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Galilee Bishop Speaks For Justice, Friendship And Peace

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  • Galilee Bishop Speaks For Justice, Friendship And Peace

    By Sonia Nettnin, India
    March 29 2006

    Rev. Dr. Abuna Elias Chacour spoke about the need for security and
    peace between Israelis and Palestinians. He said people need to take
    responsibility for one another by befriending people they consider
    their enemies.

    Chacour is the founder and president of Mar Elias University, located
    in Ibillin, Israel - where Muslims, Christians and Jews interact
    at the educational and social levels. On February 25, 2006 Chacour
    became the Catholic Bishop of the Galilee.

    Chacour spoke at North Park University in Chicago, where hundreds
    of people celebrated the tenth anniversary of The Center for Middle
    Easter Studies. Here is a condensed summary of what Chacour said to
    an audience of Muslims, Christians and Jews.

    "It is really a great pleasure to be with you. You should envy me
    for what I see. I see a beautiful face. May God bless you and give
    you courage to say the truth to the people and flatter the poor. I
    will do what I normally do but very short and succinctly.

    I have the pride of introducing myself as a Palestinian. I am a proud
    Palestinian. I am Palestinian-Arab, which means my mother language
    is this very easy to learn Arabic language (audience chuckled). I
    challenge you; you will see even our children in kindergarten they
    speak very easily (audience chuckled more).

    I am also a Christian - that complicates the picture a little bit.

    People ask how comes were you born Christian thank God I converted
    to Christianity. I am also strongly as convincingly a citizen of the
    State of Israel. No way would I hide my social identity. Who am I
    first: Israeli citizen? Israel is an entity 58 years-old and I am 66
    years-old. Israel immigrated into my country; my people became the
    Jews of the Jews. They were scattered into three major groups who
    experienced their Diaspora.

    The first major group is in neighboring, outside countries - Egypt,
    Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. The second major group in the Occupied
    Territories (West Bank and Gaza). They did not know they were going
    for no return and 58 years later they're still refugees.

    A very striking example is a piece of desert called Gaza. Gaza had
    45,000 inhabitants originally but after Al-Nakba (the Palestinian
    Catastrophe) the rest (of the people) are Diaspora from 460? towns
    and villages and these people in Gaza were left with no freedom and
    no rights but they were free to make children who are healthy, clever,
    ambitious, but without any future.

    Twenty years later after they became refugees Israel controlled all
    of Palestine including Gaza Strip and added the provision of daily
    humiliation. It's not hard to convince young man or young woman to
    end their own lives. We have this horrible phenomenon of suicide
    bomber. Let us be clear: Islam does not order these crimes against
    society. But we are naïve if we condemn suicide bombers and think we
    have done our job; destroying homes, killing people, imprisoning people
    (are contributing factors to the conflict).

    It is our job to regenerate the hope in the hearts of our young people.

    The only thing to do is to end the occupation so that Israel can live
    peacefully side by side with Occupied Territories that were destined
    to become Palestine.

    I was born a baby with a birth certificate. I was converted to
    Christianity not long ago. He is our major problem: we don't know what
    to do without Him; we don't know what to do with Him. It is confusing.

    Two-thousand years ago that I was converted to Christianity and my
    forefathers preached humanity built on two realities. They started
    saying to humanity there should be no privilege of Jew against
    Palestinian, man against woman (equality).

    I'm living in this Holy Land with the complexity of my identity and
    what is wrong between Jews and Palestinians and why are we fighting for
    almost a century. There has been no war of religion between Judaism and
    Islam. It is not an ethnic conflict. During a speaking engagement with
    Golda Meir I told her I'm more Semite than you. She was born in Russia
    and she grew up in Milwaukee, but I speak Hebrew with an Abram accent.

    It's a territorial conflict - land of Israel, land of Palestine.

    Palestinian want justice what did we got we got misery only misery
    only starvation only poverty we did not got justice.

    We made a divorce between peace and justice and we need to remarry
    them - that's what we are missing. Religion is playing major role
    to justify a political, national existence in the Holy Land - not
    religion as such - but the selective reading of our Scriptures. Each
    one tries to find justification for his political philosophy and
    that's why I wrote second book, 'We Belong to the Land.' The (Mar
    Elias) school we try to create role model to see if we can change
    the mentality in education of children to respect no matter who is
    in front of you...changing the policy of tolerance.

    I am a tolerated person in Israel but I never tolerated any Jew.

    Tolerance bears in itself the seeds of brutality and persecution. We
    are trying to educate our children to go beyond tolerance to a welcome
    acceptance of the other. We are testing whether we can create unity
    within the existing diversity. Instead of considering Palestinian
    or Christian or Muslim or Jew as contradicting we are trying to make
    that a real challenge.

    It's not a matter of denying or solidarity it's a matter of
    education. How we portray non-Jew to the Jew and the Jew to the
    Palestinian. People see in the other the potential enemy or danger.

    This is where the solution has to be looked for. I have few experiences
    these past, few months.

    Last August a Jewish soldier riding on a bus from Haifa to the
    city of Shfaram took his machine gun and killed the driver, two
    Muslim sisters (and another person). Twelve others were injured. The
    soldier was killed and the police were unable to liberate (retrieve)
    his body. The minister of police was sitting on the roof of a house
    while tens of thousands of people around the bus.

    'This is a political man,' the chief of police said to me. 'If you
    can help us.'

    'I can go,' I said.

    I said to the people: 'I want to see the body of the soldier,' and
    making my way between the young people enraged, nervous, I reached
    the bus.

