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AAA: House Foreign Aid Panel Reinstates US Policy on Security Parity

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  • AAA: House Foreign Aid Panel Reinstates US Policy on Security Parity

    Armenian Assembly of America
    1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
    Washington, DC 20036
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]

    May 22, 2006
    CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Approves $62 million for Armenia in FY 07 Foreign Aid Bill

    Washington, DC - The Armenian Assembly praised members of a key
    foreign aid subcommittee today for reinstating U.S. policy to maintain
    military aid parity between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Fiscal Year
    (FY) 2007 Foreign Operations bill. Earlier this year, the
    Administration submitted a request for Azerbaijan that exceeded
    security assistance to Armenia by $1.095 million.

    Lawmakers approved a symmetrical appropriation that amounts to $3.5
    million in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and an additional $790,000
    in International Military Education and Training (IMET) assistance to
    both Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    "We appreciate the efforts of the House Appropriations Committee and
    credit its Foreign Operations Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Jim Kolbe
    (R-AZ) and Ranking Member Rep. Nita M. Lowey (D-NY) for maintaining
    equal security assistance between Armenia and Azerbaijan," said
    Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "We especially appreciate
    the outstanding leadership of Armenian Caucus Co-Chair and Committee
    Member, Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), for his efforts in restoring
    parity and protecting the fragile cease-fire at a time when Azerbaijan
    continues to threaten a resumption of war against Nagorno Karabakh."

    Following the vote, Knollenberg told the Assembly that "It is vitally
    important that Congress maintain military assistance parity between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan. We do not want to unintentionally disturb the
    delicate balance of power that exists in the South Caucasus nor weaken
    our credibility as an impartial and leading mediator in the Nagorno
    Karabakh peace process."

    "Given the fact that relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan continue
    to be tenuous, it is imperative that the U.S. maintain a balanced
    approach," said Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ).
    "Furthermore, I am pleased that the Committee called for a higher
    allocation to Armenia than that requested by the Administration."

    The FY 2007 foreign aid bill also includes $62 million in economic aid
    to Armenia and up to $5 million in humanitarian assistance to Nagorno
    Karabakh. The level of funding for Armenia, although less than the
    amount Congress appropriated in FY 2006, is $12 million more than that
    requested by the Administration in February. In that request, the
    Administration also called for an additional $1 million in FMF to
    Azerbaijan over Armenia and suggested $885,000 for Azerbaijan versus
    $790,000 for Armenia in IMET assistance.

    The overall request level reflects a $41 million drop in assistance
    for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, from $482
    million in 2006 to $441 million in 2007.

    During the House Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee
    hearing in April, the Assembly submitted testimony for the hearing
    record, outlining the need for Congress to continue funding to Armenia
    and Nagorno Karabakh. Additionally, the Assembly supported a letter
    initiated by Pallone and Armenian Caucus Member Rep. George Radanovich
    (R-CA) and co-signed by 48 additional Members of Congress,
    highlighting important priorities for Armenia and Karabakh.

    The bill will be considered by the full House Appropriations Committee
    this week. Once the House of Representatives and Senate complete
    action on their versions of the bill, a joint House-Senate Conference
    Committee will reconcile the differences.

    The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
    nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness
    of Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership

