01:53 pm 30 March, 2006
The Foreign Ministry of Nagorno - Kharabahk made an announcement
on the failure of the OSCE observation because of the breach of the
cease - fire by the Azeri side on the border of Nagorno - Kharabahk
and Azerbaijan.
Drawing the attention of the international society to the multiple
regular cases of the cease - fire violation by the military forces
of Azerbaijan on the above - mentioned border including the shelling
during the observations the Foreign Ministry deems it necessary
to declare that these actions are the outcome of permanent military
oratory of the Azeri Administration which do not deserve the attention
of the interested countries and organisations. The attempts of the
mediators to put responsibility of the cease - fire violation equally
on all sides of the conflict create prerequisites of nonpunishment
for Azerbaijan, the real guilty of the violations, which is not
permissible at all. On this score the Foreign Ministry says that any
silent assistance can stir the sides of the conflict to the violation
of the existing balance and instability all over the Caucasus,"
This is mentioned in the announcement of the Foreign Ministry of
01:53 pm 30 March, 2006
The Foreign Ministry of Nagorno - Kharabahk made an announcement
on the failure of the OSCE observation because of the breach of the
cease - fire by the Azeri side on the border of Nagorno - Kharabahk
and Azerbaijan.
Drawing the attention of the international society to the multiple
regular cases of the cease - fire violation by the military forces
of Azerbaijan on the above - mentioned border including the shelling
during the observations the Foreign Ministry deems it necessary
to declare that these actions are the outcome of permanent military
oratory of the Azeri Administration which do not deserve the attention
of the interested countries and organisations. The attempts of the
mediators to put responsibility of the cease - fire violation equally
on all sides of the conflict create prerequisites of nonpunishment
for Azerbaijan, the real guilty of the violations, which is not
permissible at all. On this score the Foreign Ministry says that any
silent assistance can stir the sides of the conflict to the violation
of the existing balance and instability all over the Caucasus,"
This is mentioned in the announcement of the Foreign Ministry of