    'Abuna the brain of the driver is still in a plastic sack on the
    left-hand side of the bus,' a man said to me.

    I walked in the blood.

    Where was the Jewish blood and where was the Palestinian blood. I
    could not see who was Jewish or Palestinian who was the same color,
    who was the same smell the same horror. I walked in the blood;
    I walked in the blood of my brothers, the Palestinians and the Jews.

    We are Christians, Muslims and Jews. We are enraged and we have
    the right to be shocked we are shocked. We are instructed from our
    religions whenever our enemy falls in front of us the only thing we
    have to do is respect him and bury him with respect. Soldier of an
    unpardonable crime. Our duty is to let him go.

    It was 90 minutes before I could convince the crowd to let the chief
    of police and his men retrieve the body. I told the soldiers: 'The
    time you are here no one is secure go away and security will come
    back to the town.' Nine soldiers were there with their machine guns.

    I stood between me and the people. (Reader's note: Chacour said he
    stood between the people...the people).

    I told the soldier: 'you better take away of your machine guns and
    go away with peace.' The chief of police told the soldiers: 'did you
    hear what he said the priest? He said go away.'

    The men walked away. I said to the people: 'Go home silently. Respect
    our people who were dead. Come back tomorrow we'll organize a huge
    march against bloodshed against terrorism.'

    Fifty-thousand people there were many Jews, I must confess the next
    day. Eight days later we celebrated. We wanted to celebrate our
    martyrs our two Christians, a way to celebrate to remember two Muslim
    sisters. Pray to God to give them eternal rest. Full of Christians,
    Muslims and Jews praying for their own martyrs in the church. It was
    the sweet from the bittersweet of the martyrdom.

    We never read in Israel about a Zion. We don't want to read about Zion
    (then, to the best of my knowledge, Chacour referred to the following
    Biblical passage)

    "Even the ox has knowledge of its owner, and the ass of the place where
    its master puts its food: but Israel has no knowledge, my people give
    no thought to me." Isaiah 1:3

    The land does not belong to you it belongs to God. These passages
    have to be read in the context of the Bible. The Bible has to be read
    it is the struggle between God and humanity. That is why I think we
    need to go back to the original interpretation of the Bible.

    The first, two questions that God asks humanity: 'Where are you?' He
    was hiding because he did something bad. 'Where is your brother?'
    Crime worse than am I my brother's custodian you are coming to ask
    me? (Here is the passage I believe Chacour referred to)

    "And the LORD said unto Cain, Where [is] Abel thy brother? And he said,
    I know not: [Am] I my brother's keeper?" Genesis 4:9

    As a Christian this question (where is your brother?) has changed
    dramatically. I am my brother's custodian. I am responsible for my
    brothers. Jews in the concentrations and Palestinian refugees. I'm
    responsible what happened to my Jewish brothers and sisters in the
    concentration, but in no way am I guilty. To be responsible means
    to be ready to ally for one common front so that no way no such
    holocaust horrors happened anywhere against anyone anybody anytime
    - a common front so that no more holocausts against human beings
    (audience clapped loudly).

    The Armenian is a Holocaust (Armenian Holocaust) - the genocide in
    Cambodia. I was in Cambodia ten years ago I saw mass graves. These
    people were not buried. They were buried alive. What happened in
    Rwanda. When will we have what happened time and time against the

    In the Talmud it says when you save one human life it is as if you
    save the whole human world. When you kill one human life it is as if
    you kill the whole human world.

    We use religions in order to justify our own selfishness, ambition,
    political objectives.

    Why did I tell you all of these stories in a rapid way because I
    believe you can make a difference you can make a big difference. I
    come to beg. I want a favor from you. I'm not begging for money. I
    am here to beg you for something much more difficult. I am inviting
    you to change your mind if your need is there.

    On behalf of Palestinian children I beg you to give your friendship
    to Jews but if you take the side of the Jews and you empathize with
    the Jews but if it is in enmity against me you are wrong. It should
    mean to speak to the heart of your friend so that he accepts his
    enemy as a potential friend.

    When you visit Palestinians if they do not have they will borrow
    money to give you what you need to feel comfortable (Palestinians
    are generous and hospitable people).

    But if the side of the Palestinians would mean for you that you will
    justify the violence all our people commit; if taking our side to
    encourage us to go ahead with our hatred then we do not need your
    friendship. You are reducing yourself to being one more enemy. We do
    not need you to come to us to reduce us to pieces.

    We are struggling to find a way out of this nightmare of killing
    each other.

    Jews and Palestinians never risk to live alone or die alone. We are
    condemned to walk side by side or to hang by each other. We were
    never enemies with the Jews until 1948. I am all for the Jews to have
    freedom of expression, home and homeland. I am ready to struggle with
    the Jews because they are human beings. But when my people cannot
    live, how can I agree when my people are homeless, the scattered,
    the dispersed, how can I agree? There should be another solution so
    that there is justice, peace and security.

    This is your responsibility as human beings unless you want to be
    like the sheet of paper that came out of the factory, immaculate like
    white snow on the table by itself, but the pens and pencils around
    the paper did not approach...clean white empty forever. What kind
    of hand do you want: clean and empty hands or hands loaded with dirt
    because you worked in order to save the poor and the impoverished?"

    *** Directors Claude Roshem-Smith and Andre Chapel made a documentary
    about Chacour. Here is a link to a review of the film: Elias Chacour:
    Prophet in His Own Country. n290306.htm

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