaijan
    against Armenia ..."

    As G. Minasyan informed at the conference today, they were ready to
    attacks by Azerbaijan. "We were afraid for the Azeri delegation to
    speculate of Karabakh issue," he noticed. As G. Minasyan said after
    his speech the Azeri abstained from further discussion of NK issue.

    However, G. Minasyan will perhaps have no more chance to make such
    anti-Azeri announcements as he is no longer Deputy of President of
    the Economic Committee.

    The matter is that as a result of change of the legislation of the
    committee the latter is going to have only one deputy. And this time
    the Deputy is going to be Vladimir Badalyan representing "National
    Deputy" group.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress